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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 119 KB, 1078x1108, brc20newpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54879510 No.54879510 [Reply] [Original]

Will BRC-20s be next craze like NFTs? How early am I?
Are BRC-20s really rug-pull proof?
I have 1.8 ETH to invest

>> No.54880017

>Will BRC-20s be next craze like NFTs? How early am I?
It appears that way, You are about a week late
>Are BRC-20s really rug-pull proof?
>I have 1.8 ETH to invest
Good luck

>> No.54880268

Brc 20s cant be rugpulled.

You are so fucking early its insane

Brc20 chains are numbered. Pepe is the #4 chain EVER. look at the market cap of pepe erc20 and look at the entire market cap for brc20.

Realize the reason dex users make money because they dump on cex users. The harder something is to buy, the more gains

Brc20 is brandnew and you either need an og wallet or gotta pay like $150 for unisat points to trade.

You think these wont go up when they inevitably get listed on cex??? I wont sell until we hit btc mania again

>> No.54880311

>you either need an og wallet or gotta pay like $150 for unisat points to trade.
What are you talking about here?

>> No.54880321

Can't drive a car when it got no gas in it

>> No.54880330

Wtf is brc 20? Can I get a qrd?

>> No.54880334

>Can't drive a car when it got no gas in it
I opened an ordinals wallet today and bought $2000 of ORDI today cost me about $26.

>> No.54880347

how do the dexes for brc20s work? No AMM is possible on BTC so how do they do it?

>> No.54880366


>> No.54880368

Well fuck me i grinded unisat points

>> No.54880372

bitcoin apes are availble via btc and also via vaults on opensea
we gonna have a chiniese ip war
grab a bag
u can take couple of days
price is going down slowly till next pump

>> No.54880402

>rugpull proof
First time?

>> No.54880408

hm that sucks, so any place that matchmakes, keeps an orderbook will be centralized?

>> No.54880466

This is how bitcoin started. Be thankful you've found something where they are just building the infrastructure. Things will get slicker and easier with time. You are super early

>> No.54880523


Mint a bag while you can, I've literally just deployed it and minted 0 to be fair.

Let's make this /biz/'s big stomp into BRC-20.

>> No.54880836
File: 113 KB, 832x902, 1682426272780661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had never heard of these till now. Went down a rabbit hole and minted some and played around creating my own. They are pretty cool, but not entirely user friendly yet. Think it'll need some extra gimmick to get normies on board. But still cool and fun none the less.

Picked up some cula and tick. And created my own called gawk.

Worth minting some of the active in progress ones on unisat I think.

>> No.54880870

Pepe btc won’t get listed to any cex you fucking nigger, there is already 1 pepe and that’s it

>> No.54880873

Did you have to spend several hundred dollars minting random bullshit to be able to buy shit like pepe?

>> No.54880882

Think I spent about $30 in fees and that was all.

>> No.54880890

>Did you have to spend several hundred dollars minting random bullshit to be able to buy shit like pepe?
you don't have to mint anything at ordinalswallet.com. Make your wallet there and just buy there. No weird shit

>> No.54880903

No. Everyone knows brc is shit. Cardano has some good action rightnow.
For few weeks many over 100x coins and new come every day.
Cheap fees and people are just waking up there.

>> No.54880928

Brother there's so many shitcoins reusing tickers at this point, do you think CEXes give a fuck about the PEPE meme or the tech or something? They want volume stupid nigger. They probably won't add it though because exchange Jews go way out of their way to not support bitcoin.

>> No.54880933

Ordinalswallet seems to be timing out because of traffic or something. I just get error messages.

>> No.54880958

>Ordinalswallet seems to be timing out because of traffic or something. I just get error messages.
Hype train has started. Error messages and maintainence today with unisat and ordswap too. They can't handle the traffic

>> No.54881004

I reckon so. Still plenty of time to dump on redditors in 5 months if I can just get the site to fucking work.

>> No.54881043

You wanna hold until peak 'Bitcoin mania' next year or 2025

>> No.54881048

Is it worth to buy ordi rn?

>> No.54881061

Noted, will try to time it. I'm selling a little early though, I held all the way to my grave last go-around.
It's good that you think there's that much time left to buy though.

