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54954682 No.54954682 [Reply] [Original]

$1000 is a lot of money.

>> No.54954706


But everything is too expensive.
Its like the system is designed to strip you on your money as soon as you get it.

When you think about it, you trade your existence doing a job, just to pay for the necessities to continue that existence

While some people just exist and do whatever they want

>> No.54954737

when you don't have it, yeah.

>> No.54954753
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It's not even one month of living expense.

>> No.54954759
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one month is a lot of time

>> No.54954791

Be fren
>Goes to bank to withdraw $1000.00
<Bank gets sus
<Why? What for?
>Im going on a trip
<No you shouldn't do that, we have these nice CD offers, do this instead
>No i need it just incase
<No do you know that if you get pulled over by police with $1000.00 you could lose that cash, please don't withdraw it
>Uhhmm im just ganna withdraw it, im sorry

>> No.54954800

Homeless people really have cheat codes anon.

>> No.54954822

nah senpai, $1000 ain't sht n it barely get u by these days. real money start at like 10k minimum. $1000 will maybe cover rent n bills for month if u lucky but ain't gon change ya life n won't get u far. $1000 feel like a lot when u young n broke but that sht don't last. u need real bread, lik $100k+ minimum to start doin sht n livin free. $1000 ain't shit dawg, that's pocket change for real ballas n hustlas

>> No.54954853

You can grow a portfolio 6,000,000%, but if at any single moment you lose 100% you go bust. This little fact of reality is employed by the ruling class to PERPETUALLY impoverish the masses to keep them scrimping and saving to live. They can do this via taxes, inflation. Not many people realize this because they think there is some fake and gay "free market", but bankers and the uber elite sit around and decide that YOU can afford housing to be 1/3 of your salary. They basically decide how much abuse you can handle and set forth to suck you dry. Because this country is supposedly the richest on the planet but no one really feels all that wealthy despite the pundits lauding the stupid notion that you can buy a big flat screen TV for $300. But you actually can't afford things like a lawyer or braces for your children.
Corporate American has created such a massive economy of scale that I don't think we appreciate just how low our wages are being suppressed. This country can provide you with renewable goods such as sugar, snacks, etc all day long. But your wages relative to something like an ounce of gold remains out of reach for many people. Your valuable work and labor is nothing more than a cost and your compensation is nothing more than arcade tickets to consume services until you die. Your home (bank) siphons off your work, and your pension, social security, and insurance are payments made to the government and Wallstreet. And they will 100% default on all of the benefits you think you are owed.
It is all a scam.

>> No.54954884

Now that I've turned 30 I realize this. When I was younger years, months, weeks days,seemed insignificant. Now I realize I probably have only about 600 months before I'm in the ground and maybe about 360 "good" months left before I'm old.

>> No.54954924
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just put another $1000 into ICP

>> No.54954958

The exposed heart of the banking system is exposed right now as interest rates increase. Banks can only invest your deposits in "safe" assets such as highly rated bonds. And in order for them to secure payment for large amounts of withdrawals they may have to sell assets at a loss as opposed to having time to let them mature on their own.
The amount of cash in the economy is very low compared to other items such as bank deposits which are "claims" on cash. Bank credit is created with the buying and selling of treasuries or some other collateral but it is important to note that although it is fungible (at this moment) with cash, they are not the same thing. If the banking system finds it necessary to dilute the cash in a substantial way then that will be the first step in Zimbabwe style hyper inflation.

>> No.54954976

Wait a few more years and soon you'll be day dreaming about getting T-boned in an intersection and what a relief it will be for it to all be over.