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54953134 No.54953134 [Reply] [Original]

I truly don't give a fuck about the price of any of my investments, I'm serious, couldn't give a fuck. I know the companies I buy are generating consistent positive and growing cash flows and don't give a fuck. In fact I recently bought a broad market index and was slightly UPSET that it went up, because in the future I'll have to pay a higher price for it. This is how a real investor thinks, we don't really give a shit about the price, but we have slight hopes for our stocks to go down.

Inflation? Truly don't give a fuck. I couldn't give two shits about inflation.

Interest rate hikes? Couldn't give a shit, what's that?

Rececssion? Good

Change of government policy? Good thing my portfolio doesn't rely on government contracts, my companys' value exist independently of government. A perfect example is APPLE. I own APPLE, APPLE does not give a fuck what the government thinks it will continue to earn cash.

I even own some Bitcoin, but guess what, I don't give a shit about the price.

>> No.54955089

Am I an investor?

>> No.54955242

Let me say, maybe.

>> No.54955279


>> No.54955363

ESL hands posted this.

>> No.54955400
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>> No.54955450

You can't even string a sentence, learn history.

>> No.54955481

>I own APPLE
I mean you don't really, that's just commonly agreed upon fiction.

>> No.54955493

I can't tell if you're trolling or not, if I don't own it who does?

>> No.54955522

In some sense, nobody, it's its own entity. Operatively, the board of directors and the executives. Owning something means owning it in the operational sense, i.e. in the sense of being able to influence what it does. That's not inherently what ownership is, but it's a necessary component of what ownership is. If you cannot materially influence Apple, you can't be said to "own Apple", that's like saying "I own a house but I can't live in it or rent it out".

>> No.54955574

Based. This is how I as a Gamestop investor feel everyday. I'm glad there are others out there with the same mindset.

>> No.54955701

The board of directors and executives don't own it, they run it. I OWN IT

>Owning something means owning it in the operational sense, i.e. in the sense of being able to influence what it does. That's not inherently what ownership is, but it's a necessary component of what ownership is. If you cannot materially influence Apple, you can't be said to "own Apple", that's like saying "I own a house but I can't live in it or rent it out".

No, tha'ts not true, ownership means the rights to the proceeds of. If I am entitled to the proceeds of something, I own it.

>"I own a house but I can't live in it or rent it out".

Yes, I own the government, doesn't mean i can walk into any federal building

>> No.54955719

>Yes, I own the government, doesn't mean i can walk into any federal building
In what sense do you own it?

>> No.54955749

did you just learn about the stock market and come here to show off your fancy book learning? obviously he doesnt own the whole company

>> No.54955758

I like this bread.

>> No.54955781

>he doesnt own the whole company
Even if not, the effective utility of fractional ownership is 0, not a positive number above 0. To stay with the example of the house: 3 people might be able to own it and share it between them, but 3000 wouldn't be able to, if they tried to all live in it in. Likewise, millions of people can't all effectively exert control over a company individually.
If you're talking about about the purely monetary aspect: Apple's dividend yield is 0.53%, which makes it a far worse investment than bonds.

>> No.54955841

Noble, with attributes of a king, like a solitary lion.

>> No.54956781

In theory the people of the United States are the government, that's the whole point of representative democracy
However in practice it just becomes a cabal of people born into power serving (((special interests)))

>> No.54956802

what if you don't care about anything or life in general? Are you still an investor then?

>> No.54956909


Dividend yields aren't even good, I would rather they pay 0 dividends.