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54900054 No.54900054 [Reply] [Original]

I masturbate to porn during core work hours, drive to get takeaway food, watch movies, play video games, shitpost, etc. barely get anything done and I’m constantly afraid of getting fired but somehow they don’t fire me. I used to be a diligent worker but I’m now a degenerate lazy fuck. What happened to me bros. Is it just aging?

>> No.54900081

checked, its demoralization via inflation

>> No.54900087

I think I'm going trough the same. I suggest to quit porn and start working out, at least in your home.

>> No.54900089
File: 63 KB, 527x848, Mein Kampf Stalag original 1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Mein Kampf and stop being a mentally weak faggot.


>> No.54900103

Have you considered becoming a turbo wagie and getting multiple WFH jobs where you do all of those things? As a turbo wagie you'd get multiple pay checks and if you get fired from one job you still have 3 more.

>> No.54900117

Same, it's so hard to focus, you're not alone. We need to just focus during work hours bro

>> No.54900189

that sucks bro. during core work hours I exercise, tend my gardens and livestock, and spend time with my wife and son

I suggest you listen to >>54900087 and exercise during the day. I would also recommend starting a garden if you have any space for it. It's pretty much one of the optimal ways to fix your brain, it's like the opposite of fapping/shitposting/etc

>> No.54900268

good goy do your busy work for megacorporations and consoom as much as you can while you "work" from home, giving your overinflated paycheck right back to them

Instead of being a moron with the cash you're getting, turn it into more cash you fucking idiot

>> No.54900276

How do

>> No.54900312

multiple ways, find whatever niche you like. For instance:
- trading or investing in stocks/crypto. If you understand some macroeconomics it makes it easier to trade
- accumulate money and start investing into real estate. e.g. buy a multifamily home, live in one of the units. use FHA and other government subsidies + rent the other unit to lower your down payment if its your first home. Grow your RE portfolio

>> No.54900314

I took the red pill, then the black pill, now I take a blue pill every morning and I am happier and more productive. We live in a dystopia but it only becomes more dystopic the more you look at it. The abyss stares back at you.
Stare at something else and you will be happier. Make your life rock climbing, travelling, family etc. There is no positive end goal from the route you have taken.
Or prove me wrong

>> No.54900326

Thanks anon

>> No.54900329

Larp. WFH is the greatest thing to happen to the modern man since the fappening.

>> No.54900341

>t. Got lost on hate pills
You were never red pilled if you went back for the blue pill.

>> No.54900364

Covid literally ruined my life. I was a programmer, worked in an glass tower in the city, was important. Then WFH. at first it was great. I did nothing. I didn't have to commute. Then the weeks went by and by and by. I went literal weeks not leaving my house, only to go to the grocery store occasionally. I think I literally went crazy at one point. I would just sit on my couch and stair at the ceiling listening to pajeets on the phone not even knowing what the conversation was just bullshitting on autopilot. I had this huge project I was running that the company was betting the farm on and I kept bullshitting the CEO about how much progress my team was making and how great it would be. This went on for 6 months but I literally did and achieved absolutely nothing and just quit right before a big deadline and blocked all their numbers. Luckily I made a few mil on crypto so I just sort of continued to do what I did and play video games all day but now I've played every video game or at least have no desire to play any more. I traveled for a while but its such a pain in the ass I'm so fucking lazy I'd just rather sit on my couch all day watching TV that's literally all I do day in, day out. I have no motivation and life is absolutely purposely and pointless I'd just kill myself but I'm too lazy for that too.

>> No.54900389

>You were never red pilled if you went back for the blue pill.
I still believe AH was one of the greatest men to ever visit humanity. I used to long to live in a dimension where he triumphed over the world. But he didn't. And I'm here, so there's no point if focusing my life on a dead end.
You go ahead tho, true red-pilled one

>> No.54900392

whats wrong about doing what you seemingly prefer to do? its pointless in the end anyway, so just continue to up your steam library. maybe start eating healthy and do some sports, so you can max out your life expectancy for maximum comfyness

>> No.54900401

Which coins made you rich?

>> No.54900411


>> No.54900415


>> No.54900418

You should have a roadmap to living a good life just by doing the opposite of what the Jews want you to. Anyway maybe we have different perspectives on it. Focusing on healthy things like you said I wouldn't consider blue pilled. Rock climbing and family is the opposite of marvel and onlyfans.

>> No.54900472

I'm already comfy, its hedonic treadmill, I've done everything I wanting, and there is no enjoyment in anything. No purpose in anything.

Most just eth, I got in 2017 so I had like $100k+ in crypto during the bear. Got luckily with solana and avax too

>> No.54900511

I thought about Alex Honnold, the free climber. He will have come in to this world and leave it never having noticed what we have. For him, life will have been spectacular and beautiful.
And for us? Going down darker and darker rabbit holes on pol? Where does it lead?

>> No.54900529

so you had a great job that you fucked up and then you became a millionaire and fucked that up too somehow but covid ruined your life. this is the most quintessential biz post ever.
you're a faggot and you deserve to be sad.

>> No.54900537

lol this is LITERALLY me except I walk to takeaways

>> No.54900577

We don't really know what he thinks, the guy puts himself in life threatening positions for fun so I think it's hard to gage his mental state.
For us mortals, I think it's about always improving ourselves. Always learning, always looking after our bodies, family etc. Arming yourself against the many threats in this world that will try pursued you, demoralised you and hold you back from your true potential. Enlightenment is an ongoing process. Part of that process is finding solace in the negative shit in the world and not allowing it to effect you, if anything motivate you to bring about a better world.

>> No.54900615

>I’m constantly afraid of getting fired but somehow they don’t fire me
That's likely because your employer is already insolvent and at this point it's easier to just wait for the inevitable bankruptcy and allow the administrators to deal with the redundancies. WFH is the great filter. They are the jobs that are simply not needed and only exist as leftovers of a bygone era of cheap credit. You will get fired soon enough, probably via a text message, email or press release along with all the other paper pushing parasites.

>> No.54900631

OP you have to stop watching the porn, that alone is fucking you up hardcore

Watch my man John Doyle's vids on how porn is subverting the western man

>> No.54901316
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>> No.54901417

I’m kinda with you OP, just moved to a big city and work remote but it’s a drag. Thinking of even switching jobs just so I can go into an office a few times a week. Even seeing my gf when she gets home isn’t enough because I spend all day in my head in negative feedback loops.

I’m trying to walk like 15k steps a day and started taking fish oil/other supplements. If I gotta be alienated I can at least be a little healthier.

>> No.54901426

wtf, are you me?

>> No.54901465

I hate to say it but there really are drawbacks to working from home. When you work from an office you can just stop thinking about work once you get home, but when you work from home its so much harder to stop thinking about it at night because you know when you wake up you just go back to your computer and work on it so you plan your moves in bed. My performance dropped like a rock at my old job because I just couldnt get half as much shit done and everyone started to hate me. Like the lack of commute doesnt mean much when its harder to sleep because work runs through your mind at night. The ability to goof off means little when you still have deadlines to meet.

That being said I wouldnt trade it for anything