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54954557 No.54954557 [Reply] [Original]

I have applied for a part time job at an Amazon warehouse, it'd be my first job, when they told me to choose a date of 3 or 4 they let me choose to have a group interview they sent me an e-mail confirming the date but they didn't put a place, the "Direction" section was just "., ., ., ., ." I am a bit nervous that they won't send me another e-mail like the first one said (It said that they would send me another one with further instructions and the place of the interview) because it is a weekend and the interview is on Monday's morning, should I panic and try to contact them? Also any tips for the interview? How should I dress? Sorry for writing so much I'm just a bit nervous.

>> No.54954755

Did you get to pick your cage yet?

>> No.54954828

Ah yeah apparently here wanting to work an honest job is being a slave...

>> No.54954867

The problem is, it's not honest anon. Worker compensation has not increased with productivity since 1971 when the U.S. dollar was taken off the Gold Standard, meaning it's no longer backed by anything. So the employees are dishonest about giving you what you deserve in compensation, which makes employees lazy, which makes the employers dishonest... And it's a death spiral.

If Amazon is the only job you can find, then contact them. I'd say take the job and stick it out a bit. If there's no room for upwards movement or the atmosphere is gay, retarded or depressing then find another job.

>> No.54954877

>So the employees are dishonest

>> No.54954909

The nice part about working for a giant company like Amazon is that it's extremely easy to slack off and not get fired. I worked there over the summer in 2019 and spent half my shift in the shitter playing on my phone.

>> No.54954927

I wish I could get a job at Amazon. Looks easy and probably pays decent enough. But I live in a country where the minimum wage is $250.

It's possible that the lack of location on the confirmation email was simply an oversight, and they may send you further instructions closer to the interview date. It's always a good idea to follow up with the company if you haven't received any additional information closer to the interview date. You could try contacting them via email or phone to confirm the interview location and any other details you may need to know.

>> No.54954931

Amazon warehouse turnover is insane. The interview is them confirming you aren't a heroine junky who just plans on stealing from the company. The simple act of you going out of your way to contact them and confirm the details of your interview will probably impress them as their usual rabble would probably just no call no show. Don't overthink it anon

>> No.54955042

Ok thanks guys, I already sent an e-mail to the TEA that manages everything, if they don't answer by tomorrow I can always change the date of the interview to the 18. Fingers crossed.

>> No.54956020

just be yourself

>> No.54956074

They don't even do interviews. You can dress however the fuck you want. You go in and take a drug test thing (not for THC), and sign something saying they can do a background check. Then start like a week later.
I did it before. Be warned though, it's mind-numbingly boring work. Putting packages in boxes for 10 hours a day. Some places don't care about an airpod but official policy is you can't use them, so have a headband or something to cover it. Podcasts and music is the only way to get through it.

>> No.54956089
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I think the rest already gave you pretty solid advice but i can't stress enough that you should use at least 40% of the wage to do some scalping maybe try some memecoins with little ROI like peepo or any other usdt pair that doesn't need you to put 100 usd on gas fees. Do that for one year consistently and you'll have a HIUUUGE number up by the eoy

>> No.54956102


Send them a polite but formal e-mail pointing out the apparent location error, and that you'd like to verify the details on the meeting location.

Also, don't 'be yourself'. The company has zero interest in you as a human being. You research what they are looking for, then pretend to be an ideal employee. They have criteria and want textbook answers. Whoever pretends the best wins and gets the job. Then you work diligently as a good employee for a few weeks, and after a month slowly test limits and gradually slob down, doing slightly less work each week until you get called out for it, then you settle at that bare minimum.

>> No.54956137

To be honest I don't like investing in memecoins, it can go wrong really soon if you invest large ammounts, Bejitabro btw.
Got it, pretend to be a slave, work like it for some weeks then work less every month, thanks.

>> No.54956197

working for minimum wage?

>> No.54956213

Part time job. I think it was 9 euros per hour.

>> No.54956220

€9 an hour? That’s a fucking joke. What country?

>> No.54956225


>> No.54956254

What a terrible advice. You work there until you have nothing new to learn, then you find something more challenging. You don't wage for money, you do it for skill and connections, and personal growth. Otherwise you become good at slacking, which is a fucking waste of your time.

>> No.54956326

serve me coffee wagie. and you'll do it with a smile!

>> No.54956329

100% fine for low skilled/unskilled work. Supply and demand wagie