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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 10 KB, 400x400, pulse-testnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54951286 No.54951286 [Reply] [Original]

and pulsex and prc20 token

>> No.54951292

there are, import stablecoin contracts into the pulsex dex

>> No.54951317

nigger it says on plsx website this price $0.02177
so its 0.02$ per plsx, is this true?
That would mean i have close to a milli, i cant believe that my nig

>> No.54951332

you made it.

>> No.54951339

dont get me excited, i didnt sac that much, so i cant beleive it
i have about 15 mil plsx, i was hoping for that to be around 20k, but 400k, hell nah

>> No.54951340

this chain has truly revealed the smoothest brains on this board

>> No.54951418

>That would mean i have close to a milli, i cant believe that my nig
If you can front the entire market the nanosecond the bridge opens, then maybe, most likely thats not the case. There is gonna be alot of suicidal jeet bagholders in a couple days

>> No.54951419

14 million is only 280K wtf happened
how come I can tsell that shit, i totally take the 280k
why isnt ehre a puls establecoin i can ape into?

>> No.54951427

now the ratio is
1 PLS = PLSX 3.34454
what are the bets, will we get soon more pls for plsx or the other way around

>> No.54951445

the whole thing is complete out of whack
on dexscreener it says, 14 million plsx is 1 million and some change
why are those prices so different

>> No.54951463

because there is fuck all liquidity

>> No.54951485

what does fuck all liquidity mean, you fucking retard

>> No.54951487


The figure on the website is wrong, check DEXscreener for the correct price, although they just tweeted they are removing USD values until the bridge due to lack of liquidity

>> No.54951490


Learn about liquidity, check Pulse.info then come back here

>> No.54951494


>> No.54951499

>doesn't even know what liquidity is
this board is going to be very entertaining when the bridges open

>> No.54951523

it means you are not going to get rich off richard's scam, faggot

>> No.54951559

fuck it i sold 7 million plsx fr about 900k usdt
fuck all of ya
USDt has to get to 1$ regardless of the liqudity init?

>> No.54951576

shit, i could have gotten almst 2million usdt for the same price just now

>> No.54951600

Should I sell my PLSX for PLS? If so, what ratio?

>> No.54951616

i would assume the more Pls you get for your plsx the better, but i dont know shit

>> No.54952231


feel bad for the anons that believed in rh and sacced big you are in the same boat as these fucking worthless niggers. not to mention all the women and normies on faggot twitter an youtube i been seeing alot recently

>> No.54952265

If someone pulls out the liquidity from USDT you're gonna be left with $0 despite having the best possible spot on a fresh L1 launch.

>> No.54952288

Stablecoins are not backed and will go to 0! Don't buy stablecoins on PulseChain right now fren!!

>> No.54952306
File: 415 KB, 1500x1500, ₿-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PulseBitcoin about to PAWP

>> No.54952309

hey sommi

halving imminent plsb

>> No.54953369

That dude is not a "fren" he's a faggot pajeet trying to shit all over everyone

>> No.54953724

Wait for the bridge ser

>> No.54953769

Everything is worth $0 until bridges open. A lot of plebs who haven't done their research will probably get fucked buying fake stables thinking they've made it though.

>> No.54953780

gatekeep the word fren

>> No.54953800

Weak performance. Pulse Inu will do much better and it just launched

>> No.54953835

yeah it's a blackopalypse. i see a lot of black people doing this rn.

>> No.54953884

Yes, Tether will just accept some fat guy doubled their supply with zero collateral, sure.

>> No.54953969

This is the thing, last night when the pulsex swap first started you could swap pulsex 5m pulsex almost 1:1 for pulse, nows its not even .25.
If you can somehow get your bridge into first block you might get rich.

>> No.54953991

EU anons, i just bought with expressvpn , works perfect

>> No.54954186

We sacrificed because RH does such a good job at grooming idiots to be in his cult.

>> No.54954311

ur a faggot if u call people this especially random anonymous losers

>> No.54954989

>doesnt even remotely know what liquidity is, let alone understand it
>calls anon a retard for pointing out something he should already know, but doesnt

>> No.54956804

Thus fren is right

>> No.54958752


>> No.54959427

everyone keeps saying this. my logic is - what happens when people move stable liquidity into pulsechain (once bridge is open). also, if you buy a stable on pulse, its still the same contract address as the official stable. so why can't you just move them onto ethereum once the bridge is up and sell there?

>> No.54959444
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, 1683991157450421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might want to check out a real MAN's coin

>> No.54959448

They're not being physically moved cross-chain. Contract takes your money on your chain and gives the same amount from another. It's all about supply.

>> No.54959459

everything about this project smells of pump and dump shitcoin lmao all these moonboys and retards hyping it up, most likely smart money will stay far away

>> No.54959486

No, it's actually going to blow up massively. None of the ad campaigns have actually started yet people won't stop talking about it. It will become so big even people far from crypto will learn about it and get their Pls.

>> No.54959539

so there will never be liquidity for stables on the pulse side?

>> No.54959640

It all depend on how much liquidity will the bridge owner have. Stables probably won't be "active" until their actual admins add pulsechain. For now DAI and USDC are just rogue, people adding their own LPs to them and trade them like shitcoins.

