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File: 502 KB, 1080x1979, Screenshot_20230507_213250_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54888736 No.54888736 [Reply] [Original]

Buy before Binance starts listing these. Ignore the maxis who want you to lose out

>> No.54888744

So is brc20 Bitcoin version of erc-20 and bep-20

>> No.54888747

how do i buy them and are they rugproof?

>> No.54888771

how do you buy pepe ordinals

>> No.54888790

anon plz help me, I need an idiots guide on how to move some BTC from Binance to a wallet (ordinance, unisat) to buy some of these, please I don't want to be poor the rest of my life. Which ones do you recommend stacking on?

>> No.54888798

Create a wallet on ordinalswallet,com. Send some BTC to it, and go to the BRC20 tab.
That's how I did it because unisat has some prerequisites before you can buy. The prices look better on unisat, so it could be worth the effort I was too lazy for.

>> No.54888817

I have a thousand dollars left in my bank can I make it with this.

>> No.54888825

100% rugproof ser

>> No.54888841

I've bought some pepe but my question is, is it worth buying something like Oshi or Punk seeings as they're already in the hundreds? Even if they pump can the normies even afford to be buying these over the ones valued at 0.1?

>> No.54888857

Holy shit, Gate.io listed ordi already
Binance will definitely get in on this soon

>> No.54888970

anons - don't be retarded and buy some shit like BRC PEPE. Yes, ORDI is expensive, but that is the one that will see the bulk of volume and hype. Its still extremely early. It will go into the billions of MC as its the first BRC

>> No.54889029

Seems like it already pumped, I'm good

>> No.54889030

What’s the dex? I created a wallet, but having trouble sending from kuckcoin to the wallet. Is $ordi a token? Plz help a fren

>> No.54889049

Yes anon, the peak market cap for the first BRC token ever is a mere $500M MC. If you didn't trade with your emotions you would realize that this will easy hit the multi billions

>> No.54889053

you have to create an ordinalswallet. or if you're not in the US, you can trade it on a CEX like Gate . io I guess. I'm not too experienced with it so you'll have to do some research. Sorry I can't be of more help

>> No.54889305

What was the point of this reply? I just said I made a wallet there. And you don’t even mention what the dex is.

>> No.54889368

Even if it hits DOGE mc thats only a 30x

>> No.54889371

>anons - don't be retarded and buy some shit like BRC PEPE. Yes, ORDI is expensive, but that is the one that will see the bulk of volume and hype. Its still extremely early. It will go into the billions of MC as its the first BRC
Sound advice. I bought some PEPE BRC too though. But no way I was missing out on the very first ordinal minted.

>> No.54889377
File: 26 KB, 489x499, coolpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit, Gate.io listed ordi already
WAGMI fren. We are crazy early.

>> No.54889413

It isnt even the same pepe. You retards.

>> No.54889418

These will actually rug. I can't believe you are falling for this.

>> No.54889423

>It isnt even the same pepe. You retards.
oh no! I only like making money if it's from the same PEPE

>> No.54889436

What I am saying is I don't think I'll make money from this.

Let's see tomorrow.

You guys are acting like an ERC-20 is basically like an ERC-20. ERC was actually compatible with the vision and the infrastructure. BRC makes no sense given how BTC works.

>> No.54889453

Cope boomer

>> No.54889470

>You guys are acting like an ERC-20 is basically like an ERC-20. ERC was actually compatible with the vision and the infrastructure. BRC makes no sense given how BTC works.
Billion dollar mcap PEPE ERC-20 makes no sense. Why are you looking for sense in this market? Put your money in early and take it out before you get too greedy.

>> No.54889471

How do i buy ordi i Made a ordinalwallet i got 150€ in bitcoin but there are only batches of 100?

>> No.54889523

Priced out already nigga

That seems to be as low as they go at the moment in batches of 100

>> No.54889556
File: 339 KB, 1080x2031, Screenshot_20230508-175930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, is this nft?

>> No.54889563

What can i do now so i dont miss out?
I only have 150€

>> No.54889584

Buy on Gate.io if you can KYC in your country

>> No.54889601

think of it as buying bitcoin and then engraving a penis into the coin. then 1000 others do the same, engraving the same penis, up to a maximum of (minted) supply. once the limit has been reached, the only way to get this penis engraved btc is to buy it off someone else. you understand now m8?

