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5488175 No.5488175 [Reply] [Original]

guys, im new to the cryptogame
can someone redpill me on IOTA
heard some good stuff about this and thinking of investing some shekel

>> No.5488187

Pick one

>> No.5488193

Devs are emotionally unstable and blue pilled

The tangle isn't going to kill the blockchain

Their partnerships are overstated

>> No.5488262


Iota was created by the same guy that created Nxt. It's a great project and will do very well imo. Yeah, you can argue the devs are bluepilled yada yada, but I don't think big companies like Bosche give a shit about red-pilled/blue-pilled... I think they care about the tech, which is solid.

>> No.5488370

raiblocks is gonna whip this shitcoins ass

>> No.5488418


Haha! No, it won't. And if it does, I don't care, I'm heavlily invested in both.

>> No.5488422


>> No.5488441

thought of the same, thats why im considering it

>> No.5488477

At the same time, the market cap has already expanded. The time to get in IOTA was 5 months ago. Railblock hasn't breached $1B market cap yet, which probably makes it the better investment. And I'm an IOTA bag holder that wishes he sold at $5.30

>> No.5488500


The guy who created them both, CfB, is obviously a genious mathematician. I have no doubt IOTA will deliver in the long run. The fact that it has a 10b mc WITH a shit wallet is saying something... lots of improvements coming soon. It will moon.

>> No.5488515
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>> No.5488531


>the tech, which is solid

Unless you ask MIT or Microsoft

If you like DAG, you should look at XRB. There is no way a team as scamy as IOTA, ever makes it into the real business world. Needs new leadership desperately.

>> No.5488535

read this: http://iotafeed.com/index.php/2017/12/13/iotas-elusive-q/ and start to understand than IOTA is more than just another shitty shitcoin.

>> No.5488546


I agree that raiblocks has more potential then most of the shitcoins out there. Which is why I'm invested in raiblocks and IOTA. I just don't think raiblocks will beat iota in mc anytime soon.

>> No.5488570

>all this shills from bag hodler

>> No.5488573


MIT is flat out lying and creating fud. As far as the Microsoft thing, that was literally the wording of "partner" vs "participating", and that was the fuck-up of the mircrosoft guy writing the e-mail. The devs are many things, but they aren't scammers.

>> No.5488603


Lol! I bought boat loads under $0.30. I'm doing just fine.

>> No.5488613

Right, but if you're looking to get in now one should strongly consider XRB as the more promising alternative

I hate being an IOT bagholder, and I bought at $.75. I hate these devs and their over reporting of partnerships and I'm getting out as soon as we break $6 in Q1 2018

>> No.5488637

faggot ass scamcoin lel

>> No.5488658

>more promising than IOTA
in what timeline, please?

>> No.5488669


For the moment raiblocks probably has more potential, but that doesn't mean IOTA won't have more potential in the near future. Good luck getting out at $6, I'd probably at least wait for double digits, but that's me.

>> No.5488674

The tech is garbage, watching people bagholders all the way down is going to be hilarious.

>> No.5488686


>already has a huge capital investment by Bosch and partnerships with Fujitsu, Cisco and many others

This is easily the most polarizing coin in the crypto world.

For one its a technology that, if successful, will usurp blockchain technology. For another theres a lot of pimple faced nazi cucks here who dont like the devs because they are liberal.

On the other hand they are really innovative in that they are trying to set up a "data marketplace" that taps into the completely untapped marketplace to sell sensor data. 99.8% of data collected is lost to the ether.

Its estimated to be worth hundreds upon hundreds of billions

So if you want an accurate analysis, dont ask biz because half of them are moon chasers who are assblasted they missed out on Iota and the other half came over from pol and are virgin nazis

>> No.5488695

In our current timeline of buying based on market cap and growth potential, skrub

>> No.5488705

>redpill me on IOTA
it's a shittier skycoin

>> No.5488749

>the devs are liberal
I'm liberal, the devs are manchildren. No professionalism at all.

>> No.5488762


This guy clearly doesnt do research on coins. Raiblocks and iota are complimentary and the better one does the better DAG coins will do in general.

Raiblocka = value transfer (focused on person 2 person)

Iota = value transfer (focused on machine 2 machine), data transfer and in 2018 smart contract support

t. Invested in both

>> No.5488779
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>smart refugee cities

>> No.5488799

this is pretty much accurate. Personally, I consider this, and having senile blockchainers fucking pissed of at IOTA, as a very good sign.

