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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54917940 No.54917940 [Reply] [Original]

>founder's son died
>nepobaby CEO stepped down
>new CEO is pushing harder for EVs
>Prius doesn't look retarded
>stock price is still 30% down

can someone give me some fud? I've already invested 5 paychecks in these boomers. Feels like there's a huge market for EVs that aren't gimmicky like Teslas, Rivians, mustangs etc. And nobody wants to drive a fucking Nissan Leaf

>> No.54917956


>> No.54917969

He shoulda just stayed as tech lead (as a billionaire)

>> No.54917970

A huge market for an already oversaturated market?

>> No.54917971
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>takes charge

>> No.54917989

Nobody likes EV's. Nobody wants to wait 2 hours to charge their garbage vehicle with 100km range that keeps dropping every year that loses 20% capacity during winter.
If Europe is stupid enough to ban ICE's expect massive protests never seen before.

>> No.54917994

stop trying to make evs happen, its never going to happen

>> No.54918007

>company prioritizes customers over (((shareholder value)))
>stock still down 30%
really makes you think

>> No.54918041

This take is retarded. If you are a wagie, Ev's are exactly suited to you.
Going forward, people are going to have one ev and one gas powered car per household.

Also even if you fucking hate ev's, hybrids are a viable option.

>> No.54918054
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one of toyota's biggest issues is how fucking good they run. Offering a high quality 'modest' (stealth rich) line of EVs could get so many customers to primitively purchase their car


toyoda has fallen mirrions must drive

>> No.54918062

I bought my first EV last year. Can’t see myself going back to Gas engines. Complete gamechanger for me.

>> No.54918066
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you're underestimating just how fat and mentally retarded the average person is. aimlessly driving around is considered a proud and stimulating past time.

>> No.54918091

EVs are garbage still. Too much maintenance. Lifespan is too short. Take too long to charge etc.

We're still maybe 100-200 years, 2-3 major wars and an entire overhaul of the transportation network away from EV's being a viable alternative.

>> No.54918113


>> No.54918121

>Complete gamechanger for me.
What did it change apart from being able to get full range in less than 5 minutes?

>> No.54918127

I am a wagie. I like toyotas and I drive a lexus but want an EV. The longest road trips I go on are 4 hours and there's plenty of fast charging stations in between. Not gonna get some half-assed hybrid. I don't want a tesla because Elon is cringe. I can imagine that there's plenty of people in my exact situation right now and with some clever marketing they could really do well

>> No.54918132

>too much maintenance
less maintenance than a gas vehicle
>lifespan too short
That’s why you always sell a car after hitting 80k miles. Also, EVs last a while aside from the battery which is easily replaced at dealerships for secondhand use.
>too long to charge
This is an issue and it sucks

>> No.54918148

It’s just a smoother ride, no stuttering on the road. Wish the range problem wasn’t a thing though. Constantly charging it.

>> No.54918156

Good luck selling your garbage EV with blown out battery after 80k miles.
You might be able to scam a poorfag though since wanting go buy an EV already puts you in the mentally retarded category.

>> No.54918165


This shit again?

>> No.54918173

>can someone give me some fud?
Yeah, he's pushing harder for EVs just like your post said, are you retarded?

>> No.54918178

So you have limited range (worse in winter), 2 hours charge time instead of 2 minutes, shitty battery that wears out, bad resale value.
And the advantage that completely changed your life is smoother driving. Lol lmao.

>> No.54918181

>less maintenance than a gas vehicle
Right, which is why when anything breaks you have to bring it to a service center.
I can swap out the engines of my gas trucks in my driveway by myself with basic tools from the hardware store. If a motor goes out on a Tesla or other EV, can you do that?

>> No.54918182

NPC detected, "smoother ride" lmao. You don't own an EV.

>> No.54918200

He's an EV soishit he can't change a lightbulb by himself

>> No.54918210

that business model seems to be working very well for Apple phones

>smoother driving
are you aware that a nissan leaf does 0-60 in 5.5 seconds. They're like the complete opposite experience of driving a prius

>> No.54918213

They're assembled in BMW factories, with BMW parts, using BMW engines with Toyota coat on them, the brand has been long dead lmao

>> No.54918221

>retard denying electric motor's superior torque curve
public education system at work, i suppose.