>> No.54889606

>btc forks so ordinal niggerfaggots get cucked to death like bsvfags.
Many such cases.

>> No.54889639


>> No.54889654


Yeah buy after triple digit increases. What could go wrong?

>> No.54889662

Triple digit increases for a week straight ever day, anon. Did you get left behind?

>> No.54889743

>Did you get left behind?

This is the sell signal everyone needs to know in this business.

>> No.54889754

>This is the sell signal everyone needs to know in this business.
Doubters like you are the buy signal for everyone who has extensive experience in shitcoin trading

>> No.54889755

it's even honest in what it says

>> No.54889828

What website is this? I tried to research days ago with no luck.
Thanks for the post op.

>> No.54889848
File: 217 KB, 2186x918, Screenshot_20230508_104838_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get your answer from this pic

>> No.54889859

Talk about bagholding, you'll be sitting waiting for confirmation while the slippage is in triple digits. Bitcoin sirs really are hindus that dindu

>> No.54889882

How expensive/cheap are the gas fees? How much do the txns cost? Any charting tool for brc-20 tokens? Any explorer to track buys/sells of a token/wallet etc? (Like etherscan or bscscan)?
Which Dex to use? On a scale of eth to BSC, How fast/slow is the txn speed? Please help
I've been meaning to jump on brc-20 but don't have enough info yet

>> No.54889895
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>please Ser buy my shitcoins, village must not starve
fuck off pajeets

>muh market cap
kill yourself

>> No.54889914

This board is not your ChatGPT for crypto. Use Google. Use your brain.
There is very little infrastructure built yet around all this. Things like that aren't 2 min "Hello World!" coding jobs.

>> No.54889922


>> No.54889926

>gas fees
>how much do they cost
right now, about 20 bones
>any charting tools?
brc-20.io has the only thing that resembles a chart so far. if anyone has a site, do share
>any explorers
not that i know of
>which dex
dont think there is a dex, its either ordinalwallets dot come, or unisat. can attest to ordinalwallets, others have attested to unisat
>on a scale of eth to bsc, how fast slow are transactions
btc level slow. check txstreet dot com

>> No.54889931

Are there brc20 futures somewhere?

>> No.54889933

Yes, Binance will list brc20s in the future probably

>> No.54889942

can't sell in ordinals, it says "failed to create escrow"

>> No.54890034

I solved it, I had to create a "transfer inscription" to be able to sell.

>> No.54890050

No doubts about that. It is a work in motion.

>> No.54890057

don't buy
Marke cap makes it the top 70 coin
You can 6x at most on this coin
You won't be able to do 30X anymore. You are too late

>> No.54890068

I'd stick with bagging ORE than jumping on these shitcoins.

>> No.54890098

Time to buy emojis boys, imagine if binance listing these ultimate meme emoji coins.

>> No.54890112

you can only buy in bulk so watch out anons

>> No.54890118
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Thanks fren just when all in on ORDI on gate. Please go to 1k each

>> No.54890138

They will. They need cash.

>> No.54890149

For me its piza

>> No.54890218

I think I may have just fucked up… I went to the ordinals wallet site and made a wallet on there, to which I sent 0.2btc from my trezor. Transaction got confirmed and I can see it confirmed on the ordinals site but the wallet is showing 0 btc balance. However it’s showing that my inscription balance is 0.2 btc. I’m not able to use any of that to purchase any brc20 tokens though. Did I fuck up and somehow freeze my btc? Plz tell me my funds are safu

>> No.54890249
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Things are very slow, it’ll appear sometime between now and a few hours. Good luck fren.

>> No.54890309

Thanks fren. So I guess I rushed into this without really digging too deep to see how it works. What exactly takes so long for the btc to appear? Even when I copy the ordinals wallet address and search it on blockchain explorer I see that my 0.2btc are on there and the transaction is fully confirmed. I don’t get why it’s not showing the balance on the ordinals site. Some of the tokens I wanted to get have already 2x’ed in the meantime..

>> No.54890329

This is just pathetically slow

Are they serious with this BRC20 when its already this bad?

>> No.54890345

Thank god I was just about to ask the same shit lmao, there's no detailed instruction so I thought I fucked up too

>> No.54890386

Guys just use Gate.io - from debit card to ORDI in below 30 min including KYC and securing the account.

