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54929009 No.54929009 [Reply] [Original]

Literally how am I supposed to socialise and not look like an awkward retard at work parties when I can’t hear shit because if the loud music?!

>> No.54929017


>> No.54929031
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I dont know how normans do that either. Been at several parties where people seem to have normal conversations even tho the music drowns every other noise. They must be reading the flow of conversation from other peoples lips/social ques (facial expressions, body movement) and such.

>> No.54929058

just be chad
be loud and dominate attention, keep all ideas expressed really simple so it doesn't matter if people can hear you or not. smile and have a handsome face. its that easy. people will know when you tell a funny joke because you'll laugh at your own joke with confidence so they'll laugh too and think you're a funny guy even if they never heard the joke because normies are basically adult babies.

we've turned "the club" and tinder into the only places where we're allowed to approach women. absolutely absurd no wonder nobody can form a stable relationship anymore when the foundation of that relationship is drunk yelling in a club or a swipe on your phone based on a picture

>> No.54929075

oh and always talk over everyone else thats how you assume dominance. remember nothing anyone else says matters and everything you say is absolute fact even on matters you know nothing about.

>> No.54929087

I hate this shit too. Go out with a group of friends to a bar and can only hear the person sitting directly next to you when they're literally shouting in your ear to the point it hurts. This is why Wetherspoons is so popular in the UK; they don't play music in there as a rule.

>> No.54929100

white women have no game, they have no idea how to express interest in a man so they just sit there like toads on a log waiting for chad. but its rude to approach her if she's not interested, even though she won't actually show she's interested even if she is. so the only guys who are going to bother are the guys who are universally attractive or don't care about bothering women with unwanted advances.

this is why asian women are eating white womans lunch and taking all their men. they have better social skills and actually can do a conversation and pick up men instead of just waiting for chad.

>> No.54929120

seems like a toxic work environment desu.
work parties are for networking work related shit. Youre not supposed to make "friends". Youre supposed to mentally trick yourself into believing every chick is a tranny.
Real friends are outside the work environment.

>> No.54929126

whenever i see a video of women in the uk that dress like hookers but they can banter it seems. you can talk shit and they'll talk shit back and it can become flirty. i don't think a wetherspoons would work in canada the women generally don't respond well at all to any kind of banter. so they would prefer a place with loud music where their total lack of conversational and social skills isn't an issue and they can just sit there silently and wait for a chad to shove his way between her legs.

>> No.54929138

white north american women are the laziest in the world with absolutely no social skills when dealing with the opposite sex. no game whatsoever. total lack of feminine charms and they all have tattoos which make them look like bikers

>> No.54929158

Bruh, chill

>> No.54929234

nobody has ever chilled after being told to chill. it's very frustrating to be told to chill. if your goal is to piss someone off just tell them to chill. your response is deliberately intended to wind me up.

>> No.54929241

it's such a waste of good alcohol and time when coon tunes are playing at 500db. even when i hungout with people who smoked weed to relax they always turn on the negro screamo.

>> No.54929248

True, although this is not just white American women, but all American women. They should be avoided at all cost and interactions kept to the strict minimum.

>> No.54929283

Seems like the perfect opportunity to tell the hottest chick at work that you want to have sex with her

>> No.54929303

All the hot chicks at my work smoke

>> No.54929319

smokers hit the wall the hardest. that any smoker expects chad to settle with her second hand smoke stink is delusional. learn 2 vape

>> No.54929326

smoknig is an oral fixation
offer free anti-smoking therapy

>> No.54929336

vapes are gayer than smoking
vapes are the ev of tobacco
the two wheeled kind of ev

>> No.54929406
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You mean like the lightning ls218? 0-60mph 2.2seconds top speed of 218mph.

>> No.54929431

I hate music and I hate people. Going out for drinks is soul-destroying bullshit. That's why I get super drunk really quickly, so I don't have to pretend to talk to people

>> No.54929445

Freud was a fraud, anon

>> No.54929500

I smoke and I want to suck dicks, explain THAT then

>> No.54929514

>emotional arguments about image
you're probably trying too hard
bruh, chill

>> No.54929548

Just turn down your music settings. You're not an NPC unable to do this, right?

>> No.54929567

Microdosing psilocybin

>> No.54929574
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>> No.54929609
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if you are noticing this occuring then its only due to media programming them to behave that way. women were raised by their enemies (media) and cant behave in a manner that isnt displayed to them first. if hollywood starts showing bitches being aggressive and approaching men first then the sheep act out the same. they do whatever their enemies program them to do. its that simple. now take out your credit card and consoom, slave.

