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54913395 No.54913395 [Reply] [Original]

When did everything get so fucking gay? Seems like everyone woke up and decided to fag out all of a sudden.

Unironically, how do I short western civilization?

>> No.54913411

>the people of the future won’t even have any understanding of how human reproduction works

>> No.54913449

I'll have you know I'm actually on my period

>> No.54913465

You're going to want to go long on real estate and long on biopharmaceuticals. Think massive cities full of TRANNYS and pod style housing for TRANNYS

>> No.54913479

Everything went to shit after 2007. The internet is concentrated autism that only spergs can handle in high doses, once the average normie got access to social media via smartphone all of their brains rotted.

>> No.54913486

I hate capitalism. It is unironically the enemy

>> No.54913510

It's not a period. It's just dry skin on your ass hole.

>> No.54913513
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>> No.54914301

Late stage Judaism. Bad guys won. This is the hard to swallow pill

>> No.54914328

Dude it's ridiculous
>One of my best childhood friends that's been married for 5 years is now a woman
>Kid I was in boy scouts with is now a woman
>Girl I was neighbors with is now "asexual"
Homosexuals and transgender peoplethings are like 20% of the population of people under 30 years old what the fuck is happening

>> No.54914360

It's so weird, the things that you used to see from crazy Tumblr psychos that everyone would laugh at is everyday discourse now. I used to think that retarded stuff like that would stay on the internet but I guess I was too optimistic about people.

>> No.54914377

Kek. You have no idea how sensitive my nipples are right now.

>> No.54914391

Shit that radfems like Big Red used to yell at in the streets are now taught in classes and touted as "social studies", but without the yelling. You're right, the radical crap of yesterday is now the mainstream of today. Always baffles my mind when retards say we are moving rightward as a society, I wonder what planet they are living in. It was a mistake underestimating these frankfurt school fucks.

>> No.54914408

There's more women than men to start with. What are these faggots hoping to achieve?

>> No.54914421

So how do we profit from this?
Long tranny medicine companies?
This shit can't really be sustained for that much longer can it?

>> No.54914471

Buy silver and gold. When this stupid evil system fails, it will be the only thing left.

>> No.54914489

Yep, wokeism is just capitalism turned on itself.

>> No.54914538

>what people?

>> No.54914558
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>> No.54914567


Everything turned gay from then on out.

Prove me wrong

>> No.54914585

Objectively not. See >>54913513

>> No.54914607

it's unironically some kind of divide and conquer psyop being facilitated from the medical professionals that profit from it. there's a reason why all of this shit was turned up to 11 after occupy wall st and it's because they want the social fabric to be threadbare before the next collapse so they can retain power

>> No.54914611

The term ESG was popularly used first in a 2004 report titled "Who Cares Wins", which was a joint initiative of financial institutions at the invitation of UN.[5] In less than 20 years, the ESG movement has grown from a corporate social responsibility initiative launched by the United Nations into a global phenomenon representing more than US$30 trillion in assets under management.[6] In the year 2019 alone, capital totaling US$17.67 billion flowed into ESG-linked products, an almost 525 percent increase from 2015

from wikipedia

>> No.54914622

Asexual is pretty much not being interested in sex. It isn't pretending to the other gender.

>> No.54914624

When Jews got powerful.

>> No.54914640

Every man should be gay except me

>> No.54914643
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>> No.54914656
File: 1.32 MB, 640x270, GirlfriendEdit4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, /thread