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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 436 KB, 1259x608, Front run you fools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54883372 No.54883372 [Reply] [Original]

That people have been frontrunning the bank run since February, 2021

>> No.54883724

Once the ATMs run out of cash...then cryptos will skyrocket. They are literally going to ban cash to secure the banks.

>> No.54883797

I know the story, same as every Argentinian, Venezuelian and Greece, front run you fucking fools, there is no germany bailing you out

>> No.54883869

>mutts bee bailed by the imf
what a time to be alive

>> No.54883902

How would the IMF bail them out, their reserve currency is the mutt shitcoin. Forex is going weeeeeew

>> No.54883911

No cash ban in the next few weeks

>> No.54883937

Germany never helped Greece but flooded it with euro to bail out eu banks. Greece had to sell all infrastructure the had left and enslave their population further. Whom to blame? The left government and your 5 Greek oligarchs.

>> No.54883948

Imf is usually flooding countries with dollars so that rich Americans can cash out and burn the country to the ground.

>> No.54883957

I agree, I wholeheartedly agree - but from the perspective of a bank and the oligarchs, Germany bailed them out, collaterizing the populations future children to be slaves of the New Liberal Fascist Colony that is the EU

>> No.54885367
File: 2.86 MB, 608x1080, 1683354076451866.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like bankruns are back on the menu boys. Who else is going to the atm to withdraw their money tomorrow?

>> No.54885387

>Once the ATMs run out of cash
It's funny how people say this when nearly every transactions i've made in the past 10 years has been 100% digital. This whole shit is a giant nothingburger that only affects schizos

>> No.54885774

>Took my money from vanguard last week
>twas only 5k but I don't want it to disappear in the coming months
>built a beast rig with an rtx 4090 and amd ryzen 7950x
>mining Monero and ETH with it, might switch to ravencoin
>generate all the Taylor Swift porn I want even though the models don't add an SS hat yet
>stil have money for Vegas later this month

>> No.54885787

hey glow bot astroturf contractor
front run your master you fool

>> No.54885792

Do Americans really eat like that?
No wonder you're all so fat and stupid.

>> No.54885803

Yeah, janet yellen said that limiting withdrawals may perhaps happen. Then they also discussed cutting off crypto transaction outflows and also bank to bank transfers and also bank to Precious metals outflows.

>> No.54885806

Can you please not cyber bully me?

>> No.54885812

Greece 2013. I wonder if China is just going to accept a haircut, or just dump

>> No.54885839
File: 58 KB, 640x512, 169846464561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OY VEY! We're having a bank holiday to commemorate שלוםתודהתורה. Remember the gassed six million you dirty goy!