>> No.54890408

think of it as lag between the blockchain and the ordinals site. yes, the block is confirmed, they still need to update from their end (which I suspect is done with the subsequent block).

>> No.54890423

Does DICK already exist?

>> No.54890453

i loaded btc into ordinalswallet, it shows the balance. After i topped up with more btc but now it shows my old balance and the added amount ad "inscription balance". I cant seem to access those funds to either buy a pepe or send them to my electrum wallet. Please anyone help?

>> No.54890460

Lol see you in the > miss brc thread.

>> No.54890471

Is too late to buy Ordi?

>> No.54890499

No. It isnt listed on Binance yet

>> No.54890500

call btc customer service, ask for shitcoin department sir

>> No.54890516

It's easy to say about a shitcoin ponzi. But we are the first wave of holders. We will see a correction in the week, then holders will shill their bag and a new wave will come. To this if we are luck for ordinalswallet and unisat wallet to become more user friendly, + other cex listing we are so good for the pump rn I don't even bought pepe yesterday it did x3 (big fluctuations and freedom in the price so I could order the sell at x5 and it would be good but I will not because of pepe cex listing that should comming soon)

>> No.54890518


>> No.54890531

Read like 4 posts above you

>> No.54890542

>buy my bags

>> No.54890552

so i just need to wait? All tx have more than 6 confirmations. Thanks im shitting myself here

>> No.54890570

Even more difficult, expensive and slow to get in than ERC-20 shit, absolute dream for shitcoiners.

>> No.54890587

> don't take x6
Lol some of them will x20 easily, at each listing they at list double. Everyone want this shit to grow, to take fees to increase btc holding, this shit will be promoted everywhere. Imagine what all the influencer will say when they receive the newly acquired money of unisat and ordinalswallet, they could have the same marketing then unisat with their own token, getting fees at each trade. The wolves have not entered in the market yet. their greed could push this so far away, now that they know they could replicate erc token success

>> No.54890605

How do I create a brc-20?

>> No.54890609
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, TTA5608-Yoshi-Pez-01-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so how much did it cost the fuckers to mint say 1000 ORDI before supply capped out, don't tell me it's one inscription = 1 satoshit of defiled bitcoin

>> No.54890615

>sell at x5 and it would be good but I will not because of pepe cex listing that should comming soon
18 hours brcpepechads

>> No.54890629

Why not wait til Binance?

>> No.54890633

Well, minting 4200 doge cost me $2 in fees.

>> No.54890647


>> No.54890715

>it’s a ponzi!

Oh yeah cause investing in some nerds computer programming experiment is more sound, fuck off

>> No.54890735

Why the absolute fuck would you ask /biz/ this?
Why would you make one this late when there are already 14000 BRC20s and onchain fees through the roof so no one will care to mint your new token?
What is your IQ??

>> No.54890740

Finally early in something

>> No.54890750

I didn't know it only allowed 4 symbols and thought wojak was not taken. Already figured it out, turns out ordinals sucks cock and unisat is better, let's you deploy.
Anyway, can't deploy wojak so moot point.

>> No.54890781

unisat.io wallet, its a browser plugin like mm

then you use it to buy on the unisat marketplace. unisat requires you to get 20 "points" first, so youll have to mint some of the pending tokens to get the points (this costs money). there is a good yt vid on how just google how to use unisat marketplace.

>> No.54890790

Buy $SHIB. Mooning but still low MC

>> No.54890798

do you have the wallet? i can help u with unisat. your btc address will be near the top on the main page "bc1...xxx" just click the copy to clipboard button to get the full thing

>> No.54890837

I deposited some in my wallet, but it says some stupid fucking inscription like its stuck there

How the fuck do I actually get the confirmed and through stupid fucking shitcoin wallet

>> No.54890845


put the transaction id there

>> No.54890877
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>> No.54890878

mempool.space is the best

>> No.54890970
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Pepe Chads GMI

>> No.54891061
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Yeah i agree, seriously we're at a huge discount and im waiting to fill out my bags with something more than a little bit of nada

>> No.54891077

bump, having the same problem.
i saved the seed and everything from ordinalswallet but cant find a software wallet where i can import it and access my btc. Do we really have to just wait? My first deposit was credited with success, i repeated the process and now stuck with 'inscription balance' bullshit

>> No.54891108

seeds have derivation, not all seeds can be used on dif wallets. people need to stop shilling that crap. USE UNISAT WALLET. THEY ACTUALLY TELL YOU THE DERIVATION PATHS AND USE PROPER BITCOIN RULES.

