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54959647 No.54959647 [Reply] [Original]

Do you still believe in crypto? Fundamentally?

>> No.54959675

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>> No.54959690

I got a list, here's the order of my list that gets in. It goes:
>Big Mac and Ari
>AAVE from ETHlend
and then me.
But in this industry we're the cause of a lot of envy
From short sighted faggots just trying to steal MEV.
That's why you see my walking round like nothing's bothering me
Even though half you people got a oracle problem with me
You hate it but you know respect you got to give me
WEF wet dream, your Schwab and your Schmidt, see.

>> No.54959714

Not even a little. It's all a complete scam.

>> No.54959818

I do, but I don't believe in shitcoins. The only good thing that came from shitcoins is that it scared the normies away because they thought they would make it with dog tokens and now act like resentful little faggots towards crypto as a whole when their obviously retarded plan failed. Behind every "LE CRYPTO-BROS ARE HECKING GOING BROKERINO", there is a legion of copers who unironically did exactly what I depicted above and strive to feel schadenfreude from every minor dump, when the reality is that on a sufficiently long time frame, we will make it with actual tokens that serve real world purposes, and they will continue to seethe and complain about it as if every crypto is akin to the chuck e cheese tokens they bought and went bankrupt over.

>> No.54960421

pajeet scam coins which goyim keep falling for are not "cryptocurrencies"
real crypto has never been tried

>> No.54960424


>> No.54960453

Yes the ones its an asset with high liquidity that can be widely used by millionaires everywhere that can also be used to avoid taxes so it will always have demand especially when millionaires can easily manipulate normies.

>> No.54960454
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Crypto, fundamentally? Are you serious, bro? Look, I've seen it all here. Scams, rug pulls, price suppression and other shady shit happening left and right. But you know what? There's one thing I believe in, and that's PartyKarts. While these clowns are out here playing with your hard-earned cash, we're revving our engines, building a real game, and creating value. So yeah, maybe crypto has its flaws, but PartyKarts is the real deal. Vroom vroom, bitches.

>> No.54960460

Ben Dover

>> No.54960463

add ICP
Switch GMX for GNS, if it takes you 10 months to deliver an update that was widely expected to take you 3 or 4 months tops, something is seriously wrong.
GMX delivered a good platfrom (with flaws) over 2 years ago. Since then they just ported that platform on Avalanche and didnt change/improve a thing.
GNS is constantly improving, product is way superior now. All it needs is to keep growing.

>> No.54960479

I got scamwicked on GNS and that was the first and last time I ever used that piece of shit. Wake me up when it's in the top 10 fee earning protocols along with GMX.

>> No.54960509

This didn’t rhyme bruh

>> No.54960830

>Do you still believe in crypto? Fundamentally?
I believe in it as a somewhat niche tool. Something that definitely serves a purpose for some people and for some use cases. But I don't believe that it will ever become mainstream or revolutionary.

I'd compare it to Linux. It's the biggest free (as in free speech) operating system, with many cool features that you don't get anywhere else. In some circles it has a majority share of the userbase. However, all in all, it's still very niche, not at all mainstream. Only like 1% of people regularly use it personally.

>> No.54960943

I do, it is the best option we have away from centralized fiat money, and talking about centralized, cryptos built for decentralized IDs and rights are great.

>> No.54960960

BTC, ETH, ORE, XRP, scams? You faggot have got to be having a laugh.

>> No.54960970

Crypto is evolving, there's been good crypto projects around lately, like the crypto that connect web2 IDs with web3.

>> No.54961339
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>> No.54961481

I wouldnt say never since you can have some black/white swan combined with some tech innovation that could make it pretty mainstream. But yeah I have a similar view

>> No.54961496

>I'd compare it to Linux
>However, all in all, it's still very niche
Every time you ping a server, it's very probably running on Linux
Not niche at all

>> No.54961722

such as???

>> No.54962901

blockchain is git for everything

>> No.54964639
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crypto is the best way to do any transaction online with complete anonymity and privacy. that's enough fundamental for based chads. (XMR)

>> No.54965215

I do kek, with things like Nilo coming out I don't think I'll do any other thing

>> No.54965226

You idiots have been shilling this crap so much, and I don't see what's the point on brush to earn kek

>> No.54965257

I just hope you find out soon enough that your crap is a complete scam kek

>> No.54965264

No, definitely nope

>> No.54965273
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>> No.54965599
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Yes. Marlin Protocol, Telos, etc., projects like that make me believe the future is bright. I also avoid Bitcoin and the like in order to keep this mindset of mine going.

>> No.54966225

Some can literarily control offchain apis like ore active nfts.

>> No.54966239
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I believe in XMR fundamentally.

>> No.54966267

not really. anything that successfully challenges the boomer markets will be subverted and destroyed and replaced with their own centralized version. which is what is happening now. the crypto market is less rigged than the boom boom market but that will end soon.