>> No.54881487

Easy 4x

>> No.54881670

>Easy 4x
Dude. Hold for 12 - 18 months for a 50x

>> No.54881687


>> No.54881709

>Numbers I pulled directly out of my ass

>> No.54881735

>>Numbers I pulled directly out of my ass
Yes. But it's an entirely new market and the momentum is crazy and we are early af. Also, only 21 million ORDI, only $10 now because barrier to entry, people struggling to buy. That will change
Shit is comfy af

>> No.54881745

Why would ORDI have an increase in value tho?
Right now it already did a 400x because degen investors are speculating on it.
But the developer said
>it will probably be worthless in the future
>it is more a test concept then an actually usable product
>There are discussions how to actually make good brc20 tokens, since data formats right now are functional, but not optimal

>> No.54881748

absolutely. whatever that astrology cunt was feeling about this month after the eclipse, im pretty sure this is it.

>> No.54881764

Creator of DOGE thought the same thing.

>> No.54881808

how much fees are on this? im down to my last 400$ but i dont want to lose a fourth of it to fees

>> No.54881916

exactly 350

>> No.54881948

brc-20 pepe predates eth pepe faggot, few understand this

>> No.54881957

did you mean to say a sixth?
no seriously, why wouldnt you just say a quarter? did you begin ESL last month? Wait, you only have $400.. so you're just a moron? Carry on then.

>> No.54882301

I decided to gamble a few hundred bucks on PEPE. I bought some on ordinalswallet, but it's not showing up in my ordinals wallet. I passed 6 confirmations a while ago. Anyone know why that would be?

>> No.54882329

i regret to inform you that your ass has been scammed. thanks for playing!

>> No.54882835

Talking completely out of my ass here, but is it possible that you have to manually import the token, like on metamask?

>> No.54882840

chain is rekt rn. big memepool

>> No.54882854

This, brc20 pepe actually came first.
When is brc721 taking off tho. That'll be the real game changer

>> No.54884074

How to buy BRC20 pepe?

>> No.54884903

Ordinals wallet dot com

>> No.54885030
File: 257 KB, 680x463, black-swan-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's opening on big platform and there is "le first brc token " narrative so its a buy signal and a spiral of hype. But me I bought pepe, if ordi do well they will open the second most big brc token I hope.

>> No.54885238

nigger thats what ordinals are and they died after a week

>> No.54885284

?! But every one is buying rn. The website cannot even handle the traffic and first brc is still not available on big platform( ordi will in 4hour)

>> No.54885337

Why do I see so many fears of brc being the new thing?

>> No.54885435

because its a pointless shit

>> No.54885525

Because the majority of this board hold complete horseshit (mainly eth scams) and are getting defensive because they are missing out. It reassures me I am early

>> No.54885625
File: 28 KB, 670x612, mempool is fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mempool is fucked

at half a mill unconfirmed transations that's 98 blocks worth sitting there to be processed. assuming incoming regular transactions of 2k/block, that means it's going to take us 2 days just to address what's in there.

> bad feeling
BRC actually does mean Big Red Candle?

>> No.54885967

Holy shit. Check the prices. BRC-20s are blowing up!

>> No.54886003

You can get wallet on ordinals

>> No.54887131

How the actual duck do you even buy them? If I want to buy a small amount of say PEPE, it costs 3x as much per PEPE than if I buy a huge (expensive) amount. Doesn’t that literally defeat the fucking purpose?

>> No.54887143

And also, how the duck do you sell? Do you have to wait for someone to buy? That means you can’t cash out gains quickly.

People this is risky and sketchy AF

>> No.54887160

I don’t trust wallets that are embedded in a website. That could never go wrong.

>> No.54887271

What a fucking brainlet you are lol

>> No.54887278

Yes. Is this rug proof?

>> No.54887280

>And also, how the duck do you sell? Do you have to wait for someone to buy? That means you can’t cash out gains quickly.
>People this is risky and sketchy AF
You should stay out of BRC-20 s until they get on CEXs

>> No.54887290

Some people are just not smart enough at this stage. If you wait long enough, BRC-20S will probably be on Coinbase. You like Coinbase, don't you? Good boy.

>> No.54887301

>Will BRC-20s be next craze like NFTs?
No, they're already causing BTC transaction fees to spiral out of control, this shit is beyond unsustainable and the only people promoting it are jeets trying to grab your cash.
>Are BRC-20s really rug-pull proof?
According to jeets, the people trying to rug you, it is.
>I have 1.8 ETH to invest
Keep it invested in ETH.

>> No.54887305


>> No.54887311

You'd have to properly define rugpool. If we are looking at it through the prism of erc-20, then yes, it is rugproof.

>> No.54887319
File: 20 KB, 495x508, 1664102616850701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BRC actually does mean Big Red Candle?

>> No.54887320

But sir, I am 2x from yesterday investing in MEME and ORDI. Why you tell me no buy?
Also, shit is still climbing sir

>> No.54887333

buy guap and pepe

>> No.54887343

That’s a 210 million mcap. That is pretty freaking high my guy

>> No.54887344

ORDI is the BTC of ordinals. It is number 1. It is also only 21 million mcap like BTC..

