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File: 27 KB, 802x230, Monero-Bounty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54953658 No.54953658 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54953665

>morero has been going down since then

>> No.54953673

>only 625,000
Cheap asses

>> No.54953689

The Gov and maybe 10 other people are really the only people who give af about that

>> No.54953719

Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit

>> No.54953760

>doesn't realize a certain organization within the US gov already broke it

>> No.54953808

>>doesn't realize a certain organization within the US gov already broke it
100% false. You no longer even need a crypto exnchange. KEK https://localmonero.co/?language=en

>> No.54953824

Is there somewhere I can trade my meme BRC for monero?

>> No.54953839

seriously what the fuck the blatant disrespect

>> No.54954067

Fine, I'll do it. You Moneroniggers have been shitting up the board for too long anyways.

>> No.54954332

I was gonna say, who would take that lowball offer when the irs could make billions off this?

>> No.54954356

how would you make billions from deanonymizing monero users?

>> No.54954361

lmao if I could do something like that, I wouldn't take anything less than $5B.

>> No.54954377

1. That’s just the entry fee to finding who they want
2. Imagine cracking it; that person would basically have infinite money directly from the government for life

>> No.54954387

HAHAHA fucking IRS kikes seething

>> No.54954404

why is it only monero baggies suck on the government propaganda dick?

everyone else knows immediately the IRS is never getting a sniff of the tools the DEA, FBI, and NSA use to track monero.

>> No.54954416

By taxing them what do you think the irs does?
Maybe but still, why not crack it and then sell your method for millions?

>> No.54954421

there's nothing to crack, monero's encryption is explicitly not cryptographic, merely statistical, and can be broken without any cryptography used at all.

>> No.54954430

>monero's encryption
monero's privacy*

>> No.54954449

those glowniggers better up the reward amount.

>> No.54954485

>2020 article
love monero but OP is a fag

>> No.54954674

If someone does crack the protocol, contract, whatever, they'll just take it all to the devs behind monero and get significantly more return, in monero and the problem fixed.

>> No.54954723
File: 593 KB, 923x580, 24BFAA80-0A01-4886-97DD-1463C6C75040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recursive AI algos will crack all crypto in less than 5 years. I’s been a good run lads, take profits while you still can.

>> No.54954747

go outside

>> No.54954768
File: 204 KB, 629x547, nagatorono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is false.
amounts and receiving addresses are encrypted.
only the sender address is obfuscated by ringsignatures.

>> No.54954772

no bounty can ever match the contracts you'd get with every government, and every exchange that supports it.

but it's irrelevant because everyone already knows how monero's privacy is breakable, it's not a secret, and therefore we can assume people are actively attempting and likely succeeding at breaking it.

>> No.54954897

amounts and addresses don't matter, only utxos and where they end up, and there's no cryptography protecting those, just slight of hand.

>> No.54955845

>still not a single criminal case where monero-based blockchain evidence has been used to convict someone
i will fomo buy in when it approaches ATH like the rest of you

>> No.54955892

it wouldnt be in their interest to disclose that they can trace it.
so they probably only use it to see what other dirt they can dig up on the person they are watching.

Like lets say they figure out you bought a lot of drugs with it.
then some made up guy will walk past your house, call the cops and say he smelled marijuana. cops come in and bust you.
now monero transactions are never mentioned in the court case.

>> No.54955927

yeah, or maybe monero just works

>> No.54955933

I thought they already broke XMR by arresting the devs

>> No.54955941

no thats how these investigations actually work.
If you have a good source you never disclose it and keep it running as long as possible so more criminals trust it.
thats like really basic stuff for these types of investigations and I know what I'm talking about.

t. actual investigator

>> No.54955971

This is why no one cares about the US anymore, they won't even pay people enough to do their dirty work ofr them.

>> No.54956012
File: 245 KB, 500x500, 1624150541927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both will be broken
so you need either Haircomb or QRL
thats when you morons will finally discover why qc token discussions are suppressed on Biz

and by then its far too late to profit
as usual

>> No.54956219

>crack proprietary software
isn't that illegal?

>> No.54956294

i doubt a patent is filed for monero lmao