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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54907189 No.54907189 [Reply] [Original]

Community Call at 2PM PST


Back to 22 cents and feeling fine. Just bought more. Kek. 200k and counting

>> No.54907470
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Fuck. Guess it really is over. Kek.

>> No.54907649

Excited for what? Capitulation ?

I’m completely underwater from BAT, my wife is leaving me and taking the kids, and my Toyota Camry was just repossessed.

>> No.54907806

Don't invest more than you can afford to lose bro. Tough lesson.

>> No.54907928

you are still bagholding this shit?
even after that awful roadmap and team actively shitting on the community?

Keep funding those CA niggers, I'm certain they appreciate it.

>> No.54908771

Kek. Baggies

>> No.54908776

Where the hell is everyone? Even the FUD is gone. The namefags are all gone. Did BattyAbby, Thotposter, and turtle guy all dump?

>> No.54908788

BAP was on the last community call. Didn't see turtleman

>> No.54908859

I don’t think Ive ever seen the threads in this state. Looks like everyone just vanished

>> No.54908898

Baggies got wise and dumped. Do the same nigger

>> No.54908918

So the bagholders that have held for years on end all decided to dump and ghost at the same time? Was this some discord faggotry or something?

>> No.54908954

Yes and yes

>> No.54908962

Didn't we confirm that BAP and TP were the same person?

>> No.54909049

Another witch hunt huh? Answers my question to where everyone went then.

>> No.54909059

Yeah. I think it turned out that they were all Parker's avatars or something.

>> No.54909227


>> No.54909313

The team disrespects my time with their stupid calls and non-actionable info. Not sure what Luke thinks he's accomplishing with his 20 person weekly calls

The token sucks and they don't do anything for it

Why the fuck would I keep posting ITT lmao

I have over 1M BAT but I'll revisit monthly instead of daily/weekly

Fuck this stupid project, incompetent team always behind the trends and no actual roadmap. It's pathetic

>> No.54909702

1M+ BAT? Jesus how havent you roped?

>> No.54909765

> Over1M BAT
Is that you Turtleman?

>> No.54909995

I have more than you

>> No.54910032

We’re basically fucked BATbros. I don’t see us gaining new users or BAT going up in price for a long time if ever. Unfortunately there’s just not a market for projects that actually fix things

>> No.54910943
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I hope it moons, like we all do, but I just don't know.

I think need to start doing something to get more users. Sponsoring YouTubers, maybe? I saw Opera being shilled the other day.

What's got the doom-posters so down?

>> No.54910994
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I'm dying to here the lore behind this one kek.

>incompetent team always behind the trends and no actual roadmap. It's pathetic
I'm convinced its just self sabotage at this point. Not even being terrified of the SEC makes sense at this point.

This is the saddest part...I've seen some of their projects and ideas. They could shift the momentum realistically whenever they wanted to.

>I don’t see us gaining new users
That ship sailed a long time ago. You will NEVER see any substantial growth from this point on unless they actually do something. The stagnation is real and now turbo normie browsers like Edge are paying out much better rewards. Even FireFox is picking up on the idea.

>> No.54911256

The lore is you seem to pop up when BAP leads the way, engage in banter, and both disappear about the same time.

Whether true or not, top quality thot there

>> No.54911450

>You will NEVER see any substantial growth from this point on unless they actually do something.
Do what? They’ve shot themselves in the foot so many times it’s unreal. Maybe the Google shell Corp rumors were true and they’re doing it intentionally

>> No.54911601


>> No.54911607

I want to fuck

>> No.54911922

Listened to a few minutes of the call today. Even Luke sounds defeated and weary.

I'm a BAT OG, been balls deep since summer 2017. But I don't know how much longer I can go with this.

>> No.54911951

My cock is throbbing

>> No.54912444

unironically yes
>tfw 800k bat holder for 4 years
I know 5 long-term bat holders that all dumped in the 2023 (25-35 cent range), not because of the bear, but because of the teams total incompetence
>numbers down/stagnating
>team dismissive, and furtherly, rude and arrogant to long term holders
>retarded "State of Bat" that was delayed for months
>Brave search
now their focus? when AI is here? its like focusing on.. making a new skype/zoom. why the fuck would you do that? Oh wait.. brave talk. brave vpn. etc...
>SWAG store
retarded, hyped up for years, never released, then came out was just one of those stores literally anyone can open in 20 minutes, fucking disgraceful
>Pay with bat
swag store cant even use bat, nothing can use bat, no paywall bat, not VPN bat, no brave talk bat
"Muh SEC is hamstringing us!" - complete bullshit excuse, they never tried
>KYC, FOR EVERYONE! uphold and gemini only
Gemini was shown to be a complete scam (leaked users info, and lost all coins in their Earn program, which Brave team advertised as a "utility" for the BAT
Uphold no better, get funds frozen for no reason.
promised "2 more weeks" since Q1 2018 (why many of us bought bat), never came out, came out a few weeks ago, so laughable and unusable...
>Eich twitter
literal retard. CEO of covid, post 1000 times a day about covid. 1 post per month about bat MAU/DAU with some cope about "Feb is a short month" or "Although number of monthly users has dropped every day for a year, its good because they were poos"
This is the worst, they should/will be sued over this. Fraud. They didnt even have the bat to cover their monthly payments. Lied about this, I have recordings, many anons do. I will actively try to help them get rekt by the SEC if they get sued.

Should I continue with my blog?
Fuck it feels good to sell, I havent thought about bat in weeks until I found this thread, Sell now, The reason it makes me seethe so much is because it was a soft scam

>> No.54912547

and I fell for the midwit scam, Im having to come to terms with the fact that I too and a midwit normie. acceptance is freeing. Would have been much better if they hard scammed and just cashed out, its the long drawn out con that makes me hate BAT so much
a blatant rug pull would have been so much more painless. No checking up on community calls, no more wondering what the retards at bat were up to, no more reddit post, no more missed goals, no more gas lighting
If anyone from the bat team is reading this, fuck you and your bat you stupid cowards. "Brave"
Oh and I tried to help with programming a feature on Brave 3 years ago (for free), and you turned me down, because you were already working on it :), that was a complete lie
Good luck in the future, I wonder whats next for brave...
just like ebay but worse, and no one uses it
just like gmail but worse, and no one uses it
just like chatGPT but worse, and no one uses it
just like facebook but worse, and no one uses it, and really gay
>Brave The Gathering
Brave makes their own TCG but you cant use BAT ;)
>Issue new Brave Coin
just like Bat but worse, and no one uses it either

>> No.54912597
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Trips speaks truth, I imagine. I have about 100 coins from ads, was hopong to cash out for some Hobby Money :(

>> No.54912711

It’s really this bad and anyone with half a brain knows it’s not by accident

>> No.54913485

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.54913808
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