>> No.54887346

What exactly are BRC-20s and how are they different from ERC-20s?

>> No.54887357

We just getting started fren
That's a 21 m mcap

>> No.54887360

>can't be rugpulled
Why not?

>> No.54887402

$300 just to mint some assholes tokens or you don’t get access

>> No.54887416

I know how to list tokens for sale moron, at this stage there’s no guarantee anyone will buy. RIP profits.

>> No.54887535

Because a traditional rugpull (from an erc-20 perspective) uses trickery in the smart contract (usually pulling the liquidity), or simple premining the tokens @ launch, and then dumping onto people. Now, could some halfwit premint a bunch of ordinals, and then dump them onto new bagholders? Sure. So you can still get fucked holding the bags, you just aren't going to be deleted without even having a chance. Some advice, stick to the originals. Too late for ORDI @ 200mil market cap, best to go with PEPE as it's sitting around around 29mil (after being 20mil when I went to bed last night). Where to buy? Havnt used unisat, so I can't comment, but I used ordinalswallet dot com, and it was pretty straightforward

>> No.54887545

It really does chap my big fat ass.

>> No.54887559

How much did it cost for you to use ordinals in fees?

>> No.54887571

I wasn't paying attention, but I think it was 3 transactions (as I had to buy from 3 different people as the order book is light), which cost me about 20 dollars each, or whatever it was last night

>> No.54887577

You’re not concerned about the wallet being embedded in the website?

>> No.54887582

Ok. So not $300 to be allowed to use the unisat marketplace.

>> No.54887615

Embedded? You mean malicious? Sure, there is a risk. But I have invested what I can afford to lose, and this is after stacking nothing but BTC for a while now, so it's my way of splurging. I went with the top 2 brc-20 exchanges, not much more I can do to mitigate that risk. As matty d said all those years ago, fortune favours the brave anon

>> No.54887679

Wtf. I just purchased some $ordi and its not showing up in my ordinals wallet under the brc20 tab. Transaction seems to be confirmed and I've received my leftover BTC. Anyone know whats going on?

>> No.54887699

The website has been intermittent the last 24 hours (due to network traffic). Wait 10 minutes and you should be good. Make sure to reply that you got your stuff. All the eth pajeets are seething and would love to jump on fud

>> No.54887720

they must have just added that tab, check your inscriptions it should be there dont worry. If its not, its because on their end you bought it, but indexing the tokens with this mem pool may prove to be delayed

>> No.54887733

It's showing up in my inscriptions but it just says 0 total items and theres no way for me to list it for sale. Not that I'm going to do that already but I'm genuinely confused. Maybe I am a boomer..

>> No.54887743

Same thing happened to me give it a little bit it'll come through

>> No.54887749

bet. Thanks. Just wanted to make sure i didn't fuck something up.

>> No.54887757

youre good then if its in your inscriptions, like i said they just added this brc20 tab as of moments ago. They need to index these coins to verify ownership. Blame the mem pool

>> No.54887763

To sell, you need to create a transfer inscription

>> No.54887781

I am fucking lost. NGMI

>> No.54887820

never mind, its only cause its still not in my wallet. Hopefully this shit shows up soon cause I'm getting pissed

>> No.54887830

The future of finance is using Google sheets to OTC trade with trusted anonymous third parties to buy shitcoins. You just have to trust and DYOR!!!!

>> No.54887838

OK, once again, let us know when it's arrived in your wallet, because there is no doubt a bunch of anons waiting to jump in, and now you have scared them

>> No.54887964
File: 19 KB, 1061x198, Screenshot 2023-05-07 200124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck am I actually looking at.

>> No.54887975

Anything in BRC-20 tab?

>> No.54887979

No. I am certain I bought it from the correct area though. The sell order I bought from fell off the books.

>> No.54888016

wtf are unisat points? do i need them to buy something? if so how do i get them?

>> No.54888017

Then it's there. My experience was similar, buying the same one twice gave me a 'order no longer available' message, and then it showed up. As other anon stated, it's probably just site failing to update because indexing (gated by mempool). Be patient, it will show up

>> No.54888029

Gate just listed ORDI

>> No.54888034

Use ordinals wallet dot com, they use taproot withdrawals so don't need you to farm a bunch of bullshit points to use withdrawals

>> No.54888056

cheers anon very helpful

>> No.54888066

Ty sir, only because you may pump my bags, not because I have your best interests at heart

>> No.54888190

To all anons here. I contacted ordinalswallet support and they asked me to just clear my browser cache. worked like a charm. my inscriptions are there!