>> No.5488803

I'm a moon chaser, as you described. I don't give a shit about the tech

>> No.5488806


No you just get upset that they dont lick your feet when you ask stupid questions or try to tell them how to do their jobs.

Id rather take Alpha devs who tell whiny internet trolls how it is versus someone who wants to appease the internet because they want to be liked more then they want to be right

>> No.5488855


This. Good thing I'm not the only one in here with a little common sense.

>> No.5488928

They owe literally $1Bn worth of iota to investors who "literally lost it" due to a "snapshot".

If they ever start giving it back (they won't, but if they do) that's gonna get dumped on the market.

Don't be their bagholder.

>> No.5488939

there is no iota vs raiblocks there is more than enough space for both and more dags to come retards

>> No.5488940

thanks dod

>> No.5488950

I've not even interacted directly with them, just lurked and seen how they talk to others. One lost his hit and told someone to fuck off when they guy said he should try to be calmer when representing the team even though he stated it very politely. Please do continue betting on a loose cannon like that, I enjoy watching fools lose their money.

>> No.5488978

Yeah, Bosch's partnership with iota did exactly nothing to lift the price of this shitcoin. Prepare to be a bagholder for the better part of Q1 2018.

>> No.5489017


Yeah, okay. They just hard forked just because they were going to anyways. The team is clearly incompetent and unprofessional. Not a good mix.


>If you hate IOTA, you're just a Nazi.

Lol. Do you just call everything right of Michael Moore a Nazi? Nazis don't really exist, time to grow up kid.

Anyways, no one really gives a fuck about the IOTA team's political views, except for the fact that they shouldn't share them as it's heavily unprofessional. None of this changes the fact that IOTA has had serious vulnerabilities and the devs wrote it off. I wrote off LISK for the same reason. IOTA is trying to accomplish something remarkable, but maybe they aren't the ones best fit for it.

>> No.5489030

>Prepare to be a bagholder for the better part of Q1 2018.
??? I'm pretty sure most of us here could sell any point in time with a comfortable plus. Oh... I forgot.
>buy high
>sell low
my bad

>> No.5489058

>but maybe they aren't the ones best fit for it.
aha. And what do you think about the devs behind bitcoins? :)

>> No.5489075

If you want to hodl a stagnant coin for up to two months than that's your call to make.

>> No.5489079

read this


>> No.5489083


t. nazi virgin

>> No.5489090

Soyim made a fake crypto and a shitload of brainlets bought it.

>> No.5489118

Promising tech, infantile devs, community is an ecochamber. You'll read a lot of "X PARTNERSHIP" around because mongoloids think that "talking to A dude" = partnership confirmed. I'm an idiota myself. I think the tech is pretty promising but heh, they really need to change how they handle things.

>> No.5489235

>community is an ecochamber
this is my biggest "problem" with IOTA. So many fucking brainlets and groupies. Disgusting. But what do I care.. just don't go over to reddit/iota.

>> No.5489238


Bitcoin has its own issues, and I currently don't believe in it long term. The current atmosphere is similar to most political systems. Nothing will get don't until both sides (Core and Miners) compromise and work together in the interest of the holders.

>> No.5489271


t. oversensitive communist

>> No.5489292

ITT: I dunt like it beecuz teh devs r LIEburuls. Not smart like dolan trump.

Protip: The real world doesn't invest in your autistic preferences, they invest in the tech.

XRB > IOTA. Get it while the market cap is low.

>> No.5489398


>ITT: We try and talk about critical issues with IOTA, IOTA fanboys get pissed and call everybody a Nazi


>> No.5489424
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>Smart refugee cities

>> No.5489510

featuring intelligent criticism such as:

> faggot ass scamcoin lel

>> No.5489541


The problem is that people keep bringing up the same regurgitated "critical issues" that have already been addressed over and over, because so many people just listen to the fud campaigne and don't bother researching the responses or see if it's even an "issue" in the first place. There have been some issues with IOTA yes, but a lot of these "issues" have just been lies and fud...

>> No.5489558

>Their partnerships are overstated
Same goes to ICX

>> No.5489586

This isn't neogaf faggot.

>> No.5489605

Truth. I divested from Ethereum last month because the president of their foundation is a douche-nozzle on twitter. Expected customer blowback. It never happened. So I bought back in.

Don't make my mistake.