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54929398 No.54929398 [Reply] [Original]

Bright and early, ready for another day of WFH

>> No.54929418

Are there any jobs for a high school dropout to do from home?
I have a GED & work full time in a factory monday-friday, looking for a part time job I can do after work on my computer.

>> No.54930385

Customer service

>> No.54930399

Can you do this without a degree? I've applied to like 20-30 jobs using my completely honest resume, and I rarely even get an email back.
Really considering just lying cause I kinda doubt they even check the validity of your degree.

>> No.54930551

WFH jobs now usually require prior WFH experience unless you're starting on the bottom rung like customer service/tech support

>> No.54930623
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I've been given a lot work to do by the end of the day.
I was going to get my workout in early and have a nap this afternoon.

>> No.54930941

There isn't some background check system that verifies if you have a degree. If you're enough of a sociopath to apply and collect paychecks for 8 weeks before getting fired, be enough of a sociopath to put credentials on your resume to get a job to bullshit your way through. Most employers only wanted *any* college degree to show you're not a total retard that dropped out of high school and can function at least on the average college grad level.

I've seen people who are actual illiterate morons with a college degree incapable of simple shit like sending emails or changing their voicemail. I've also heard from similar companies after my company fire people, they completed training sessions for 4 weeks, then just could NOT do any meaningful work and were terminated. Some people just luck out through diversity hire numbers, get paid for a few months then fired for being literally retarded. I'm confident theres probably 5% of the US economy people somehow landing a job and not capable of doing any work so they just job hop for 20 years before inheriting a fortune.

>> No.54930948

It’s 10:26 EDT and I am currently taking my morning poo and drinking a coffee. After a shower I’ll edit documents from about 11-1 then take a call at 3. I’ll bill 9 hours for this

>> No.54931032

They can easily ask the university to verify, but they may not actually bother. I've had a job at a startup where no fucks were given and nothing was verified. But I also worked at a big corp did full background check and I assumed they checked the degree too.

>> No.54931049
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Since starting WFH, my wife comes in during my lunch break and gives me a blowjob. We've done this almost every day since March 2020. I estimate I've had over 500 blowjobs during my work days. She's gotten so much practice in that her skill level has advanced to that of some kind of eldritch abyssal goddess of cock sucking. And we'll probably be doing this for the rest of my career.

WFH is beautiful and I love my life.

>> No.54931105

background checks are still pretty common and yea they'll call the university or ask for your transcript (no they won't rescind the offer if they find out your gpa was shit).
drug testing though seems to be on it's way out.
perhaps when the economy bottoms out it'll come back in a couple years.

>> No.54931378

I shouldn't be complaining but I have to go in 2 days a week and jts torture.

>> No.54931411
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>TFW had to do things this morning

>> No.54931886

Do you really think they'll call a university to verify you completed a degree 6+ years ago and that university would just freely give out that information? Try to get a transcript of your own grades, they usually charge you for it and it isn't fast.

>> No.54931901

getting married by the state is cucked and dumb, but good on you for the blowies

>> No.54931998

just lie about your degree. I got rejected from a 220k crypto job in NYC because of "muh no degree" despite having launched multiple dapps.. whatever, new york sucks.

>> No.54932007

You can't be right about this. Aren't there databases of degree holders at colleges and universities where employers can quickly verify who holds a degree? The only thing keeping me from adding a fake degree to my resume right now is just that it has to be easy to verify in the digital age.

>> No.54932027

I dropped out of college about 10 years ago, ordered a transcript for $3, and a link to my transcript was in my email within 20 minutes.

>> No.54932085

>Aren't there databases of degree holders at colleges and universities where employers can quickly verify who holds a degree?
No, there aren't. And again, why the fuck would someone in HR make possibly multiple phone calls, pay actual money to look at your transcript, all to give you some wagecuck job unrelated to your degree? Nobody checks that information especially when its a job demanding *any* degree as the baseline. They just want you to have a piece of paper verifying you're not an actual moron because most people wouldn't lie about having a bachelor's in criminal justice to make $16/hour at a call center.