>> No.54888273

they are based

>> No.54888275

good evening sers. i purchase bitcoin and send to ordinal wallet on friday and it was quick. i purchase bitcoin again today and send to ordinal wallet and transaction taking hours. please do not do the needful sers and no one buy the brc-20 tokens i want to purchase until my transaction goes through. thank you kindly sers

>> No.54888327

how many bitcoins will .sats be worth?

>> No.54888488

BRC-20 will be the death of BTC. Just fuck off back to eth please.

>> No.54888601

why the FUCK is this so confusing? I created a transfer inscription and tried listing at a very high price to test it out, but my inscription doesn't even show up on the market. Anyone know what the fuck I am talking about?

>> No.54888624

Same thing happened to me. Showed up after like 2 hours. You can use unisat to check your ordinal wallet, it should show it.

>> No.54888634

Should have read the whole thread first oh well

>> No.54888638

any idea about my question here? >>54888601

>> No.54888698

Unisat does have better deals on some coins though so check before you do any trading

>> No.54888746

Considering you figured out how to create a transfer inscription, and considering others having reported slow indexing times (ordinalswallet reported 55k unique visits today alone), it probably just takes time to post
>were you patient
>did you read the thread
>did you try clearing browser cache

It's like you never encountered an issue before

>> No.54888773

No I haven't tried anything else besides buying some pepe

>> No.54888819

What is the purpose of creating a transcription?

>> No.54888912

I'm retarded. Anyway I decided to pay the fees for getting on the unisat marketplace and since then I've had 0 issues. It's much more intuitive. I would highly suggest for anons

>> No.54888988

It's worse, it hurt btc network, except if more people come to mine, but for now it hurts it. But we are in the same case, then before each a lot of pointless shit, people feel it and they freak out, "oh no it's a pointless shit it cannot works" * clowns world accelerate *.

>> No.54889130

Wait for a brc dex to be created.

>> No.54889184

Yeah, but also you could have to pay fees on a failed transaction because their site is too laggy, and its hard to find a good anonce, but its the better option. But, it's so good to see this much traffic on their website. Their servers are dying. They are certainly working on opening this bottle neck.

>> No.54889192

Right now we can only buy in batches of 100, 200, 500, 1000 etc. The next step is a uniswap style. We don't even have that yet. We are so fucking early.

>> No.54889197

>guys I don't get it
Wait a year or two and then get in

>> No.54889204

Pepe will fall more before it rises again. Will definitely rise, I just wouldn't buy in right this second.

>> No.54889209

Maybe the fees could be appealing for more mining? Maybe it will be readjusted?

>> No.54889245

No on ordinalswallet you can buy it for free except fees but it's slow

>> No.54889293

I have a listing to sell MEME that won't go away even if I tried to cancel it, I hope it doesn't get sold at this price :( MEME went up like 400% from last night already

>> No.54889350

sorry for retard question but on ordinalswallet, is the brc20 section basically tokens and the collections section nfts?

>> No.54889352

You LIST your ordinals for SALE, just like the stock market. Then you wait, and someone buys it if they like the contract.

>> No.54889403

>I have a listing to sell MEME that won't go away even if I tried to cancel it, I hope it doesn't get sold at this price :( MEME went up like 400% from last night already
Wow. If you can't cancel it, this will really discourage people from selling. RIP anon. Will try to find your cheap MEMEs

>> No.54889407

ORDI now listed on CMC

>> No.54889416

I don't know if it's just the Ordinals Wallet that has the error or if the listing is still up.

>> No.54889433

same question here

>> No.54889479

Vaporware mostly. Don't see it going anywhere. Long term it is now. Real world asset tokenisation is winning, and MNI is winning with it.

>> No.54889497

>Be thankful you've found something where they are just building the infrastructure
Kek. You build or you lose. Not rocket science. Narrative are changing and even financial institutions are getting onboard. Lands are being collaterised on defi. Time to wake up.

>> No.54889531
File: 882 KB, 1024x709, 1612921444786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't send Bitcoin to my Ordi wallet because coinbase doesn't understand Ordi addresses. Its Joever

>> No.54889565

All in ORDI bros

first BRC 20

500b market cap soon

>> No.54889585

Same. Kuckcoin fucked me badly

>> No.54889588

I'm literally getting priced out the longer it takes my bitcoin to hit my wallet

>> No.54889594
File: 314 KB, 584x621, SpookyLain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same. Kuckcoin fucked me badl
damn how? Was gonna try through Cuckcoin. Is it the Same thing?