>> No.54929617
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lots of it

>> No.54929666

do new frens really?

>> No.54931413

maybe start by knowing the time and place.

For example you can ask for socializing advice on a business/finance forum.

But also just chill with the smokers outside or some shit. Or chill on the opposite end of the room or in another room with other people.

Wear earpods as they help to block the sound . You'll look retarded tho, but it'll work

Also you can simply ask the DJ/coordinator to turn the music down a bit. If it's a work party you can highlight the issue at a meeting...

idk dont be a fag I guess

>> No.54931463
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I am so ridiculously self-aware of every single little thing about myself 24/7 that I'm basically constantly living in fight or flight mode in public.
And I don't mean that good side of being self-aware, but literally crippling levels of self-awareness of every little miniscule detail. When I interact with someone I am aware of the speed I am talking, the posture I am holding, the tone I am expressing, the eye contact I am holding, the body language I am expressing, my brain is literally working on overdrive 110% every single time and as soon as I do something "wrong" in any of these things I feel like I did something terribly wrong. Every single second feels like an hour and I am constantly in fight or flight mode. My heart starts pumping so much that at some point I literally start to think that even the other person can hear it, especially indoors in a quiet setting.
Every social interaction is like Q&A conversation in a RPG game, but instead of just 3 possible questions/answers and endless time to pick the correct response there's like 3 million possible questions/answers to choose from and a deadly awkwardness timer going FAST where you have to pick the right response in milliseconds and not picking the right response results in me dying right there on the spot.

I want to erase that, to just be able not to think about any of that and not act manually. To be able to just talk about the weather or something dumb like that without thinking much about it. At this rate I'll die in my 30s out of nothing but pure stress cortisol overload

>> No.54931597
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you should actively seek embarrassing situations in order to desensitize to them. it's like being reluctant to play the first fortnite solo on a day because of the stress but after one game you can just play on. it's literally exactly the same with social interactions.

>> No.54931825

the state you describe as desirable is NPChood
a state of hyperattention is desirable
but you don't seem to be taking control of it which is easy
attention is a spotlight desiring to illuminate, what it illuminates is what you experience
try turning your attention outwards instead of inwards to change the experience
regardless, you will never find talk about the weather stimulating enough to occupy your mind fully anon
no one does unless it is vital to their survival
people use it as filler conversation to think about something else

>> No.54931847

Normalfaggots almost never think. They do everything on instinct, that’s what makes them normalfaggots

>> No.54931882
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just b urself

>> No.54931930
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I've got a similar issue anon. I even went and got my hearing tested because I was worried I damaged my hearing from blasting music in my headphones when I was younger or something like that. Turned out my hearing is, in theory, "perfect". The audiologist told my it sounds like I have something called Central Audio Procssing Syndrom (CAPS) which basically means you can hear things correctly but in certain loud environments the audio is tough to decypher from one another. It is unironically apparently common in people with Autism (I am undiagnosed but would not be surprised).

tl;dr there's not much we can do about it as far as I know besides maybe getting a hearing aid.

>> No.54932062

Loud music is an excuse for breaking out the personal touch and being able to get away with getting in people's personal space.

>> No.54932695

Same, anytime there is background noise above normal (Crowded room, loud music, etc) everyone else can be talking fine but I don't hear what they are saying unless I get real close. Yet my hearing is fine normally, I can hear a small noise from quite a distance if I am just sat at home.
Probably some autistic shit like this >>54931930

>> No.54933430
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Literally just fucking dance you retarded monkey piece of shit, that's the main reason to go to a thing like that, and don't be like me that I ended up talking about Rebase with the first chick that seemed interested in me

>> No.54934314

I wish I knew how to dance ngl

>> No.54934326

And that's why HR gave me a notice

>> No.54934483

Dancing is absolutely overrated and shit

>> No.54934490

>Human female approaches
>He starts talking about his garbage NFT ponzi scheme
Based and kekpilled

>> No.54934532

I've had hearing untreatable hearing damage since childhood, I know this problem well.
Nobody can socialize vocally in loud bars nightclubs parties.
But I think that's the point. You use other body queues. This sorts out the spergs right away, people who can't communicate nonverbal.
Sex is not an intellectual task guys.

I suggest you learn how to dance.
Start with "the wobble", watch a video and dance along until you got it. Then "chacha slide". Gangasm style moves, electric slide. Line dancing. Get those down so you could do it in a crowd when dance breaks out.
This is of course not enough to have good body language, but its a start, like learning to talk.