>> No.54918237

>less maintenance than a gas vehicle
>replaced at dealerships for secondhand use
These two are contradictory statements, you're too stupid to realize it. You have to account for the cost of a replacement battery and distribute it over the course of the lifetime of the car to get the actual maintenance costs which usually tend to be about as much or more than petrol vehicles.

Also, people aren't very good at budgeting for a large expense that they know will come 3 years down the line so it usually comes as a surprise to most people.

I don't know if you have anything like this in the U.S but I almost think something like a battery insurance may be something they need to make mandatory and that might actually contribute towards making EVs a bit more viable in today's day & age.

>> No.54918245

Hopefully this chink funds a real LFA predecessor. Don’t care if they make 10 of them I’ll never understand how they made the LFA and the Supra back in their prime and then just fucked off and made boomer cars for the rest of their days

>> No.54918255

I have nothing against electric motors, the first vehicles were diesel/electric hybrids until Henry Ford needed to make cars cheaply, locomotives are diesel/electric. It's the battery technology and how you never truely own the vehicle that makes EVs retarded.

>> No.54918258

Lmao as if these insurers will want to pay for batteries on a "total loss".

>> No.54918260

ICE components and accessories also wear out over time. are you performing an apples to apples comparison by pricing out routine maintenance and major overhauls over the lifespan of an ICE car?

>> No.54918281

EVs are a god damn mess. They’re destroying every automaker currently, but all of them are being forced to try to produce them.

>> No.54918383 [DELETED] 

ICE components and accessories don't cost 40% of the car's worth as they are mass produced and are usually nothing more than machined aluminum parts with no chemistry involved.

And yes, you can do that comparison and arrive at the same conclusion.

>> No.54918418
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If you new world order type FAGGOT PEDOPHILES keep pushing EV, I'm going to learn how to build my own car and you can't stop me. It will run entirely on biofuel that I shit into it like I do with my holes in the ground.

>> No.54918855

If hot swap batteries become implemented within the next few years then the only obstacle for EV saturation is cold climate markets. Hot swap overcomes the hurdle of needing time and a home charger becomes trivial because charging becomes as quick as filling up. But then what would that imply of the value of your car when its "engine" can be swapped out so easily? You defintely wont care about the health of your battery once it becomes easily swappable like filing up your tank.

>> No.54919174

why not just buy tesla?

>> No.54919212

Oh yeah bro we'll just change those massive batteries that are half the weight of the car as fast as you can pump gas.

>> No.54919242

lmao even

>> No.54919336

EVs are gay
It's like if your dad was amazing at blow jobs (I'm assuming he is)
Would you ask him for one
Because it's gay
I don't care if they're "better"
It's just really fucking gay mate
Pack it in

>> No.54919404

Yeah let me just charge my car for 30 to 40 minutes right at a busy street with questionable characters all around.
You are a sitting duck and have to wait compared to 5 minutes max at a gas station.

Also EVs discharge slowly even when not in use, so if you dont use your car for 30 days it will be at 0.

>> No.54919485

Excellent idea ecofag, let's just piss all the world's lithium supply on billions of batteries that will need battery powered forklifts to load them in a car
Lithium mining is carbon neutral right?
Then we can charge all these batteries from the mains, because coal fueled power stations are super clean, and subsequently melt every power grid on the planet

It's never happening lol

I wish you green queers would just admit that you've been duped, by the motor industry, into lobbying for laws to mandate that everyone NEEDS to buy a new vehicle

I'll admit, Small city cars for pod dwellers should be electric, theres no point wasting good oil on worthless spastics

>> No.54919544

>Nobody ITT has a garage
Lmao I've used a charger that isn't inside my garage a total of six times in the past year or so. EVs are amazing if you can charge them at home.

>> No.54919551
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>why not just buy tesla?

>> No.54919575

Anyone buying an EV right now is fucking retarded

It's like buying an iPhone 3G, there will be massive year on year improvments for the next few years, just wait it out until they become more mature.

I don't plan on buying an EV until 2030 at the earliest

>> No.54919593

Im not even an ev shill as i dont own one. just saying IF hot swaps become a thing then they would really reach critical mass.

>> No.54919603

>uh Mr noseburg I plugged in my car b-but
>uh the... car... didn't charge for some reason and I don't have enough range

>> No.54919648
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I'm proud of /biz/ for all of the collective EV hate in this thread, proves this board is still populated by some human beings. The Tesla shills ignored this thread because Toyota is in the OP and we could have a real discussion.