>> No.54889600

Yeah, it's moving up fast.

>> No.54889638

I tried to withdraw btc from kucoin and it wouldn’t recognize the address.

>> No.54889645

I was going to buy more pepe but can't now guess I'll just spread it across the cheaper top 10s

>> No.54889659

Damn they got us anon

>> No.54889682
File: 62 KB, 1217x648, Pbrc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like pepe will be the second BRC token Gate.IO

>> No.54889694

fucking excellent. we are already @ 1.48 after being @ 0.53 less then 24 hours ago. lol holy fuck wagmi

>> No.54889700

It's good but I 've been priced out since yesterday only have 200 pepe

>> No.54889722

>you had 48 hours anon

>> No.54889726

Not like this

>> No.54889729

>fucking excellent. we are already @ 1.48 after being @ 0.53 less then 24 hours ago. lol holy fuck wagmi
Wait til it gets on a CEX. $10?

>> No.54889738
File: 137 KB, 1618x1622, 1683187337871397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we're gonna be priced out soon

>> No.54889763

Good alts always anon. Products are a plus. Wouldn't fade MNICorp and the value they're giving to land backed assets. Finance is changing for the better.

>> No.54889764

I’m trying to withdraw to trust wallet, then to my ordi wallet

>> No.54889814

I don't understand how

>> No.54889817
File: 4 KB, 259x210, Screenshot_79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks really retarded and funny thats why i bought it, also 150k microcap

>> No.54889862

Will probably do the same, everything is so slow though

>> No.54889984

holy bananas $pepe @ 2.45

>> No.54890033

Looks like NFTs are steaming up again and there are a lot of them to explore in the space. I've also got eyes on the Seekers which would be used as nodes on a decentralized communication platform.

>> No.54890051

>holy bananas $pepe @ 2.45
Goodness grapes! It's gonna moon even harder when it gets to a CEX

>> No.54890094

Create a wallet on ordinalswallet put bit coin on it, see on bit ref if your paiement is done, because the ordinal wallet will not display it because of the huge traffic, click on brc 20 click on you favorite meme (pepe listed on cex in 21h ) find an order that fits to your need +30$ of fees, (go on recently listed you are more likely to find a good one ) if you are unlucky you could pay the fees of a failed transaction (around 10$).

>> No.54890109

placing my bets on wzrd NGMI and SHIB kek

>> No.54890160

What happends when its fully minted while my transaction is in the que ?

>> No.54890177

Some nigger shows up and you get surprise buttseks

>> No.54890196

knegg ;) that's rough

>> No.54890224

Ok I figured it out. I was not SUBMITTING the sale order to BRC-20.io correctly, but now I got the format right. I'll see if it pops up soon.

>> No.54890242

What do yall think about piza?

>> No.54890256

BROS i got an urgent problem

I have trades stuck unconfirmed how do i get them gone so i can trade with bigger fees??? unisat wallet

>> No.54890265

Google: Bitcoin replace by fee

>> No.54890267

bump up (replace by fee) the fee?

>> No.54890425

>I have 1.8 ETH to invest
Now spread it across ORE, HBAR and CTSI

>Brc 20s cant be rugpulled.
it very well can.

>> No.54890461

bros so many coins now. pepe feels no longer exclusive? any other picks looking juicy?

>> No.54890591

Minted some doge, not buying yet.

>> No.54890594


>> No.54890628

$pepe is your best bet, its launching on gate.io in around 18 hours

>> No.54890632

fuuuuck SHIB has gone from 1.9M MC yesterday to currently 5M

>> No.54890639

so do you get to keep the Doge? Or are you doing Dev a favour

>> No.54890661

you do. minting is basically a presale. i also minted doge and it was in my wallet instantly. i guess you are helping the dev as he gets paid and sure, once it hits open market it could tank i guess.

>> No.54890672

He set the supply too high like a nigger, only 0.01% minted with thousands of holders

>> No.54890707

i agree. i only minted 20 to get into uni

>> No.54890723

Unisat has some requirements? I used ordinalswallet, it's shit.

>> No.54890732

Just buy on ordinals send to unisat wallet

>> No.54890737


>> No.54890741

How do I even sell on ordinalswallet?

>> No.54890749

My sale orders are not being registered on the market on BRC-20.io. Will it be easier to sell if I use unisat wallet?

>> No.54890755

*am using ordinalswallet and yes it's shit.

>> No.54890765

ORDI just listed on MEXC, exchange adoption is accelerating, how much more steam is in that shitcoin bros?