>> No.54934598

it makes for an incredible change when you put your finger in your ear when your friend is shouting into it.
takes out some frequencies and you can hear him much better

>> No.54934636

wear foam or silicone earplugs

>> No.54934671


Comments like this remind me that people who get it still exist

>> No.54934736
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Are European women better? Genuinely asking, because I feel I have nothing in common with my fellow leafs, everybody acts, smells and dresses like white trash and here I am holding on to some half-forgotten ideas about "class" and "manners" and getting and endless stream of people who think I'm British without an accent, so I'm wondering if I'd feel more at home somewhere in Europe?

>> No.54934785

>It is unironically apparently common in people with Autism
The reason is because the part of the brain that tells them to ignore background sounds doesn’t work like it does for normalfags, so to an autist entering a loud crowded room is similar to playing an RPG with all of the debug options enabled and inventory gui’s forcibly opened

>> No.54934946

It can be challenging to socialize at work parties when loud music makes it difficult to hear and communicate with others. However, there are several strategies you can try to overcome this obstacle:

Find a quieter spot: Look for a quieter spot in the party venue where you can have conversations without too much background noise. For example, you can find a corner or a less-crowded area of the party where the music is not as loud.

Non-verbal communication: Use non-verbal communication such as nodding, smiling, and using hand gestures to indicate that you are listening and engaged in the conversation.

Move closer: Try to move closer to the person you are talking to so that you can hear them better. You can also ask them to speak louder or repeat what they said.

Take breaks: Take breaks from the noise and socializing to recharge and give your ears a rest. You can step outside or take a walk to clear your head and come back to the party refreshed.

Use technology: If you have a smartphone or a tablet, you can use it to communicate with others through text or messaging apps. This way, you can still engage in conversations even if the noise is too loud.

Remember that everyone is different, and some people may feel more comfortable in loud environments than others. Don't be too hard on yourself if you struggle to socialize in loud settings, and try to focus on enjoying the event in your own way.

>> No.54935119

did chat gpt write this

>> No.54935339


>> No.54935404
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You don't.

>> No.54935632


>> No.54935678

>Are European women better? Genuinely asking, because I feel I have nothing in common with my fellow leafs, everybody acts, smells and dresses like white trash and here I am holding on to some half-forgotten ideas about "class" and "manners" and getting and endless stream of people who think I'm British without an accent, so I'm wondering if I'd feel more at home somewhere in Europe?
As long as you don't get your ass kicked you're fine where you are. Once you reel a female in, gradually and gently, through compliments and presents and nudges via personal example guide her toward a less plebian lifestyle.
Other than that, cross reference statistics by country on a) use of oral contraception that makes them crazy, b) levels of antidepressant use, c) levels of std, d) levels of alcoholism, e) levels of diversity, f) levels of compliance to zog such as clot shot, and you'll realize that the best place to be is likely... pre-war Ukraine big cities, kek. But THAT went up in smoke didn't it.

>> No.54935743

yeah women definitely don't crave the status and recognition that comes with achievement in male dominated endeavors. retard

>> No.54936112

i have the same problem. I have to consentrate to hear what people say and that makes the conversation non enjoyable. Also i have to talk loud. I thiknk normies have their ears more tuned to human voice frequency, because they are dependant on social interactions to feel validated and to survive.

>> No.54936216

the only true solution to fix this is to become enlightened and reduce/destroy your ego. Trust me, it is a cure, but it is not easy. Your sense of self needs to be destroyed. It´s worth it. It reduced my anxiety 95%

>> No.54936232
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>> No.54936285


>> No.54936457

european woman are better than american/canadian women.

>> No.54936575


>> No.54937947
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If you learn how to dance you can dance with every girl in the room.

>> No.54937990

Literally just stop posting here for 2 weeks and your “autism” will magically go away

>> No.54938231

you live in a pirate ship bro or what

>> No.54938279

Just loosen up, and focus on having a good time.

>> No.54938318

Reality is so depressing christ

>> No.54938357

What the fuck does that mean? Loosening up isn’t gonna make me suddenly hear what people are saying.

>> No.54938397

I was forced to go to a birthday party by my girlfriend. The bar atmosphere was very loud plus music reverberating over everything.
I talked and complained about how loud it was in there to everyone. They all just agree and we talk about how its annoying.
I then drank 4 unclaimed drinks and left.

>> No.54938436

Normies call this a good time

>> No.54939543

x10 this

>> No.54939684

>sad enough to to post sad memes
>not sad enough to repent
>not sad enough for contrition
>not sad enough for confessions

>> No.54939796

Just lean into people and talk in their ears and have them do the same, I used to work in a loud environment and this is what we did

>> No.54939812

Make sure to lick their ear from time to time as a funny joke