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54947667 No.54947667 [Reply] [Original]

Leaf who just got accepted into uni, but I'm totally fucking priced out of rentals in the city. Literally $1.2k/mo to have some stinky jeet roommate or $2k+/mo for a shoebox studio, which is out of the question.

Should I pick courses to study online in my parents basement while waiting for a market decline, or do I suck up the fact that I'm in a WEF puppet state and go live in a giga overpriced shack with some third worlder?

>> No.54947717

Live with parents if you can anon, literally the best way to not pay jew landlord prices right now in bigger cities. Just don't be retarded with the online courses and you'll be good

>> No.54947785

rice and beans
invest everything

>> No.54947798
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Thanks fren. I won't be able to complete a full degree at home, but I can at least stay here for a year and focus, while hopefully the leaf markets start to drop in the meanwhile.

Pretty frustrating seeing American markets cool off, while of course leaf markets continue mooning without end

>> No.54947901

American housing has barely cooled off if at all and don’t expect rent to go down ever. Expensive houses in the 1m+ range might have dropped a bit but everything thats even somewhat affordable (300 - 800k range) has continued to stay up.

I’m hoping for a crash too but who knows how long that will take. Maybe when you’ve finished throwing money away on a degree the crash will be here but who knows. I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. Live with your parents as long as you can and save money.

>> No.54947905

For your first year try to get a spot on campus and make friends in your program or people in the dorms, then in the future you can be roommates with them.
That's what I did and I saved a ton of money, but these days it seems impossible without doing that. That first year living with other students was an amazing experience even for an introverted nerd like me, as long as you don't let it distract you from learning shit there's a ton of opportunities to have fun experiences with people, and you push yourself the slightest to be outgoing, you'll end up better off.
After the first year, you can try to take to take online courses for a semester to save money, in my experience they didn't offer enough online ones to fill an entire semester, but it might be better at your school.

In terms of RE, I've been trying to buy a place for the past 4 years and shit has never made sense from a cash flow perspective, and rents just keep climbing. It's retarded and I don't see significantly more places being built or immigration being reduced, so I'm looking at maxing investments and retiring to a SEA country instead. Hope you're getting a degree that is valuable in the US because I can't imagine trying to start here as a new grad.

>> No.54948077
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Canada isn't a country, it's an economic zone, and the people behind the wheel are unironic, literal globalists who have declared total war on middle class. Consider that the population is 39m and we take in 1m+ third worlders a year. Even progressive countries I used to make fun of like Sweden can't hold a torch to that level of on insanity.

Being priced out of owning anything is a feature, not a bug. But to answer your question, study in mom's basement, get your degree, and fuck off somewhere that's less insane

>> No.54948525

This. It's the top earner houses that budged a bit since the 0% rate days are gone, but middle class homes never stopped rising. Seeing power drunk boomers flip their bedrooms into rentals instead of giving a quarter of a shit about their kids makes me sick. I just want a black swan event to wipe these smug fuckers out so badly, it's unreal

>> No.54949470

Study a real degree and live with your parents as long as you can. Did something similar and set myself up pretty well.

>> No.54949544


I think the decision is made for you. In my situation I make above the average income but the median house payment is greater than 100% of my take home pay. So I just live small in the shittiest apartment I can stand without being in mortal peril and stack cash. Saved up 100k in about 5 years.

If housing never comes down I will still have quite a stack of cash at this rate.

>> No.54951279

>18 year old
>makes decision to give liberals thousands for paper
>complains about housing being expensive

IQ is maybe 95, he thinks he's 115.