>> No.54891030

Are we all buying PEPE and KEKE etc, on UniSwap for ETH?
Or am I doing something wrong here, new to BRC-20

>> No.54891066

>ORDI just listed on MEXC,
No it hasn't you faggot

>> No.54891087

maybe youre doing it right

>> No.54891088
File: 89 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-1834025578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can some kind anon spoonfeed me on how to buy a BRC-20 token? What do I need and what should I know etc?

Attached a fune taxidermy lion for your amusement

>> No.54891110

>go to ordinalswallet.com
>open wallet
>send btc to wallet
>press BRC
>choose coin

>> No.54891115
File: 228 KB, 2560x1440, FuX2BHYXgAELI7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im making the normies seethe op im getting all those bags full of nothing

white squer

>> No.54891184

You need a ordinals wallet, and you need to transfer some bitcoin to the wallet, and then you just go to BRC-20.io and click on market, and click on "show only orders on ordinalswallet.com" and then you click on the token you want to buy, and scroll down, there will be one or more pages of different sale orders just like a stock market, and you find the one that suits you best in size and price, and click on "link" under its picture, and then you get to the transaction page and click "buy now" or whatever and it appears in your ordinals wallet.

>> No.54891415

come on my fren dont play with my heart like this

>> No.54891431

I bought some Shib but it's not showing up with my other tokens it's in the BRC tab and the only option there is "create transfer inscription" any anons know what that means?

>> No.54892047

Going to wait until its on Gate.io and just buy there. Surely it cant rise too much in 15 hours r-right? hahahahaha....

>> No.54892455


How long does it take to show up? Transferred some BTC there but balance shows zero. Did I fuck up something or does it take a while to show there?

>> No.54892489

I have been waiting all day for my sales order to show up at least... so yes?

>> No.54892550
File: 105 KB, 994x640, 20230502_093229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's pepe on bsc going live later today, raised over 10k Bnb from fair launch sale

I'm taking my memes profits and swinging into vela and sylo as long term bags

>> No.54892937

Make me understand
Are BRC20 basically tokens built on Bitcoin chain?

>> No.54892949

Is that how much I have to be in fees?

>> No.54892964

BTC network is fucked up right now and slow asf

>> No.54892976

Many of the meme coins we have everywhere right now won't be around for along, rotating your profits is the based thing to do

>> No.54893047

I literally can't get my sales order through to the exchanges!

>> No.54893173

does anyone know how to fucking sell this shit?

>> No.54893178

Wallet balance is bugged on the website, I think. You need to clean the cache but your money is there. Me I ordered even if my wallet showed 0 you could se your wallet on bitref to see if transaction has arrived.

>> No.54893186

which one i should buy pepe or shib

>> No.54893205

There should be a theoretical gain from arbitraging meme, but I can not fucking find out how to sell it on ANY fucking exchange out of the three listed on BRC-20.io

>> No.54893276

are you running a sylo node? that's pretty much the most exciting thing about them right now, utility got seekers, rewards for network contributors

>> No.54893600

did anyone manage to transfer from binance? my coins are all there...

>> No.54893619

They stopped withdrawal at some point, not sure if it's back running

>> No.54893656

A good number of people buying into them don't know this, they think the only way is up

I have an old pc I'm not using, plan on putting it to good use

>> No.54894253
File: 27 KB, 400x400, laura harrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some tokens that are still minting and have momentum? Anything being shilled by youtube or twitter fags?

>> No.54894418

i just spend my 500 dollars on bitcoin shib, this better to do atleast 100x to be worth it

>> No.54896131

I’m thinking defi and corn, since they were among the first batch to be deployed

>> No.54896297

Top Signal

>> No.54896359

There is no BRC-20 it's the latest scam. Putting data in btc transactions is not same as evm or bsc you faggots. Your *transactions* are worthless. It's a ponzi and you are waaay too late my friend.

1. No fucking exchange will list them because they are centralized scams.
2. They have no use but paying btc miners some pocket money
3. In evm you can actually create a fully decentralized casino, you can't do that in this ponzi-20rc scam, you can't even sum 2 numbers.

I feel sorry for you faggots.

>> No.54896748

Gate.IO, MEXC and Crypto.com already listed
stay poor

>> No.54896766

I bought 90 usd through moonpay into an ordinalswallet. Im getting 74 back. Seems like minimum is 750 USD. Any tips?

>> No.54896891

gate.io = scamxchange
mexc = scamxchange 'll not let you withdraw and ask you for second verification just to stall you during volatile hours
crypto.com = scamxchange pays your money to matt damon

binance will never list those scams because they are not fat burgers or soviet residue scammers

>> No.54896959

I need to buy something for 0.0027 BTC. What can I get?