Now an engineering job they might if they're so fucking pedantic and autistic but they also expect you to be super autistic resembling an engineer including certifications. You can fake confidence to get a job including a semi-unrelated degree. But I've also never heard of anyone in my industry asking for definitive proof you completed some certification either. I've only ever seen a "date completed" field which they could get if they really wanted to go digging for it but when I can do the job without an actual certification they probably won't care.

>> No.54932111

My brother got a supply chain job at a multi-national company. The company he applied to prior demanded a full transcript from Perdue from 15 years after his graduation. Nobody but ultra autistic firms like engineering firms care about GPA or some verification of degree completion.

Look at it this way; if they want the degree, you have experience, you can do the job, they like your resume in general but can't find proof of degree completion, do you think they'll fire you or just let you continue working?

>> No.54932131

I wonder how they get those jobs so quickly

>> No.54932155

>WFH jobs now usually require prior WFH experience
Buw ha ha ha! Wokies got their anuses covered already
>wfh for me
>increasingly lower input
>and not an option for anyone else to apply

>> No.54932177

The very first job I got in tech at a Fortune 500 company, the company did a check of my compsci bachelor's degree in the National Student Clearinghouse.
It was completely automated and I was required to do it before being hired.
Every company I've ever worked for will do a background check and check that your credentials are legit.
You might be able to get around it by only applying to companies that don't check, but those are few and far between.

>> No.54932188

Well i hope you're right about this. I'm getting desperate enough to just put a degree on my resume that i don't have. 70+ applications in 3 weeks, only 3 screening call backs, no job yet. I have anywhere from 3 - 7 years of direct or related job experience for the positions i'm applying for, so i'm assuming the lack of degree has to be a main factor in my shitty callback rate.

>> No.54932202

I figured this is closer to the truth. I'll have to do more research.

>> No.54932213

for >>54932111

>> No.54932231

My current job asked me for proof of education. Had to send them my diploma.

>> No.54932235

>I have to commute


>> No.54932242

Checked. Probably. People who are too lazy/dumb to get through college are seen as not worth wasting the time on from what I've seen. It's just used as a filter to weed out useless niggers, etc.

>> No.54932267

I work in the water industry as a surveyor. They got an external agency to check my academic transcript, also contacted the university to verify I was a student there and the internal HR asked to see a copy of my degree certificate.

Any reputable company will check these things.

>> No.54932290

Compsci degrees are known to be nearly useless since schools are teaching outdated stuff. If they kept up with any of it in real time they couldn't keep a consistent curriculum. F500 company? Sure if they have money to burn to keep the offices warm why wouldn't they spend an extra $1000 on your background check to verify you're not a criminally smart computer nerd only other nerds could find out if you're a fraud?

70+ applications in 3 weeks
If you're unemployed it should be like 100 applications per week. Its why people use AI and bots to auto-apply for jobs now. But yes, many big companies don't care you have actual experience, if you don't check the box even with a bachelors of basketweaving they toss your resume into the trash pile.

>> No.54932322

People like to talk about big data and how companies know everything about you, but a lot of it is bullshit and they have no idea real idea about a lot of things. Some database got merged a few months ago and I've been getting medicare brochures in the mail for my grandpa (we have the same name except for a suffix) who died like 20 years ago

>> No.54932372

meh. i got a work from home job, lied about having a degree on my CV.

no one checked anything. i even told the HR woman that i don't have a real degree and nothing happened. hell i dont even have the right to work in this country. im here on a fucking visa free tourist stamp.

oh well

>> No.54932392

Massive larp.

>> No.54932466

which country?

>> No.54933242

That's total BS. for any given tech stack there's only so many jobs and everyone has screeners and a tech interview at a minimum. Even if you're good at lying in the screener the engineer will catch you.
and I'd say about 60% of wfh jobs require some level of in office presence, either once a week or once a month.

