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54918020 No.54918020 [Reply] [Original]

muslim nations are all just backwards shitho- ACKKK

>> No.54918042
File: 488 KB, 426x754, LINK-ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime is see the Burj Khalifa I'm reminded of Link/ETH

>> No.54918067

>dirty cop plants 0.5 of weed on you
>no money for bribe
>get hanged in the public from a crane
Amazing countries can't wait to visit.

>> No.54918079

let me guess, you also think las vegas is cool.

>> No.54918089

rent free

>> No.54918110

Reminder that disgusting tower of babel doesn't even have a sewer system. Literally shit trucks.

>> No.54918123
File: 2.71 MB, 4288x2848, Dubai_-_(Public__Domain)Roman__Logov210122-050108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah yes the world's tallest florida suburb
>zero urban continuity
>poor transit service
>zero ground floor retail
>terrible zoning and land use policy
>all this density and still largely car dependent

I guess it's okay when gas is 40 cents a gallon but that will only last for so long.

>> No.54918216

Qatar sounds based from what I saw during the world cup, Qataris are all rich as fuck from oil money and get to NEET while they have Indian slaves do all the wagie activities.

>> No.54918249

They will stay rich even when the oil runs out from all that tourism they got.
Building outrageous things has had 2 positives: allows them to live lavish lifestyles while also bringing in tourists to make even more money.

>> No.54918263

I might be going there soon

>> No.54918278

>>get hanged in the public from a crane

Saudi Arabia, not Dubai

>> No.54918300

>cop plants 0.2 weed on you
>have to pay $5000 bribe or get 20 years in prison
Ah, so much better! Islamic paradise.

>> No.54918305

Besides tourism, they also have a pretty serious tech scene that's likely to keep flourishing. Honestly, my guess is that UAE/Dubai will be economically superior to most European countries in 20 years (unless you believe in climate change making the arabian peninsula uninhabitable)

>> No.54918319


>> No.54918343

>my guess is that UAE/Dubai will be economically superior to most European countries in 20 years
Maybe but it's still a police state Islamic shithole where people do prison time for bounced cheques and all kinds of silly stuff. And their prisons are not like their cities lol expect hairy muslim guys loving your prostate.

>> No.54918424

Example of a mind fed propaganda and delusion

Just have sex

>> No.54918447

Ever hear of Argentina?

>> No.54918477

Watched a documentary with white guys in UAE prison for a bounced cheque. Not even a suspended sentence for something that should not be illegal in the first place. They were being held with all kinds of rapists murderers since they have no proper segregation.
Go to a third world police shithole get the third world police shithole treatment.

>> No.54918488

omg kek

>> No.54918497

>Mt. M-ACK-kinley

>> No.54918538
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>> No.54918602

Nice sewage system. I guess you don't need it when you shit on top of instahoes and not in the toilet.

>> No.54918659

>muslim nations are all just backwards shitho
Shitholes. finished that for you. I was offered a job in Dubai 15 year ago and said hell no.

>> No.54918667

>omg reee some tall buildings.
still a shithole with shit governments and shit religion. Even the buildings look shit. Exactly what some towelhead prince would think looks good/cool. No class at all. Would rather be in Munich than Dubai.

>> No.54918675

so organic!

>> No.54918679

legit the first link post ive kek'd to in 5 years

>> No.54918701

i mean it's probably a lot better now tho if chad andrew tate, king of cleanliness and haute living is comfortable there

>> No.54918707

dubai is only 20% arab, braindead inbred mudslime.

>> No.54918742

I heard they need a poo truck to transfer sewage out of the tall building because they don't have a proper sewage system set up

>> No.54918766

OP got btfo'd in his usury thread.
Dubai practices slavery in all but name. The majority of inhabitants are indian slaves who have been conned into coming to Emirates on promises of a better life but instead get fucked with retarded agency fees and (ironically) high interest loans.
Everything else in the Emirates is a fucking village where people ride camels.

>> No.54918834

If those Indians weren't being used as slave labour they'd be in some call centre in Mumbai scamming old white grannies out of their retirement funds.

>> No.54919098
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Top kek, I'm dropping 500$ on link right now