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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54905851 No.54905851 [Reply] [Original]

i miss pregnantbutt

>> No.54905862

they're all 6s

>> No.54905871

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.54905913

imagine the smell

>> No.54905931

i'm 38 years old and i kissed several girls.

>> No.54905942

isn't it funny how more of something devalues all of it.

>> No.54905967

The fucks with 2nd one hitting invisible wall? Is this a tiktok thing?

>> No.54905994

The only hot one is the second to last one because it seems like she has a bitchy attitude.

>> No.54906003

now post their black bfs

>> No.54906032

keep posting white women. you will learn to associate them with black bulls soon enough

>> No.54906070

Unironically unequivocally built for BBC

>> No.54906083
File: 125 KB, 500x503, 000198yu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the Black guys??

>> No.54906085

excepted it to end with a gorilla-looking nigger walking out last

>> No.54906105

lol chinks flood biz. bear market grasping for straws. a mumu smells the air: fear. it is time.
>bird brained woman sees she's on camera
>wavyarm.jpg activate

>> No.54906111

>Unironically unequivocally built for BBC


>> No.54906116

see >>54906105

>> No.54906151
File: 161 KB, 750x750, 1681388630771398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything I don't like to hear was posted by a jew/chink/nigger

>> No.54906170


>> No.54906181
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, smell_scope.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

envisage the attar.

>> No.54906189

6-7 is the ideal for a woman. 8-9 are likely to cheat on you because they see themselves as better than you. 5 is purely for a one night stand. Under 4 is just a disservice to yourself. 6-7 is attractive enough that they stand out to average women but they are still self concious/insecure enough to not cheat.

>> No.54906321

anon, you have it backwards. 6-7's cheat because they think they'll never get caught. 8-9's are purchased property and thus know them cheating is a death sentence.

>> No.54906338

What the fuck is wrong with me?, I expected black guys to be inside the house.

>> No.54906351

7s think they're 10s and they cheat because of how deeply ingrained their inflated value is in their minds. The best relationship I've ever had was with a 9 and I'm gonna marry her next year.

>> No.54906362

there weren't?

>> No.54906369

Because you absorb the toxic parts of this website way too much. Troons spam bnwo content on 4chan for the very precise reason that you'll forever associate blonde white girls with tyrone

>> No.54906370

I thought a black guy would end up behind them. I am disappoint desu.

>> No.54906434

Either too much time here or too much porn. Not that I can talk, the longest I've lasted doing noporn in like 15 years was 2 weeks.

>> No.54906635

That’s a man

>> No.54906710
File: 255 KB, 798x812, 97AC5ABD-AC0A-450E-B065-2EC75C6242BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this very literally: you have been brainwashed by jewish pornographers on the internet in general, and also by glowie demoralization campaigns on this website specifically. In real life everybody hates and rejects black people.

>> No.54906746

>in real life everybody hates and rejects black people
this just isn't true. i understand the crux of your reply but stop using those cope statistics and those cope diagrams. go to any major city in the west and there are a shit ton of black men dating all sorts of people of different races. even if it's not dating, there are black men in friend groups with everybody all the time.

black people are full of real problems and their culture is trash but stop pretending like they're not liked and appreciated by all sorts of different people. also fuck your dating statistics, they are literally outbreeding you. even if none of them marry, they are still breeding way more than guys like you so they must be liked to some degree.

>> No.54906762

Red dress for me

>> No.54906768

PBUTT was a globohomo psyop to make you take dick in the ass

>> No.54906773

>cheap wine
>hair spray
>cat piss
>spray tan stink

>> No.54906924

>In real life everybody hates and rejects black people.
you've obviously never been to a nightclub in a major city

>> No.54906946

niggers unless 10/10 tyrones literally get rejected by bouncers in denmark, you're fucking retarded

>> No.54906969

I'm talking about America and Black Americans. Not Europe and poor African refugees. Also the charts don't tell the story of SEX. Women looking to White males as beta providers is why they seek them out, but when it comes to fucking they save that for Tyrone.

>> No.54907015


>> No.54907092

Na your other side of the coin is also a cucked extreme. Plenty of women in this world look to white men to fuck, to marry, to date casually, whatever. I don't think black people are hated like that anon says but your Tyrone fantasies aren't true either

Wtf is wrong with you people man? Why do so many of you MALES have a fetish for black men? Like actually what in the fuck is wrong with yall. Women see this you know? They know you guys fetishize black guys

>> No.54907103

>all these queers dicklusting for nog dick and forcing their disgusting nog dick fetish on everyone
>not taking their nog dick lust fetish to the queer containment board where their kind and their gay posts belong
>think they are le witty le funny le ebin troll of 4chinz spamming their disgusting nog dick fetish lust

>> No.54907109

>Women see this you know? They know you guys fetishize black guys
and so do they

>> No.54907134

Those are men

>> No.54907140

Na man read cc, read twitter, watch these podcasts with OF chicks and you'll find that your projections don't align with reality. They know YOU fetishize them and that you'll pay big money to watch niggers fuck them. I genuinely believe there are more men on this planet that have a fetish for black men than there are women. You people are fucking sick in the head.

>> No.54907171

In a traditional society you'd be married to an average but fuckable chick by the time you were 18.

In our free capitalist one these women all fucked chad last night and when you're 39 and have a good job and a house one of them will deign to bless you with her worn out tattooed holes and half-black son.