>> No.54891124

how to get into this if i got some eth to spare but no any btc?

>> No.54891135

ORDI only gang

1 ORDI = 1 BTC

>> No.54891152

get unisat wallet its a browser extension works just like metamask. then use a swap site like sideshift.ai to swap your eth into your unisat btc address.

enjoy. also youll need to blow about 500$ just to start buying because the unisat marketplace requires entry fee.

>> No.54891155

Let's see how the price will hold up when buying and selling becomes easy. At the moment the prices are insane, because the marketplaces suck balls, and people overpay like hell to buy smaller amounts.

>> No.54891163

Buy on ordi, send to unisat

>> No.54891190

>BTC hard forks half a billion in mcap brc20 away right after CEXes start listing them to retail investors.
The BSV drama happened in the background, you'd actually kill this bull run early if you brought to public attention that "BTC can vote to take your money away" (normie description) all because the richest crypto in the world has been too lazy to work on scaling

>> No.54891199

Yeah, one of the first. These have been out two months so most 4 letter words are claimed.

>> No.54891228

This is so cringe. Fuck off pajeets. Useless pnd scams

>> No.54891336

I just tried to import into Sparrow wallet (supports tarproot), asked for custom derivation and it doesnt work. It generated other addresses. Will try importing into unisat later, but would rather have my btc available on ordinalswallet cause im missing the train

>> No.54891458

Yeah, we have the example of ORDI for what you say. How does it go?

>> No.54891509

cope, btc maxis aren't going to buy any of them you fucking retards

>> No.54891633

This, and if that gets to doge’s mcap a bunch of other coins following the hype will have 1,000x

>> No.54891651

It's been less than a day... after the intitial explosion, it has barely moved.

>> No.54891676
File: 9 KB, 867x133, this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what is this shit, can I not send this back to my ledger/kraken normally if I want to cash out?

>> No.54892527

> btc maxis will not buy shit coin.
Not kidding? I am just betting that a lot of greed fucks (cex & new dexs for brc & miners ) will continue to blows in this bubble.

>> No.54893211
File: 81 KB, 746x758, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong frens? I have more BTC in my wallet than what the price is.

>> No.54893370
File: 83 KB, 975x952, 1683313424281337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought ordi at the absolute top . Every fcking time im done

>> No.54893517

so you load btc, buy some pepe (1.4$ now), go to wallet, brc-20, create transfer inscription, after is minted (is automatic?) list it for a higher price. Thats it? Nothing else to do? Help my autismo frens wagmi

>> No.54893673


>> No.54894033

>swap your eth into your unisat btc address.
You mean swap your eth for btc on sideshift and send btc to unisat.

>> No.54894049

I actually agree. Ordi and Shib are probably the best for name brand recognition. Regular Shib has a huge number holders and former holders. Stuff like pepe and meme are popular here but don't have as broad an audience.

>> No.54894117

Nobody is going to list this stuff you will buy it through BTC defi websites which dont exist and never will exist. You know like metamask and Eth and ERC20, you buy it over BTC itself and clog the chain up duh. 22$ median transaction LOL

>> No.54894122

kek, imagine buying shitcoins over 2M mcap

>> No.54894983

Gee, such profits.

>> No.54895177

stay poor

>> No.54895253

>So is brc20 Bitcoin version of erc-20 and bep-20
Nope, those were built alongside coins that had the capacity to support them.
BRC-20 is crammed into transaction data with the most hackjob design possible, bloating the shit out of transaction fees.

>> No.54895296

>kill the bullrun
>preserve the coin and it's functionality by breaking an improperly implemented system adversely affecting the average user
Worth while sacrifice.

>> No.54896271

Maybe the real brc-20 tokens where the troons we rimmed along the way

>> No.54896742

what that ordi coin even does? lolz

>> No.54896828

adds a json to your bitcoin
0,5b marketcap btw

>> No.54896969
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The post that lost me $600, thanks jeet.

