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54883748 No.54883748 [Reply] [Original]

Ordinals and BRC-20 tokens have caused the bitcoin transaction price to spiral way out of control. Will this help generate the push for more Litecoin adoption? Low transaction fees do make it very appealing. I'm thinking of buying a bag, Litecoin could really be the coin of the future here.

>> No.54883772

maybe. i hope so. big litecoin hodler. would be nice to make money for once.

>> No.54883822

high fees are a good thing. litecoin is irrelevant. if you want a cheap transfer of wealth theres a gazillion ethereum sidechains and layer 2s to do this. even lightning network. you're a fucking moron bagholding literal shit with zero clue how crypto works. honestly, go ask reddit, you belong there.

>> No.54883896

>high fees are a good thing
>proceeds to list multiple ways people avoid them
Do you have an actual argument?

>> No.54883921

good for price. its bullish. i didnt mind paying 100$ per uniswap tx in 2021 because i was making so much fucking money. if people are willing to pay the tx price, thus raising it further, then its bullish. its avoidable on the protocol with high fees so do that if you can't handle them, but yes it is indeed a good thing.

>> No.54883986

the average crypto "investor" isnt going to leave binance or coinbase at all, thus making the fees meaningless too

>> No.54883987

Tobacco may kill you, Garfield

>> No.54884196

understood. While that is a good point, I was thinking more along the lines of "adoption" as in everyday usage, not swing trading. The average person will not want a $9 transaction fee with their morning coffee, let alone $90.

>> No.54884575

then they can use a scaling solution

>> No.54884812

the answer is a resounding yes

>> No.54884819
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forgot pic

>> No.54884838
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What fee do I need to set to get my btc transaction through???? TELL ME!!!!!

>> No.54884852

You don't use the base layer to buy coffee you fucking nigger

>> No.54884861

No this will just exhaust the whales who are trying to shill whatever shitcoin they are pushing. After they run out of money they stop transacting and transaction fees will stabilize

>> No.54884870

>high fees are a good thing.
Yeah, when it's indicative of legitimate use, not so much when it implies a bunch of Punjabi spewing morons are clogging the chain with worthless transactions over speculative shitcoins.

>> No.54884878

Isn't LTC just a BTC fork? Couldn't someone do exactly the same thing on LTC?

>> No.54885704

That can't be organic. There's no way.
Why not? You can use cash or credit card, why shouldn't people be able to use a base layer for day-to-day transactions? L2's are useful, but complicated for the average person, even more so than crypto as itself.