>> No.54897005

$pepe brc-20 to 15$ dollars tomorrow, easy x10

>> No.54897183

like a gram or two of coke

>> No.54897521


>> No.54897868

>I have 1.8 ETH to invest
well, you better just hodl or if you must spend then buy some privacy token or any lowcap token with an actual working project.

>> No.54897869

I am awaiting a transfer to Ordinals.
I have a couple of questions.

1. Why is it taking so damn long?
2. what are some juicy low caps? (below 10m)
3. do you still have a foreskin?

>> No.54898261

>whole fucking site stops showing listings after my transaction goes through

yep, this confirms it. I'm fucking cursed

I've never should've listened to you faggots

>> No.54898286

holy fuck, even the twitter post confirmed the site went down on the exact minute I decided to go degen mode

I think God is giving me a sign

>> No.54898474

>jump from 30 to 100mil mcap
>400k 24h trading volume
Not sure bro, but this sounds like you won't multiply your investment with a coin, that's not even backed by $

>> No.54898489
File: 500 KB, 1106x830, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the whole afternoon accelerating trasactions so I can sell my bags and now ordi is down

>> No.54898556
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 1463075874480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even sure if I received the BTC in my Ordinals Wallet. It was only like $500 but that is a lot to a poorfag like me.

>> No.54898579

it's back, but I can't be sure if my listing is done correctly, I'm tired of this shit

>> No.54898625
File: 89 KB, 689x795, a93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for sounding like a huge newfag (I've only ever used Metamask and Binance) but right now my BTC is showing underneath ''inscription balance.'' How do I send this to my wallet so I can actually buy shit?

I'm feeling extremely vulnerable right now so pls no bullying

>> No.54898652

if you use ordi you have to go to your wallet>brc-20 and make it transferable. Then you need to wait for all the transactions to end and now you can sell or send it.

>> No.54898670

How do you make it transferable from there? I have some shib sitting there and not sure what to do exactly with it

>> No.54898684

How do I make it transferable?

>> No.54898691


to be able to sell, you convert your avaliable "coins" to transferable ones. Do it in batches so you can sell in more than one order.

>> No.54898730

Never mind, my wallet just got updated and now it's finally showing up. Thanks for the help, Anon.

>> No.54898734
File: 676 KB, 320x584, 1641269553902.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gate is unironically the best exchange, crypto goes to Binance to die.

>> No.54898740

Don't worry about that it's unlikely that you have not received it. Go to bitref, put your wallet address, and keep calm

>> No.54898775

It is already fixed, friend. Now I'm just not sure what I should buy because it all looks like shit to be honest.

>> No.54898780

So for exemple if I have 200 pepe I can make 50 of them transferable and then create a sell order on these 50? Will it take fees?

>> No.54898813
File: 213 KB, 321x386, 1551377836845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 0.017 BTC in my wallet and I can't even afford something that's 0.01 BTC.

It seems I was doomed to not make it, lads.

>> No.54898891

Pepe could reach a new ath tomorrow because of the opening on gate, if the chain wasn't congestionned, it would be a x2 for sure. I can imagine some psychological effects with pepe, like everyone wanting to reproduce ercpepe, or pepe becoming the first market cap on brc and so continuing to be listed. About the other, it is only about the name. About pepe, you'll know tomorrow if you made the right choice and if the hype will have its champion. Meme also will be listed tomorrow about what I saw here.

>> No.54898903

Can they even be sold easily? Is there even much demand?

>> No.54898924

How many did you get for that price?

>> No.54898932


>> No.54899006
File: 24 KB, 579x329, 6c9dfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to buy something that was definitely going to make me a billionaire and now the servers are down again.

Are we just that early that a single person can have such a huge impact on the servers?

>> No.54899752

why is nothing showing for sale on ordinals wallet? Should i just buy from Gate.io?

>> No.54899798

pepebrc-20 was first


>> No.54900879

Low cap assets with a working product would always be a plus. And I have eyes on one which redefined in-car entertainment with VR tech and the metaverse experience.

>> No.54901018

Yes, costs gas

>> No.54901026
File: 91 KB, 960x1280, vsdfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagmi sers gn

>> No.54901246

Under 2 hours for brcpepe launch on gate.io

>> No.54901328

>when everything gets instantly spammed by every twitter wannabe influencer and youtubefags
there is no such thing as being “early” anymore in the days time scale. to be early now you need to be in the first 5 minutes or you out
everyone buying brc 20 ordinal garbo rn is just el

>> No.54901362
File: 195 KB, 1908x1146, 1682192963750353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the brcpepe price has dropped on
set buy order for 90cents?