>> No.54959684

Yep typical broke moon boy circle jerk still falling for the same old tricks just a different day

>> No.54959696

Monster energy drink co was the best performing stock for the past twenty years. This is the crypto equivalent. Don’t be blind to the opportunity.

>> No.54959722

Every L1 pumped hard. But none of them hard forked ETH before. Think about it, literally everyone in space got an airdrop, can check the network out and all of that without switching their setup or adding new wallets. It's not just ETH on steroids, it's a brand new beast.

>> No.54959763

Speak english why use Pulsechain over others? Low fees? Others have low fees other than eth bottom line the tokenomics are horrible and it’ll just be an extra chain where anyone and his mother can create shitcoin scams. We need to be finding a way to eliminate rugs not providing another platform for then.

>> No.54959767
File: 172 KB, 645x455, pepe just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get this?

>> No.54959780

How do I fucking bridge

>> No.54959802

Stay away then, don't touch it.

>> No.54959893

>the tokenomics are horrible
Wanna know how I know you didn't read anything about pulsechain?

>> No.54959965
File: 46 KB, 640x359, IMG_7791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait let me get this right, some of you retards are buying $1 for a small percent of $1 and expecting it to peg because it has the same name as a stablecoin?

>> No.54959989

it's going to peg. trust the plan. richard has not showed any signs that he is going to betray us.

>> No.54960022

i trust richard, but he said the stable coins would repeg?

>> No.54960065

he said that pUSDC will be backed by the coins that people sacced so they wont be fully backed at first but it should be mostly backed

>> No.54960107

as much as i do not believe this or even believe in this fat fuck i bought 120k usdc

>> No.54960118

Should I swap my SHIB and PEPE for PLS?

>> No.54960133

Y’all invest in the dumbest shit

>> No.54960210

you fucks hear the word burn and go ape just like the lunc moon boys. it could burn 24 hrs a day and it wont matter cowboy. one thing I do know when it doesnt pan out like you dreamers expect you wont ever bring up the fact that you were wrong as shit.

>> No.54960229

Found anything else about pulsechain? Keep reading, you're almost there.

>> No.54960246

The posts aren't sincere. Promoters are attempting to attract a greater fool.

>> No.54960265

I don't care if you bridge your money or not, you're in our thread, taking your time to attack something you have no interest in.
Either start learning or close the tab.

>> No.54960342

You're the more effeminate and useless version of BSV.
Don't need to learn anymore.

>> No.54960411

Just like they did with Ethereum back in 2014 when it launched? Who is the greater fool if they bought then? Seriously

>> No.54960434

I didn't think of that. It's so simple now!

>> No.54960448
File: 21 KB, 331x423, saconthese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millionaires but can't cash out

>> No.54960466

NO. Richard H copied the ethereum state, but he cant back all the assets (like stables, ETH, and BTC) with actual assets. He minted them out of his ass like a faggot he is. Who gonna give you 1USD for the 1 pUSDT? Goldman sachs lmao

>> No.54961385

>It's all about supply
lol its funny if you consider the analogy of black holes: if you have enough mass (supply), you can change the rules. and with hawking radiation, you mint new supply for free.

>> No.54961624

dead worthless shitcoin

>> No.54961816

I can't believe I got scammed for $10 worth of ETH 2 years ago for this.

>> No.54961949

can someone explain why so many in the chat is talking about selling plsx to pls?

DId they miss out on original PLS sacc or why do they seem so overinvested in that one?

>> No.54961971

They missed the pulse sacc two years ago and pulse is anticipated to perform better. Also, you need pulse for gas on the network

>> No.54961974

yes obviously you need it, but I have like 93M PLS already and gas fees are around 200 PLS now so

>> No.54962112

This thread makes me 100% confident we're due for an epic market cratering the exact second the bridge opens.

>> No.54962153

You can see all your copies here, don't have to connect anything.

>> No.54963772

Can I still profit from this even if I'm late? I just want to go into chemo already.

>> No.54963792

Gotta wait for the bridge.
You're not late.

>> No.54963794

Stabecoins on ETH aren't backed either.

>> No.54963926

so I should wait for the bridge then wait for the dip before going in?

>> No.54964008

When the fuck is the stupid bridge. It's going to be 48 hours soon.

>> No.54964096

Pretty much yea. If we assume parity with eHEX/pHEX, then Pulse is currently at 3x in value from the average day 1 sac value. We might see a pump to 10x or so on day 1 of the bridge but very quickly whales will take profit. I expect a 50-70% dip on the first day. That's when I would enter. But hey, maybe I am wrong. Maybe DCA every hour after bridge launch is the way to go. Good luck.

>> No.54964110

>. It's going to be 48 hours soon.
you must be new to richards world. we're lucky if it's live before June.

>> No.54964133

According to their tg this shit starts with 175TN supply. Enjoy getting rugged to -99% before it even sees cg

>> No.54964149

I can't wait for the board to be filled with people crying that they couldn't pull out their fake USDT. you'll probably get a penny for every dollar at most more likely a tenth.

>> No.54966067

>I expect a 50-70% dip on the first day
let us not forget what happened with uniswap. surprised the hell out of me...

>> No.54966104 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 425x118, 390A808F-1EC9-4A01-B453-82BD79119168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rich has been scheming for over 30 years

>> No.54966499

what site do you use for PLS charts?

>> No.54967228
