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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54879607 No.54879607 [Reply] [Original]

The dream is dead

I'm financially annihilated

>> No.54879749
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It's over

>> No.54879776 [DELETED] 

Did anyone actually fall for those roach scamming negroids?
Imagine trusting non whites with your money

>> No.54880638

They call it Avalanche because all it does is go down.

>> No.54880676

emin has let us down, it's over.

>> No.54881732

those fucking subnet stealing turks

>> No.54881762

How bad is it?

>> No.54881781
File: 64 KB, 1056x557, 2023-05-07T17:21:24+02:00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very bad, shouldn't have pegged it to the turkish lira.

>> No.54882057

imagine stealing chainlink's cube for marketing because your shitcoin has no identity to itself

>> No.54882591

The subnet explosion should have created a lot of value for the chain, but it also means more and more staking coins get released, which companies will sell to recuperate the cost of launching a subnet. Also who knows how much avax ava labs gave away for free to help build and hype the network.
Believe me, the tech is legit, the product is flawless, but we are very much in a valley between initial hype/success and actual usage that will make avax a household name, whenever or ifever that happens.

>> No.54882612

why do you retards marry bags, so stupid. It's like you don't see all the baggies from all the other altcoins that once pumped, or you just think yours is different? Suffer.

>> No.54883208

>or you just think yours is different?
Yes, it's objectively the best thing tech-wise, but price-wise it just won't move.

>> No.54883297

We are literally still at the beginning of subnet explosion kek. AWM is still coming fully online and there's a ton of subnets on testnet right now along with many announcements recently from huge players like alibaba, vodafone, deutsche telekom, etc. but they aren't fully built yet obviously.
2000 >>> ~8% of 2000 kek
It is true we are in a bit of a valley though, but it's because we are still early, not because muh token dumps.
>Past results indicate future performance!
>t. brainlet

>> No.54883353

been said a MILLION FUCKING TIMES about all kinds of coins. Enjoy holding for and wasting years of your life. It will never reach ATH again, new altcoins will come and replace it, wash, rinse, repeat since 2013.

>> No.54883492

you have no justification for this other than "it's happened before bro!"

>> No.54883935

>my shitcoin is...DIFFERENT
lol nah

>> No.54883999
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>*buys avax*

>> No.54884015

What does an avalache "subnet" even do?

>> No.54884123
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>the ebb and flow of /biz/
>the smug shitcoin chainlink retards wiped the board with their staking nonsense
>all gone somewhere now for some reason
>the smug shitcoin avax retards shitted up threads with their AI generated and poorly photoshopped pepe and porn pictures
>soon will disappear as well
degenerate shitcoin gamblers

>> No.54884163

midwittery exposed, you don't understand what you're buying obvious

>> No.54884768
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