I'll remember this thread fondly in 2025 when 'Make It Car' threads are full of soi bois and pajeets spamming Teslas and another EV dogshit.

>> No.54919669
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Retarded NPC. These are the people that crawl away from a light because they are afraid of their car jerking from a downshift. Maybe they should all get EVs instead of the white cuckovers they drive now.

>> No.54920316

yeah yeah that's great but i just want to make money and I know indian dudes would line up to buy a Lexus EV

>> No.54920318
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>Bullish on Toyota
>Bullish on Japs
>Bullish on Jap CEOs
>Bullish on PEEPO
transitive property

>> No.54920377
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You're a dumb shill

>> No.54920405

i just bought $5k in TM shares, I shill for the same reason I bought. I could make a thread about some of my shitcoin bags but this seemed more interesting

>> No.54920426

Because they're new battery is being build by the fucking japs.

>> No.54920481
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>pushing harder for EVs

>> No.54921583

Who fucks your wife on the side?

>> No.54921946


>> No.54922025
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Machines are not a one time build, they have been built and upgraded as reversions.

Guess what? Motor car engines from the 1800's to the 1930's often only lasted 15,000 to 20,000 miles before needing to be rebuilt, sometimes under 15,000 miles.

>> No.54922034
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>> No.54922060

I own and drive an EV (bmw i3) for the past 5 years already. Ask me anything. Its got about 100.000 miles on the counter

>> No.54922097

>Runs back in with a bottle of water to throw on an electrical/chemical fire
>slips and falls, throwing the bottle right into the fire
Fucking LOL. I wonder if he has any idea how lucky he just was.

>> No.54922128

Is this Brenden Frasier or Elijah Wood?

>> No.54922158

That's my entire argument nigger, you're saying exactly what I'm saying in different words. We need 200ish years of incremental advances to EVs before they are competitive with ICEs. The EVs we have now are comparable to cards from the early 1800s in terms of technological development.

>> No.54922183
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It's Wood.

>> No.54922187
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whoa glad im not the only redditor here! I love EV's. It's "based" if you think about it: enslaving under age children and third worlders so that I can play video games in my car while I charge it. Big LOL at combustion engines boomers, have fun with your slow gas powered vehicle.

>> No.54922209
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youre very naive sirs. did you get those facts from CNN?

>> No.54922227

>ice components wear down over time
you must of never owned a toyota or maintained a car

>> No.54922401

Are you retarded? There were no cars in the early 1800s.

>> No.54922859

You are a fucking idiot. It is difficult to quantify how stupid you sound right now.

Enjoy your horse and carriage rides you Luddite.

>> No.54922955

I have a piece of paper that says I'm smarter than you when it comes to EVs. But it doesn't matter, you're retarded either way. No point arguing with you but if you're interested, search for static charge batteries (i.e. super capacitors) - this is the future of EVs and chemical batteries are akin to the early steam engine based cars in the grand scheme of things.

I don't know when cars were invented but the point still stands.

>> No.54922983

>less maintenance than a gas vehicle
We're talking about Toyota here, they need some but not much maintenance.

>> No.54923012

They won't. You're treating a swappable battery as akin to a fuel tank, theydcost thousands of dollars and probably need a crane. Only thing it'll help is the second hand market.

>> No.54923060

>Wanting to put your body in a vehicle that produces massive EMF fields for possibly hours a day

Enjoy your cancer, retards.

>> No.54923392

wake me up when they've figured out the hydrogen tech. it will btfo EVs

>> No.54923405

instant charge battery is the next big thing

all the big companies are secretly funding instant charge battery technology

>> No.54923526

>i sunk 5 paychecks into EVs

>> No.54924100

EVs make planned obsolescence even easier for the jews that run the car companies. They do it to your phone, they will do it to 'your' car. I say 'your' because you won't even own the car, it will be the exact same deal as your phone. Oh you want to load your own firmware that doesn't have a glowie backdoor to slam you into a wall at 120mph 'on accident' because you posted the wrong statistics online? Too bad. It's Tesla's/Apple's/Google's/Ford's hardware and you're voiding the ai driving contract you signed upon purchase by modifying it. Welcome to the safest, most secure streets in the planet. Just don't step out of line.

>> No.54925415

>the EV shills shirk as they're called out on their complicitness with further shackling the population

>> No.54925465

>nobody wants to drive a fucking Nissan Leaf

>> No.54925478

>wake me up when they've figured out the hydrogen tech. it will btfo EVs
They already got it figured. But too quickly. Couple of people needed to
>quieten down
Had a few

>> No.54925509

They are doing hydrogen powered cars now.

