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File: 23 KB, 597x280, Spam Kikemen-fried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54906840 No.54906840 [Reply] [Original]

THIS JUST IN: Sam Bankman-Fried in court: ''Your Honor, I plead not guilty... and also, can you check out these low fees at FTX?''

>> No.54906996

He is a Jew after all

>> No.54907006

>twitter screenshot thread
About that, see: https://archive.is/2q3lk

>> No.54907019


>> No.54907042
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>> No.54907125

They should let Sam walk and throw that Jewess whore of his under the prison or possibly even just execute her.

>> No.54907163

Why did op capitalise Your Honor and not Jesus? What strange behavior.

>> No.54907164

jews really have no shame, actually poor excuse for a 'man'

>> No.54907215

Fuck jews

>> No.54907257

Basically he secured $8b from people who would rather not see their corruption funding network be upended.

>> No.54907284


>> No.54907285

we can assume the judge is a real person, while jesus is a character from a fairytale

>> No.54907289
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of course he's not guilty. all he was trying to achieve was redistributing wealth from gambling degenerates into more deserving individuals

>> No.54907335

kys kike

>> No.54907368

the jew part of the fairytale is a fairytale as well anon
to believe that stuff like the miracles literally, physically, unironically happened you HAVE to be a schizo which needs meds and there's nothing that anyone can say about that, i'm sorry

>> No.54907458

*tips fedora

>> No.54907511

kys monkey

>> No.54907512

it's not a lie if you believe it

>> No.54907531

ok George you fat kike

>> No.54907542
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>> No.54907543

I've unironically performed miracles.
I'm unironically the second coming of Jesus, it's literally undeniable if you knew who I am.

Nobody cares though, this time things will be different.

>> No.54907546

Sam bankman fried is acquitted of all charges and criminal record wiped clean. He also gains a license to chair an exchange again

>> No.54907552

what is the judge's surname

>> No.54907563

not a very christian thing to say my schizo friend, you are going to hell in your own religion which is both funny and insane

>> No.54907576

yeah exactly what i was talking about, thank you for providing evidence

>> No.54907580
File: 172 KB, 1200x1200, ed and ron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the 21st century, where people still believe children's stories actually happened.
not plausible things though ... not moon landings or 9/11 or someone voting for someone i don't like ... those must be fake.

no, we believe the literally impossible magic from stories made up thousands of years ago is actually real.

>> No.54907611

I could actually provide you video and photo evidence of the miracle I performed.
You still wouldn't believe it, you didn't believe me 2000 years ago.

It's fine I send myself to earth every so often, this time is the last time, prepare your family.

>> No.54907633

kek, humanity is hopeless

>> No.54907638

yes i would sooner believe in literal fairy tales than government narratives

>> No.54907672
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>> No.54907690
File: 180 KB, 308x284, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's seen so much it's insane.

>> No.54907704

>this time is the last time
Why tho?

>> No.54907723

my friend, the issue is that if it's a miracle there can't be proof of it, otherwise it's called physics

>> No.54907876

Can physics prove bringing a creature back to life?

>> No.54907896


>> No.54907909

Because I had to come back once more before my final incantation, let this body live through the suffering and poisoning by my people.

I have found very little value left in this earth and this form is dying and once I leave this shell I will be reborn into my final aspect where I will drive my sword into this planet cleaving it in twine, leaving one side for those I chose worthy and the other to be a place you call hell.

>> No.54907931

the moment you physically do something, it becomes physically possible, by definition (because, well, you just physically did it)
you can do something which is CONSIDERED to be physically impossible at some time, but what's considered so changes immediately the moment you do it and provide evidence

>> No.54907941

>doesn't even know the difference between "incarnation" and "incantation"
You are a mental midget.

>> No.54907949

I performed this miracle in 2019, this was the moment everything stopped.
I made myself aware to those who have chosen to destroy my creation.

The time is coming my children, I wish I was kidding, I don't allow my corporal incantations to know they are me until it's the proper time.

>> No.54908013

Damnit you caught me I'm drunk and larping.