Count yourself lucky, bucko.

>> No.54907182
File: 822 KB, 680x654, 0E2006BF-891D-464D-89DC-5CF7D153DA9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one believes you. go to b and try to get you’re daily (You) quota there.

>> No.54907190

I love women so much it's unreal

>> No.54907204

Only in Romania, Top G.

>> No.54907230

even your ID glows lol

>> No.54907277

happy birthday!

>> No.54907301

seriously seek therapy queer. you're obsession withh black dick has caused you to start making up scenarios in your head for your strange black dick lust white man cuckold fetish you seem to have. absolutely disgusting and low IQ tier. only queers push this females want blacks narrative so hard cuz you desperately grave black dick and pretend you're a girl so you insert as the girl cuz thats what queers do. take your queer nog dick lust to the queer containment board where it and the rest of your mentally ill kind belong >>>/lgbt/

>> No.54907320

thanks and checked

>> No.54907380

>in shape clean looking guys
lmao, the state of chuds.

>> No.54907515

What I never get is even if these guys are feds, how can a self respecting white male uphold the regime? Just bizarre that someone would willingly enforce the regime of gay sex, mass immigration and nigger worship instead of working in the private sector.

>> No.54907545

you speak from experience don't you? there's nothing to be ashamed of, you're acting like your a pedo or something, cuckoldry is normal and can make a relationship healthier.

>> No.54907560

Maybe because they're thinking bigger than you are.

>> No.54907562

You have only yourself to blame.

In a traditional society genetic deficits like you would have died as arrow fodder to some man with actual drive.

>> No.54907570

Those are all MEN.

>> No.54907591

I look like that and i can safely say those guys are government agents

>> No.54907608

Schizoids can't for some reason accept reality but will instead come up with infinite nuh-huhs.

>> No.54907650

Traditional societies weren't capitalist and therefore no one needed 'drive' because in a non-fiat based system with low inflation you could work the same farming job your entire life with minimal economic instability save that caused by famine (which you would be insulated from by being a farmer) you seething american simpoid slave.

>> No.54907670

oh god you're a disgusting abomination to males cuckold. now I know for fact anything you say is to be dismissed. nice random false pedo accusation tho I appreciate your sad pathetic attempts to clapback with no reason or proof to say it just randomly oh time to accuse him of being a pedo now. is this how queers work? when getting btfo they just start screaming pedo and pointing 1 finger at someone and 3 back at themselves? interesting and strange behavior. someone should check this guys computer and phone and make sure he doesnt live near any gradeschools cuz those that accuse are usually the ones to be checked the most.

>> No.54907694

>be a farmer
>chad raider comes and plunders your entire farm and steals your based trad wife

Cope more, life has always been about competition. Chads have always had their way.

>> No.54907784

you're on 4chan, you probably find kids attractive, I'm actually the normal one here.

>> No.54907834

l o l whatever helps you sleep at night cuckold abomination. just keep making up false accusations in your head and running with them as fact. and you're a cuckold and into black dick you arent normal at all you're a minority and part of the 4% so stop talking like you're majority queer. holy shit the media props you faggots up and suddenly you start talking like you're majority population. dont queers have more children in gradeschools to groom? sure is some interesting projection coming from you considering im straight and you're the groomer gay into nog dick and self inserting as the white girl bringing up children.... read what you are again and pretend some more you're normal. last reply since at this point its obvious you're underage and/or mentally underage and purposely trolling outside of /b/ because no fag into black nog dick and pretending to be the white girl and into cuckolding is normal in any way shape or form. run along now you mentally whacked out pervert

>> No.54908071

>8 replies ITT, all of them cuckshit
/biz/ in 2023, everybody

>> No.54908104

Why is it always nice homes these young people in these video live in?

>> No.54908151

They all live in that tiny house together? Imagine the smell.

>> No.54908250

why the fuck is 4chan spammed with this shit blacked fetish everywhere. I can't go on one thread with out seeing blacked fetish being typed up. Are the jews behind it? Is it the trannies? Who is behind it all?

>> No.54908254


>> No.54908260

kill yourself, /biz/ has always like cunny, you are prob from reddit you faggot.

>> No.54908292


>> No.54908310

He's not wrong though, 98% of you children exist in the vaccum of 4chan. Your reality is an echo chamber, and any deviation from that isn't readily digestible by the warped minds here. Whites and blacks have been, are currently, and will continue to have sex and get married with our without your consent or approval. This is the reality of the world most of you escape via the internet.

I came for financial info, but stayed for the incel meltdowns here lol
>I wish/biz was actually about monetary matters, but it is what it is.

>> No.54908423

>/biz/ has always like cunny
I know, that's why I said it, retard.

>> No.54908434

Men. Idk if they're white, Idk if they're black, etc etc but I do know that it's MEN. MEN fetishize black guys more than anyone else

>> No.54908486

Jews. They try to demoralise you.
But their women aren't any better..

>> No.54908930

Like 10% of marriages are interracial, pretty much same numbers for dating and for reproducing. And white women with black men is less common than most, as demonstrated in the thread. White men, white women, Asian women, and Latina women are the most liked by the opposite sex of other races. Blacks least.

>> No.54909493

Shut up, ranhjeet. Shut the fuck up, Khumar. Shut the fuck up you Saudi Arabian trash prince. Shut the hell up you jewish ewish jewelry foolery cunt. Shut the fuck up your turkroach roman larping infected turkey.