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54963705 No.54963705 [Reply] [Original]

At the booth next to me in a restaurant, he’s telling them about how smart Richard Heart is and how they have to have to invest.

How the fuck did Richard manage to swindle so many rural boomer Americans that are so averse to crypto?

>> No.54963728


Pulsechain is the the next moon mission.


>> No.54963761

dumb people always want to sound smart, now that everyone talks about pulse, the dummies think, it will make them smart when they talk and invest about and in this shit

>> No.54963765

Richard is unironically a genius.

>> No.54963773

but wait for, when the bridge opens up, we will slaughter those normies on their own chain
90% of hexicans are metamask users, they stand no chance

>> No.54963778

What's wrong with Metamask?

>> No.54963788

What else would you use?

>> No.54963796

Theres always a bigger idiot than me, all I got to do is just ship before it sinks. How do I get my money into this?

>> No.54963795

exactly what i said
metamask users, kek

>> No.54963798

>he didn't switch to frame

>> No.54963811

He said he had 4 billion PulseX and 800 million Pulse, he’s telling them about sacrificing tokens and stuff. Not trolling, literal fucking boomer retard, they don’t know what he’s talking about and he’s trying to show them on his phone. I thought I was having a stroke when I heard him say it.

>> No.54963828

That's good,for some reason HEX and PLS have huge normie exposure,not a murican but that's what I gathered these past few days

>> No.54963843
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Big PP Energy Anon, only big PP Chads can understand this.

>> No.54963850

ben is gonna be the next ponzi that american boomers buy

>> No.54963851

if the marketing strategy is lying about imaginary scenarios on the internet, then it's no wonder that nobodybuys this garbage. prison eoy

>> No.54963865

getting deep ANT-shares vibes from PLS

>> No.54964424

Its the branding and marketing, Richard even says this in his old videos why do you think the logos are similiar to instagram colors etc. He's making it all a normie magnet on purpose

>> No.54964500

So have the networks been forked yet? I have Hex and Eth on metamask and I haven't recieved anything.

>> No.54964501

Based boomer gonna make his entire bloodline rich.

Also this type of word of mouth evangelism is the most bullish sign you could ask for in a coin.

>> No.54964567

You have to add the Pulsechain network to your metamask by visiting the official Pulsechain .com website

>> No.54964594

I'm so rekt
I did a huge sac early on day 1, most of my money, became a top sac'er, and didn't know 900 fucking million would buy in after me
this shit is so overbought, I hope my 2x volume bonus saves me.......

>> No.54964713

Neo before it rebranded? I'm a zoomer so I vaguely remember this. You saying it's gonna moon hard like that?

>> No.54965147

basically gains and volatility is reduced every cycle. pulse is a holdout from previous cycle. what do you think is going to happen?

>> No.54965157

dont worry scrote, that was RH

>> No.54965292

anyone can eli5 how to invest in pulsechain?

>> No.54965305

you'll need to wait until bridging is done. maybe its done already. then change RPC in metamask to pulsechain using info from reputable site. brdige over eth or whatever.

>> No.54965323

who cares, boomers deserve to be scammed and I am happy that they will be.
kek. laugh at the baggie.

>> No.54965344

worst bait ive ever read. 800 million pulse is quite literally $800k at sac and 4 billion plsx is like 600k

>> No.54965401

Do you have any idea how many boomers etcthere are out there and how much money they have? People out here shit talking richard for making the Crocs shoes equivalent in crypto, dummies, Crocs shoes makes billions a year

>> No.54965437

winning ugly indeed

>> No.54965483

Laugh at the baggie who has payed off almost all debt and paid off my home and mother's home due to Hex.


>> No.54966345

That’s what he was saying, I don’t fucking know

>> No.54967274

Which isnt a bad thing if people buy into it and pump it.

>> No.54967649
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That boomer is fucking based. You should have bought him a drink, cuck.

>> No.54968511

How much PLS and PLSX to make it?

>> No.54968523

Because boomers are retarded and gullible as fuck

>> No.54968532

Nice bait, I use Ledger. Kinda have to, now, since I own millions of PLS.

>> No.54968540

This. /biz/ will pretend he's retarded but he stole 2 billion dollars from the mentally retarded. Good stuff!

>> No.54968567

curious question

how did i profit $50,000 by selling 25% of my HEX if Richard is a scam artist?
I got in 1 year late, btw.

