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File: 16 KB, 259x194, E626716D-DD13-4734-A35E-D063671CD6EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5490913 No.5490913 [Reply] [Original]

XMR is my largest holding, and I’m never selling.

However, I’d like to know what it’s biggest potential challenger might be. I hold some Aeon, and some ENG, but what else might be good to hold?

>> No.5490938

Verge > Monero

>> No.5490960

Hush, Phor

>> No.5490961

Spectrecoin. The one and only.

>> No.5490981

challengers right now? zcash zksnarks...that's it...buy some ada

>> No.5491001

Literally Dogecoin over Tor lololololololol

>> No.5491047

Enjoy being suceptible to blockchain analysis

>> No.5491113

lmao no

>> No.5491164
File: 119 KB, 744x802, PADRE MONERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait and switch shilling. All other "privacy" coins are just light versions of monero. It is like taking a 50,000 pound truck that hauls a 30,000 pound load and stripping enough metal out of it (Mostly framework) in order for it to haul that same 30,000 pound load faster on a narrower road with thinner pavement, then selling it as the same 50,000 pound truck. Not honest, and not safe at all. B for semi slick bait and switch.

>> No.5491325

^ this.
Also Zcash is a good competitor for monero.

>> No.5492225

Zcash is the only real answer. Larger anonymity set at the expense of an ever-growing unprunable accumulator, and huge proofs that are expensive to create. It's freaky deaky cutting edge crypto though, so there's more chance of a huge improvement being found than in monero's tamer stuff. I don't hold any though because there's still 10x inflation to go (only 2/20 million coins mined).

>> No.5492334
File: 174 KB, 926x537, AN UNKNOWN AMOUNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 trips checked. Zcash will wind up #2. Only reason it is up is Tweeka shilled it to brainlets who are incapable of comparing white papers / track record. Zcash does not have Monero Fungibility. Never has, never will.

>> No.5492378


>> No.5492381

Nice! Just bought (an unknown amount)

>> No.5492461


>> No.5492485

Yes, Anon, buy my honeypot zcash so I can mine your Metadata.

>> No.5492560
File: 12 KB, 640x640, 1475293208458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking normie get out

>> No.5492704

GTFO brainlet

>> No.5492774

Monero and IntenseCoin (rebrand incoming) will rule the privacy market

>> No.5493003

Byteball blackbytes, untraceable, TOR, smart contracts

>> No.5493701

CLOAKCOIN is going open source. Once it does, straight to top 50.

>> No.5494014

That was a horrible analogy, but point taken.

>> No.5494109

is there a larger version of this?

>> No.5494130
File: 28 KB, 517x524, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5494250

You didn't buy BZC yet anon? Kek

>> No.5494318
File: 72 KB, 776x575, MONERO IS TITS..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I could do, anon.

>> No.5494427

Holy shit OP, that's unironically a pic my girl...

>> No.5494536

Im a security engineer here is the best investment 6you could make:
1. Colx
2. Nav
3. Pivx
4. Monero

Nolow technology wise
Far below
2. Nav
3. Pivx colx

>> No.5494707
File: 188 KB, 2160x1620, edT9xRd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd she get on biz?

>> No.5494775


>> No.5494805

i cant even sell my verge because the wallet wont connect to the servers. Verge has to be the worst coin to buy right now.

>> No.5495212

Can OP at least tell me where he found her pic??

>> No.5495694


She is posting about crypto and using her being a woman to sway the bitcoin rich thirsty dudes.

>> No.5495761


>> No.5495825

I guess you're trolling...
the future is VERGE (XVG).

>> No.5495861

Well I know for sure she knows exactly zero about crypto other than the little she hears from me.

>> No.5496566


She is a secret crypto learner to impress you but to also potentially attract other wealthy men.

>> No.5497150

I really would be impressed if this was true

>> No.5497354

I’m thinking ZCash could be accepted by privacy community with a hardfork.

Right now the founder’s said too much sketchy stuff

>> No.5497433


Trust me man, so many BTC thirsty crypto hoes at the moment bringing drama.

>> No.5497767

Look at DCR (Decred) gonna 10x in jan/feb easy money