>> No.54908021

Both of these guys have seen tons of cock in the 90s

>> No.54908036

so much producer cock

>> No.54908069
File: 210 KB, 1920x1024, Fu-9qLfXoAAG8wG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You honor, i switched all of the liquidity in Alameda towards memecoins.
Memecoins your honor.
Y-Yeah it's like tokens but with memes.
Which ones? Well this one called Pepe just did a x10 and the other called Peepo a x14
Your honor?"

>> No.54908146

Wheres the sex tape? Theres bound to be one, i wanna see that little bitch get gangbanged so hard.

>> No.54908149

lol.... she's of the tribe they ain't finna do shit

>> No.54908172

wow this coin sounds great, i will buy some of them now

>> No.54908178

I've met jews in prison. If he doesn't go to jail it'll be because he's a billionare.

>> No.54908180

jesus was a historical figure you dumb nigger

>> No.54908209

can anybody tell wtf is this?
I think you guys broke the jews

>> No.54908242


>> No.54908312

there are historians that doubt it but that wasn't the point anyway

>> No.54908637
File: 1.54 MB, 1447x4306, 1679417160380954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about OP's intentions but we should do that, write all jewish related stuff in lowercase, because picrel -- they write White in lowercase. So it's only fitting we write things like "jews" and "judaism" and "jesus" and "sam bankman-fried" etc in all lowercase.

>> No.54908647

kill yourself

>> No.54908664

Power move. Something most /biz/cels wouldn't understand.

>> No.54908696
File: 1.08 MB, 512x288, real in my mind.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- video

>> No.54908705
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Can't wait til this faggot gets away with a slap on the wrist and goes to a 'consulting' position when FTX relaunches next year

>> No.54908744

I hope he gets off. What's the kike judge's name? I want people to realize with jews you lose. With kikes big yikes.

>> No.54908751
File: 530 KB, 600x1070, 1674463455064378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets mad at an anon because he isn't swallowing jewish poison
>writes "kikes"

Have you guys noticed how JIDF shills, very often when larping as anti-jewish non-jews, almost always use the word "kikes" and usually avoid using the word jews? That's because of the below:

• It plays into their Christianity hoax and makes their Scheinkampf (pretend-fight) against Christianity seem real, thereby promoting Christianity (as "kike" is said to originate from the jew word for circle and supposedly the origin of "kike" is that jews refused to use a cross instead of a circle on some document, so they supposedly used a circle instead).

• To normalfags it sounds like a "racist slur" like, like nigger, which makes the enemies of the jews seem bad/evil/racist -- and this of course helps the jews.

• Calling the jews jews helps instill into the subconscious of normalfags that jew=bad. The word jews is already a word with a somewhat negative connotation around the world, but we can make it even more negative/bad sounding. Calling them "kikes", or anything else other than jews, doesn't contribute to that. THIS they are VERY aware of, hence they don't want us to call them jews.

They much prefer it when their enemies use the word "kikes", or anything else other than jews - for example "hebrews" or "semites".

>> No.54908774
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>hopes SBF goes free
>writes "kikes"


>> No.54908781

Fucking jews.

>> No.54908792
File: 1.28 MB, 1064x1500, 1676546338152760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Natsoc book totally destroys that jewish narrative.

>> No.54908806

Kike, jew, kikel, yid, hebe, rat-faced shnozzer, call them whatever you like. I like kike because it sounds like cunt.

>> No.54908815

this even when jews steal your money, they are just excersizing their right as your masters and not actually guilty of anything wrong. pay up goyim

>> No.54908835

You're a stupid jew if you think the jewdiciary system doesn't protect jews. Fucking retard. Show me a rat-faced jew in jail, even fucking Weinstein got off.

>> No.54908843

Why do you want SBF to go free?

>> No.54908846

the J is prefered since they have a hard time letting that roll off their back. call them anything else they dont care oh well water off my back as the old saying goes but call them the J word and oh n0ez you have done the unspeakable sin. there's even a pic of some old black and white guy photo saying similar. its where I got it.

>> No.54908868
File: 93 KB, 994x662, 1660797758429411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets called a jew by the guy who wants SBF to go free

>> No.54909397

based. keep up the good work anon

>> No.54909544

He should be given Gary Gensler's job

And the goyim who lost their money need to apologize to Israel for putting SBF through this.

>> No.54909651


>> No.54909707

That's called having a lawyer. If you don't do this more than once in a trial, you're a very shitty lawyer.