>> No.54968586

800M PLS is about $80k sac at normie rate, and only 40k if he pooled to get the bonus multiplier
4B PLSX is 400k normie rate and 200k via pool

>> No.54968598


>> No.54968619

What is the "pool" rate?

>> No.54968658

Boomers also own almost all of the stock market and real estate and gold etc

>> No.54968692

you got bonus multiplier depending on how much you sacced, some people pooled their funds together in order to reach those multipliers they wouldn't have been able to get on their own

>> No.54969183

>ugh i hate this boomer reeetard
>wahh i hate richard he's so arrogant
>sam bankman freid was supposed to be legit with his normie appeal
>how tf was richard the one to bet on
>maybe I should just kms
Do it you faggot
You will never be sigma
You will always be poor

>> No.54969223

That's an interesting point. Most people in crypto are so hideous for some reason - vitalik, bankman, cz, tiwari, no wonder RH looks so out of place. It's almost like he tries to appeal to everyone, not just tech freaks.

>> No.54969241


>> No.54969262

Goddamn, one PLSX whale selling off 2-3billion at a time to get into PLS right now. Sacrificed over 1 Mill USD for PLSX according to the checker.

>> No.54969293

Yea, everyone who was late for PLS had to sac for PLSX. It's actually mindblowing - people had 3 chances to get on chain pre bridge, with PLS, PLSX and now by selling their shitcoins like forked frog or dog coins (or even stables!) It was really hard to miss yet some people still did.

>> No.54969508
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shill me your pls bets. my first trade is into plswojak - what should i do next?

>> No.54969644

my bet is that this whole thread consists of severe samefagging. as for the project, richard will be in jail and the tokens will be worthless

>> No.54969804

plswojak is good
get pls pepe
these two were made by /biz/ anons so safe bet they won't rug until days after bridge

then other picks

pls printer
pulse dogecoin
pulse genius

and some default PRC tokens like LINK and USDT

>> No.54969814

1 billion sacrificied for pulsex verifyable ON CHAIN. that's 40k people. you think we need to samefag on a multi-bil, top 10 coin? kek get a brain anon

>> No.54969845

Twitter please

>> No.54969854

Ironically almost every token on PulseChain already have value. People been selling their forget dog coins and getting free PLS. It is the biggest airdrop in space, after all.

>> No.54969859

>their forget dog coins
I meant forked coins.

>> No.54969877

of what?

>> No.54969883
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Richard knows how traditional marketing works. It's funny how he's the only one in crypto sending actual letters as promotional channel.

>> No.54969884

should i be adding liquidity for pls/plsx? and farming for incentive token?

>> No.54969960

well im doing it. why the fuck not eh?

>> No.54970015

I fear going into this because everyone seems to be heavily invested on this and I’ll get my ass wrecked.

>> No.54970074
File: 108 KB, 1368x864, jeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get pls pepe
I checked it out, don't buy it. Dev is a retarded jeet and killing every rally by dumping his own supply (he got ~500.000.000 of plspepe)

>> No.54970150

ppl seem to miss that without stables pls will move like early btc. pulse is going to melt faces.

>> No.54970165

as long as you can stomach the early volatility, then you'll do better than fine. it is still very much early. probably fewer than 100k were involved in both sacrifices. 90% of total $$$ sacc'd came from you know who. if he pulls a vitalik and burns supply ala shibainu...bros im so fucking hard.

>> No.54970192
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That's not a lot of dev dumps for this token, I sold about 30 billion so far and they seem to have an active tele so it's stupid to not pack a bag of it. I'm keeping the rest of my stack until after bridge.

It's actually low enough now that it's buy time again.

>> No.54970199

this coin could pump crazy btw I'm so far up around 100x

someone aped 13 million PLS at that initial runup

>> No.54970279

Nah him dumping pre-bridge means he won't even let it pump properly, scaring away all the investors. Not sure why you're defending him, guy is a 100% brown.

>> No.54970292

Parasites flock together with mental gymnastics.
Not surprised people fall for grifters but this shit is really something, everyone pays one dudes luxury life, 24/7/365.

>> No.54970302

>Not sure why you're defending him
Cause I made x's on it

Pjswojak has not pumped nearly close as pepe tho so I got a big bag too

>> No.54970310

>Cause I made x's on it
Who didn't? It's not that hard when there's like 10 tokens on chain and everything pumps. I'm just saying, if he won't stop to be a dumb poor jeet, he won't let that coin fly.

>> No.54970311

And it’s useless, and the retards will never grasp it!
The world are really peaking!

