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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54912317 No.54912317 [Reply] [Original]

>Usury is... LE BAD
Why would anyone ever lend money then, nigger?

>> No.54912377

Modern capital is great.

>> No.54912396

but i want money for free

>> No.54912395

Post nose

>> No.54912420

That's exactly the point nigger. Money should not be lent, only earned. You either give or receive charity (in which case there is no obligation to pay pack) or you invest in a venture (or take investments for your venture) with which you create value and hence earn money which is then returned to the investor with a share of the profit.

You niggers talk about islamic law without understanding it one bit.

>> No.54912442
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Only one fucking nigger here uses this in everything he says
KYS ffs.

>> No.54912683

>Islamic law
>interest is bad
>okay we'll just do interest in another form


>> No.54912701

usury is great
That's why ((they)) are afraid of p2p lending

>> No.54912759

Such a perfect cuni

>> No.54912774

Le METH poster?

>> No.54912825

It's predatory lending that's the problem, not reasonable (= affordable) loans. Usury is the former, not the latter.

>> No.54912846

money IS debt in this age

>> No.54912887

>nooooo bro i wanna use YOUR money for MY gain and pay YOU nothing for YOUR money

whose really the jew in this interaction?

>> No.54912895

go back to whatever shithole board you came from you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.54913069

So then why do banks charge 20% interest yet the money I give them only earns 0.01% interest?

>> No.54913112

So everyone can participate in society and be productive instead of forming a tribe and walking off into the sunset or becoming violent and taking your shit by force. Or just not believing in your way of life and just ignoring you and trading sea shells and rabbit meat.

>> No.54913118

>money making more money is the same thing as productive enterprise making more money
You must be a commie to be this economically illiterate

>> No.54913128

Usury is not just lending money, it is lending money at rates which have the express intent of making sure the debtor is never able to pay back the principal.

>> No.54913135

>Creating value out of nothing is... LE GOOD

>> No.54913249

because you're stupid enough to give it to them, and people are rapidly smartening up which is why so many deposits are leaving the banking system right now

>> No.54913267

I believe in dirigisme. The market wants just wants profits but not what would benefit society necessarily. They want to keep milking the internet cow while we just let them know everything we think. The government should just tell investors you're going to invest in new technology that is beneficial like jet packs, flying cars and spaceships or you don't get to invest at all. Likewise entrepreneurs that can't make the cut can fuck off.

>> No.54913274

usury is bad yes

>> No.54913289

You could exchange money lent for part ownership of the company you're lending too. Only greedy jews seek to multiply money through interest.

>> No.54913302
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Usury (meaning all interest) is sinful.

>> No.54913416

They literally changed the lord's prayer, the words of jesus christ, so jews could loan out money at interest, which fundamentally enslaves people.

Forgive us our debts as we forgive those who are in debt to us

>> No.54913913

Typically you'd lend money and ask for collateral to cover the cost if you weren't able to find a way to get money.
But to help others whom have ideas or plans, while those who have a bunch of money sitting just aren't hoarding it

>> No.54914037

Go cry to the rabbi who ate your foreskin kike faggot

>> No.54914255

But not Jesus? Hmmm. Really gets the noggin joggin…

>> No.54914816

Usury is an unsecured loan against a person
That's why it is prohibited, because it cannot be discharged by the borrower if their circumstances change.

>> No.54914861

He physically beat the usurers instead

>> No.54914905
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Ursury, in the modern sense, just means at unreasonable rates of interest, wherby, repaying the principle becomes near impossible. Going back to OPs point, perfectly possible to lend money at reasonable rates and make a profit without enslaving people to a life of misery.

>> No.54914923

shut up jew. usury is typically seen as specifically high interest loans. look into islamic banking, they have perfectly good operating banks that dont practice usury and help build up members of their faith.

>> No.54914955

I think the Saudi do it where people get money from gains but if the bank loses, it's the inverse

>> No.54914972

institutionalized money lending is not a longterm solution as it always ends up funneling resources and wealth away from the base towards the top.
private money investing to help build businesses is the true way of a successful egalitarian society build to last centuries.

>> No.54914976

name one [1] good a-rab economy

>> No.54914980
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This is your OP btw.

>> No.54914983

this. jesus was about deeds not words.

>> No.54915007

Um sorry sweaty you're le wrong

>> No.54915035

im not saying the are perfect, im not a fan of muslims generally. but at least they have the balls to have banks that dont use jewish behavior. its not all about making mass profits for themselves. its about using their institutions to help fellow believers create businesses and buy homes which in turn helps improve their entire communities. cope chud

>> No.54915230

ALL interest is usurious, sinful and predatory. The modern definition is bullshit.

>> No.54915240

Based Jesus

>> No.54915498
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Because lending money is reserved for jews, thats why all local (((christians))) are screeching about possibility of you making money this way