>> No.54926243

By 2030 no one will buy EVs because there will be self driving fleets that people use for a fraction of the cost. Redditors that have bought Teslas so far we're just financing and training this fleet. It's close enough to completion that Musk is already shitting on those soiboys.

>> No.54926289

Because they are unfathomably ugly to look at.
Because you look like a fag driving one.
Because they are just a ridiculous idea (electric cars? lol give me a fucking break).
Also they look retarded and make the driver look like a fag.
Fuck teslas.

>> No.54926323
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What you actually ought to do is kill yourself for considering driving a 'car' that runs on electricity you fucking retard.

>> No.54926456

Toyota understand that ev's aren't viable over the long-term. The companies making ev's are only doing it for esg points.

>> No.54926496

>expect massive protests never seen before.
Euros protest every fucking summer. Nobody even fucking cares anymore. What are they gonna do, cry even harder than normal?

>> No.54926520

We will always have fossil fuels, EVs are not the future and they're more harmful to the environment. Thankfully companies like ABTC are getting this taken care of
Toyota would go back up if they brought back the V8 Tundra

>> No.54926532
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well... they will focus on hydrogen powered engines... which doesn't have any of those problems

>> No.54926561

They don’t have the reputation they used to and the parts (high quality) they use to make their engines are fucking expensive when they go down.
T. Own a vintage toyota that’s supposed to be cheap to fix but it’s not

>> No.54926811

You are retarded and a tranny. If they wanted a quick buck they’d jump on the ev scam wagon and offload scam wagons to cucks like you.

This moron who inherited Toyota knows this

>> No.54927594

based retard

>> No.54927963


Koji Sato doesn't care about EV, he wants to shill his hydrogen car.

I don't know how viable hydrogen car is compared to EV

>> No.54927970
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Koji Sato doesn't care about EV, he wants to shill his hydrogen car.

I don't know how viable hydrogen car is compared to EV

>> No.54927988

Not happening anytime soon. I think we will see swappable batteries before that, so you just charge it at home all day then when you come home or go to an interchange you swap it for the full one.

>> No.54927994

Weak sauce. Needs HPOS10I

>> No.54928085


>> No.54928089
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>> No.54928094

if you drove an EV you would def think that you had a retarded opinion.

>> No.54928988

Buy MULN instead. They are heavy shorted and had a recent 25-1 reverse split but will partner with Apple to build the icar which will dominate the industry like the iphone.

>> No.54929029

>were gonna start doing that thing that everyone else has been doing for the last 10 years

>> No.54929156

Because combustion engine technology has become far too cheap and reliable for the average person. (((They))) have to (((tech-it-up))) in order to get the sale price high enough to make profit on their shit car designs so Boomers can watch the green line go up. Everything is designed to fuck over middle class people.

>> No.54929627

Why would I charge it at home if I could swap out the batteries? Plus everyone will dump their degraded batteries and the swap system will find that’s what it’s getting.

>> No.54929686

the batteries cost and weigh as much as a small internal combustion engine car.

>> No.54929770

>Feels like there's a huge market for EVs that aren't gimmicky like Teslas, Rivians, mustangs etc. And nobody wants to drive a fucking Nissan Leaf.

Just about everywhere I turn I see a tesla. People keep saying that they don't need oil change or "maintenance" because it's electric. Another reason is "electric is cheaper than gas so it must be cheaper" , while at the same time paying out the ass and also insuring a 60k car vs a 10k> 10yr old ICE. Not even mentioning how long it would take for the battery to wear out for a replacement. I'll wait and see.

>> No.54929886

>Hot swap

It's not a fucking boosted board bro

>> No.54929940

how could fossil fuels possibly compete when they only have 80 times the energy density of lithium batteries?

>> No.54929994

anyways i see /biz/ is behind the loop yet again with no mention of the world largest battery maker announcing mass production before the end of the year on a new battery with twice the energy density of lithium. keep sleeping on that i guess

>> No.54930010

actually i think it is a type of lithium battery so i shouldnt say compared to lithium. but you get the idea. just announced a couple weeks ago. i know battery developments are announced all the time but they promised mass production by the end of the year, and they are the largest battery maker in the world. its worth looking into i think but we'll see. maybe the batteries have a drawback somewhere