>> No.54970312


>> No.54970330
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He should take note


wojak looks ready to blow too. and PLS printer ran up 10x yesterday

>> No.54970339

Wojak anon said he burned tokens and renounced contract, pretty based. This is why I'm trying to save anons from that jeet scam called plspepe

>> No.54970377
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Pulse printer up too

/biz/ should be packing these coins before the normies come through that bridge

>> No.54970383

wow thats awesome
>green candle is the most powerful force in the universe
i concur. i remember my first - BTT - just continually printing 1minute green candles; each representing +$1k. never felt anything like it. better than 95% of sex. and to this day the second most sexiest thing ive seen is HEX dropping 30% during may 2021 dump and recovering in three days and continuing to make new highs - FUCKING HOT.

>> No.54970389

>Wojak anon said he burned tokens and renounced contract, pretty based. This is why I'm trying to save anons from that jeet scam called plspepe
Wojak is cleaner but has less momentum

>> No.54970419

It doesn't matter if the price for it is being dumped on by the dev. This guy is such a pussy he won't even come out of hiding now. Guy had a golden geese in his own hands that would've made him a billionaire and he decided to fucking jeet PRE BRIDGE, even before all the normies come flooding on the chain. At least now I believe that he's from /biz/. No one else is that fucking retarded.

>> No.54970426

im in wojak since yesterday, because it lacks momentum im also not going to jeet this early so it keeps its current spot, if eventually more people find it and the chart looks solid, it has a moment to just go imo
plus plspepe had dev or someone dumping insane loads to not let it go which made me sell it all, if more people give up then they might go for wojak

>> No.54970444

kek'd if this is actually true glad I took profit

>> No.54970484

Checked. Me too, I was actually planning to hold it until the bridge goes live and then I noticed some illogical dumps, small ones on every single buy, and turns out it's our little friend trying to sneak out some PLS for himself >>54970074
All he had to do is to sell half of his plspepe for pls and add it all to LP so there's no supply shock when too many people try to buy it after bridge launches.

Good thing there's more coins on Pulse already so people won't miss it.

>> No.54970502

The holder ratio on pls pepe actually looks stupid scammy, devs seem to hold something like 50% of the supply. But if it pumps it pumps, I'm keeping a few dozen bil just in case.

>> No.54970556
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jesus, that dexscreener page eats CPU and RAM for breakfast. PLSX is rising against PLS, some big brain can spoonfeed us brainlets about what a sensible theoretical ratio between the two would look like? not that anyone can do anything with their 1 PLS for gas anyway

>> No.54970610

On every testnet PLS:PLSX ratio was 1:3 but mainnet doesn't behave like any of them so far.

>> No.54970727

kek I remember when a boomer was telling me about how he was delayyed because he was busy getting into the GME short squeeze

this was at the very GME top

I still remember how out of breath and excited he sounded. He was a chess player supposedly 2000 rated and I played him three times and won twice, despite being 1600 at best

>> No.54970731


>> No.54970735

as for your question I think boomers are generally more swayed by psychological games than facts

they love "exploiting the psyche" even though they're all really transparent and shit at doing it, they just end up being children. Richard Heart exploits this mentality very well so in that regard I admit he is pretty smart

>> No.54971044

This, i got all this shit in the mail.

>> No.54971243

how long until Richards bridge gets frontrun by a third party if he doesn't hurry up

>> No.54971304

When you're talking about Pulse Doge, Pulse shib etc.. do you mean those that have the exact hash like on ETH or fake ones?

>> No.54972504
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>>richard will be in jail and the tokens will be worthless

Richard did me very good on Hex and his old livestreams 100% told people over and over to stay away from centralized exchanges. I don't know what the future holds for pulse but it's worth it for me and I hope all /biz/ bros can make it with pls. ps. i'm shilling plswojak too, k?

>> No.54973028

based RH tried to warn people about the clotshots, FTX, Blockfi, Celsius, smart contract hacks, etc


>> No.54973805

so many shetx baggies shilling here

too bad you'll never get your money back, your erc20 shittoken stays worthless

>> No.54973806

Pretty brutal that he leverages what's only like a 30iq point gap to financially rape so many average to below average people. The real magic is that he can get through to them to gain their trust in the first place. When I try tell people this shit, they clearly trust the system way more. Must be because I'm trying to help them while Richard is trying to rape them even harder than the establishment. They must like that.

>> No.54973828

5mm each

>> No.54974223



>> No.54974942
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Not your private army, fag

Also, waiting for bridge

>> No.54974975

the id switch worked, happy replying to your own post