>> No.54933379

Uh yes, lol. Companies actually do sometimes check. Not all will check, but big corps will usually check.

>> No.54933611

Most companies just don't bother. And the ones that do will outsource it to companies that are completely built around doing background checks.

Just do it. At worst, you get caught in a lie and don't get the job. But without the lie, you wouldn't have even gotten the interview.

>> No.54934816

Trolls really trolling in this thread eh.

Anyway there shouldn't be the need to lie so much. It's a symptom of a failing system.

>> No.54934980

The guy probably applies to 1200 companies every year. Going through no more than 400 technical interviews every year. If company tries to spin more than 2-3 hours of interviews (and if companies add things like tests, performing some unpaid tasks etc - don't apply to these).

After that - getting to a moment of getting a contract in at least 50 of them a year is not that difficult.

It's ironic though if you do not pass the technical interview because you actually know more than an engineer who interviews you (and is younger than you).

>> No.54936036

I was married by Jesus Christ's one true church and my blowjobs are literally blessed and sanctified by the Pope himself. Every time she goes down on me it's basically a sacrament.

>> No.54936076

not gonna say

>> No.54936902

Yes in the US big companies will check the National Student Clearinghouse you mongoloid retard

>> No.54937155

how work intensive is customer service? Do you think I can do two customer service jobs at the same time?

>> No.54937407

Odd, the last 3 multi-billion dollar companies i've worked for haven't. Same with your work history too; legally they're only allowed to ask if you did work there between the dates you stated and legally the prior company can only tell them yes or no.

>> No.54937458

I actually do work at my WFH job and have reported several contractors for not doing anything or being totally incompetent which later resulted in firings.

>> No.54937631

really? nothing happens at my work

>> No.54938217

I got a contractor blackballed from our relatively small industry. I don't care if contractors take multiple jobs, but they better complete mine and do it right or I'll rat fuck them.

>> No.54938242

wfh is still a thing? I though every company wants back to office now?

>> No.54938317

>Do you really think they'll call a university
no, they outsource this work to a third party. there is a whole industry build for this purpose anon.... companies that exist simply to verify your credentials match your application. its retarded, but true. yes, they check with the university

>> No.54938358

kek, this means you are low skilled labor anon. probably work night shift as a security guard or some dumb shit...right?

>> No.54938407

yeah nightshift security that requires a bachelors degree. You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.54938510

doesn't sound like your bell boy job requires anything anon...like you said

>> No.54938957

I work for an R1. Employers ring the Registrar’s office all the time to verify degrees. The response is a very simple, “Yes, this person graduated in YYYY.”

To obtain my employment, I had to provide transcripts showing terminal degree in the required field for the position as well as three verified references.

>> No.54939109

It is luck of the draw from what I’ve seen. One company took my word that had a degree and another one called my university’s admissions office to determine if I had graduated.

>> No.54939171

>blessed WFH blowies

>> No.54939207

i havnt had a job since 2016

>> No.54939263

Go back to /NEET/ faggot

>> No.54939275

I'm an entry-level accountant. What's my best path into WFH?

>> No.54939278
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Hey Anons

Any recommended site to get a remote job?
I work in Accounts payable btw

>> No.54939362

chainlink solves this

>> No.54939702

If I work retail can I just leave my computer on and have ChatGPT make some bullshit anti-idle script to get hours while I go work retail? I like the people at my store but this could be a fun side hustle

>> No.54939903
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I just left my 50-60 hour job that paid 50k salary for a 40 hour remote gig that pays 75-100k and the only commute is when I go to events or meet a client once a week. My wife is remote as well, shits cash.

>> No.54940487

Not sure where anon is from, but here in Western Canada I've recently applied for around 60 positions as an EA with a B.A. and have been turned down from entry-level roles. Companies complain their emails get spammed with foreign workers making it harder for domestic applicants.

>> No.54940806

yes? so what? foreign workers can do the job better than a canadian. and because its remote the nationality of the applicant is irrelevent