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54892337 No.54892337 [Reply] [Original]

uhhh...cryptotrannies.....our response???

>> No.54892424
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>> No.54892847
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it's over

>> No.54892870

Another mass sell panic.

>> No.54892887

I'm so tired of noobs who think a 5% swing is a big deal. This shit used to happen daily.

>> No.54892907

Cool graphic anon, post the one that shows what happens when the United States dumps its remaining 207,189 bitcoin (that we are allowed to know about).

>> No.54892922
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>> No.54892926

They will never sell it. They are keeping it to scare people away, alternatively, if the price pumps to much, then they dump it and then they get priced out 5 years later.

>> No.54892927

b-b-b-b-b-BUH MUH STOCKS!!!!!!!

>> No.54893013

Mebe if we organise some kind of emergency biz circle jerk we can drive the price through the sheer collective will? Just a brainstorming here.

>> No.54893069

Since when has 4chan ever been united and had enough patience to do something together?

>> No.54893087

Now post mcap on dollars

>> No.54893146

207,000*$27911 is $5,777,577,000 billion dollars anon. Dumping it all at once would crash the market to 2013 levels and then, if your thesis is correct, would just mean the US buys up the remaining btc for insanely cheap. Either way, I don't see the endgame of btc going above 40k ever again in our lifetimes.

>> No.54893161
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Lmaoing at chainshit

>> No.54893220

This was the lowest iq tane ive seen in weeks
All at once would made a candle to 3k yes but its retarded to do so, if they sell over a fe weeks with the first transaction as biggest to not warn people we can test november lows maybe.
Slurpers would immidiately mass buy. So why the fuck would the us government then buy again? This would be extreme retarded

>> No.54893246

oh yes? and who are they selling it to, if no one buys it? lmao
every trade has 2 sides

>> No.54893252

kek AI is always wrong, it's over.

>> No.54893271

>He wasn't here for the Great Binance Wallet Drain of 2018
The absolute state of this board

>> No.54893480

dumbest answer, doubt an AI wrote that, crypto doesn't even work, save it and it can't even scale? kek, so fucking retarded.

>> No.54893516
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>> No.54893539

Me on the right, I can tell because I used your trigger word twice

>> No.54893842
File: 424 KB, 750x499, feelsbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Happened resulting in this Massacre?

>> No.54893864

>binance fud
why do kikes hate binance so much?

>> No.54893895

Stupid boomer niggers are literally trading digital IOUs of company ownerships with retarded fees and slippage, all controlled by market makers who have for decades laugh about how much money they’re skimming from you retards. Absolutely mouthbreathing behavior.

>> No.54893930

>binance “”fud””
>halts withdrawals to save bitshit
>single handedly influences the entitle network by rejecting user withdrawals and forcefully invalidating transactions on the block
This needed to happen and I hope it gets worse. Matter of fact I’m getting into BRC-20 today, throwing in $2k my goal is to do as many transactions as possible without losing too much.

>> No.54893945
File: 79 KB, 312x320, Feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded never used AI before to splash that. Winning back-to-back with Tokenmetricks AI platform on trading has become a hubby to me

>> No.54893978

buy, fools

>> No.54894010

>why do kikes hate binance so much?

What is going on, there is problems in the bitcoin chain, but why would it propagate to other crypto? or is this all a panic sell?

>> No.54894041

Gee, I wonder how btc will ever recover?

>> No.54894065

>dumping your only valuable asset besides real estate
The US government is perfectly capable of doing such a thing

>> No.54894434

>The government can dump all it's bitcoin at once and then buy it all back at 2013 levels
There should be some sort of basic market mechanics quiz required to post here

>> No.54895059

this is only the beginning

>> No.54895092

back when 4chan was smaller and less overrun by bots, tens of thousands of people would coordinate in infamous online trolling campaigns.
Plus there was always the winter ball thing with board-tans
We used to really do things cross-board

>> No.54895098
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I can't wait to buy back into BTC at $8.5k.

>> No.54895169

based oldfag

>> No.54895328

Zoom zoom detected, old 4chan used to be a place for pranks and fresh shitpost, we used macros and stole templates from cuantocabron and shit, we didnt coordinate en masse but we would gather in groups of dozens to prank call pizza and troll lobbies in ventrilo

>> No.54896817
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same here anon

>> No.54896918
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that's racist

>> No.54896960

>There should be some sort of basic market mechanics quiz required to post here
There should be some sort of basic market mechanics quiz required to buy crypto

>> No.54897208

It's never hitting 8.5k
10k is the limit of the program

>> No.54897240
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worries anon?

>> No.54897285

Been following crypto prices for years and years through multiple market cycles, do you actually think a 5 percent swing in a bear market is going cause an emotional reaction from me?

>> No.54897687
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ETH and BTC cuckholders in disbelief. We all knew their downfall was coming.

>> No.54897921
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Bad luck for you anon, my 0x0 bags just had a 418% in no time kek
that's what you get for being a whale

>> No.54897993
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I don't care if the whole market burns, as long as I can continue to enjoy my private ETH transactions with Railgun, fuck it.

>> No.54898414

You sell and buy back in after the crash.

>> No.54898459

They're trying to shake me out so don't worry it will go to zero.

>> No.54898470
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invest in the green ones

>> No.54899593

just another tuesday

>> No.54899765
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looks like the perfect time for a slurperoo

>> No.54899790
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Just Business. Nothing personal

>> No.54899882

I remember getting the right short position on Avax from the TA indicators on tokenmetrics for some based profit Chad. I'm also waiting for price to arrive at my POI for a long.

>> No.54900104

BTC has been in the 27-30k range for like almost 2 months. I know because I sold right before it rallied to that high and I'm still salty because of it.