>> No.54897025

Not if you don't sell

>> No.54897036

21M total supply looks good, but im worried that if the price will retrace for now. should i buy or wait for more dip? this will go to 30000$ eventually isin't it?

>> No.54897068

Just buy $pepe brc-20 you dense motherfucker, what is wrong with you? Do you hate making money? Tomorrow listed on CEX, MSN news was shillng it today

>> No.54897858
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I'm definirely not buying any of these piece of shit rugpull tokens. I'd rather invest in some privacy tech or something that actually works.

>> No.54898124

1 ORDI = 1 BTC

it is foreseen

>> No.54898253
File: 5 KB, 336x70, scammed again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is this, bought the fucking meme token and now transaction history and balance is borked

>> No.54898606
File: 3.52 MB, 240x240, 1682055739456055.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah seems ok now, just fucked my sleep watching that dive bomb. Today will be green.

>> No.54899618

Why can't I see any listings on ordinalswallet.com?

>> No.54899654

The site is choppy.. refresh a couple times (or clear cache)

>> No.54899708

thanks. still nothing, might try again later.

>> No.54900827

I don't know anon, the Pepe train already sailed and early investors are dumping on retailers. I'd rather go for low caps like Crt, Mex and Ride for future gains.

>> No.54901034

How much will my 1 character .sats names be worth?

>> No.54902602

>today will be green

>> No.54902891

Is still very early, today it starts trading on gate.io the pepe bullrun hasnt even started. When normies will hear "pepe nft on bitcoin" will fomo all in. Easy x10 or x20

>> No.54902960

It’s already started trading and dumped 50%
Lmao, even

>> No.54903435

You are the fuckin one who killed this.
you sound like a fuckin brown with your shit language skills. im out and if your smart your out too. loser. what a fuckin loser you are.

>> No.54903654

just bought a bunch of ORDI on Gate.io for $22

how high can this go?

>> No.54903687

That means your entire balance is stuck in mempool. Good luck, it's not getting out until the chain is unclogged(never) or transaction is cancelled.

>> No.54903693


>> No.54903702

Learn the basic skill of finding information online on your own
Not that hard. All info present either already in this thread or by searching Google

>> No.54904088

lmao how are there 14300 of these pieces of shit already, or did they get pulsechain-copypasted into existence? time for a jeet post influx of 99999%

>> No.54904121


>> No.54904484 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 1050x1400, Natalie_Roush_Nude_Nipple_See-Through_Lingerie_Onlyfans_Set_Leaked-MHSYAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best strat incoming:

100 ORDI

1000 PEPE

Wait until 2024 bullrun BTC mania. This market will soon reach the hands of the semi-crypto competent people and I think the chances are good that BRC-20 will be the next normie craze. We've very earliy. Accumulate and sell 2024-25

Go with god.

>> No.54904544

or, of course, just be a degen and buy as much as you can. just my opinion.

>> No.54905153


How's it going?

>> No.54905185

People will feel they can own whole units of Bitcoin in ORDI. It will fill the lace of Litecoin. ORDI is Bitcoin family

>> No.54905538
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Sorry for your loss. Yes, I am ESL, and sometimes, in the hurry, I don't correct my obvious mistakes. Ok, you sell, I will hold, I just bet 160$, so it is easier. It was hard to know that brc gona broke the chain as it did. The dump happened when btc dumped. I just hope that this market will be pushed progressively even if I imagine that those who wanted to push it fast freaked out because of brc effects on btc. I don't know if the btc token will take a new form, maybe orc20, maybe something new, I hold because of the possibility of the brc being the chosen form for the Bitcoin token. It looks like a highly rewarding risk. Anyway, I imagine that there will be a resistance and that, because of a fame bounce, and maybe for the same believe I shared about brc beeing a new market, it will at least grows for some days. Until we learn if brc is the final bitcoin token or not.

>> No.54905701


>> No.54906335
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Still hoping

>> No.54906392

no, those are basically just nft disguised as fungible tokens

>> No.54906448

I'm cool with bagging more DiD projects. I'm not about to be rugpulled again.

>> No.54906807

Get tf outta here anon. I'm sure they can't be equalled to metaNFTs standard as seen on NexeraID and other third generation NFT products...

>> No.54907621

Do all exchanges support withdrawing to brc20 addresses? Do they have to support taproot or something ?