>> No.54901386

Alot of sell orders on ordinalwallets are chasing eachother down. I expect it to turnaround once it is exposed to the amount of volume that is going to come from its first big exchange

>> No.54901410
File: 1.28 MB, 482x220, 8552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like binance pepe is about to rebound too, what to do. If this post is odd i go brc pepe if even binance pepe.

>> No.54901420

>750mil mc vs 36mil mc
Are you sure anon?

>> No.54901470
File: 105 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reroll to be sure

>> No.54901494
File: 10 KB, 383x434, 1513224235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a bunch of low cap shit coins
>now have to do a x2 just to break even due to gas fees

it's ogre

>> No.54901633

fuck it... just bought +100 $ordi... what can I expect?

>> No.54901690

What the fuck is this "Inscription" balance, and why did all of the BTC in my ordinals wallet that was above the purchase price of a BRC-20 listing get converted over to that?

>> No.54901798

Can anyone tell me how to get my brc-20 PEPE off this clusterfuck ordinals wallet?? I see I have 1000 available in the brc-20 tab but it says 0 is transferable. Do I have to “create transfer inscription”? All I want to do is send all 1000 to gate.io. Or do I go to the inscriptions tab and transfer the inscription from there to a gate deposit address?

>> No.54901809

>What the fuck is this "Inscription" balance, and why did all of the BTC in my ordinals wallet that was above the purchase price of a BRC-20 listing get converted over to that?
JFC is this how you blunder around in life?

>> No.54901834

>he doesn't know about double spending on brc-20

>> No.54901842

first of all, you can't have any unconfirmed transactions. Then you need to go to brc-20 and make your pepe transferable. Then you send it to gate.io, but it takes a lot of time.

>> No.54901857

Ok thanks. I still haven’t done anything other than buy the PEPE. So what would happen if I just went to “my inscriptions” right now and transferred the inscription that says “pepe” “amt: 1000” to gate? I feel like i must be missing the core concept here

>> No.54901860

go to your wallet and go to brc-20. It should say "0 avaliable" "1000 transferable". And a new incription should appear some time after the transaction is confirmed.

>> No.54901865

My buy transactions were confirmed last night. But on mine it says “0 transferable” and “1000 available”. I have the option to “create transfer inscription”. I’m assuming this is the way and after that finishes there will be an option to transfer to external wallet?..

>> No.54901869

>Mint doge brc20
>Takes all btc in the wallet
>Unconfirmed transaction
>All my btc except the cost of minting are shown as "incoming"
Ordinals wallet suuuucks

>> No.54901893

Can anyone break brc-20 down to me retard style?

>> No.54901909

>I have the option to “create transfer inscription”. I’m assuming this is the way and after that finishes there will be an option to transfer to external wallet?
yes, but you have to wait a couple hours after confirmation for the new transferable inscription to appear

>> No.54901931
File: 103 KB, 993x562, 20230509_121335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's spam

>> No.54901948

Based Luke DashJr

>> No.54901949

Thanks anon. I’m trying with 100 to see what happens, maxed out the fee so hopefully won’t take hours. I see PEPE isn’t doing super hot on gate anyway though, damn lol

>> No.54901976

was just gonna post this.
degens are gonna degen. and people desperately want to invest money into an area of innovation.

>> No.54902034

I bought MEME at $206 and PEPE at $0.75 on gate.io today
What am I in for

>> No.54902065

Butter your butthole anon. I have 2 spit soaked fingers for you

>> No.54902083

50% loss.

>> No.54902093

Someone is selling 18k PEPE BRC on gate.io for 0.68. That's quite a sell order to break

>> No.54902105

People have made millions already and they are gonna sell for a few days to a week. After that, the price will start to climb

>> No.54902215

> People have made millions already
Ffs it’s like a week old
It’s impossible to be early in anything these days, I fucking woke up at 6 am today to buy those listings

>> No.54902247

>I fucking woke up at 6 am today to buy those listings
anon the meme run has been over for like 4 days now. Death of pepe is the death of the entire market.

>> No.54902514

>down to 0.45
My prediction is almost correct already kek

>> No.54902569

<buying listings
That's not being early fren, that's not how you do it... you sell on listings.

>> No.54902626

Don't buy, look for mintable ones. Doge is at 0.01minted

>> No.54902763

How do I buy unisat points?

>> No.54902793

Perform 20 mints of a token. Choose a token that is likely to become 100% minted (i.e., not doge)

>> No.54902847

mint tabu

>> No.54902865

Pepe will become trendy among normies. Screencap this. Invest now or get rekt

>> No.54902912

I already ‘invested’ you dumb Indian can’t you read

>> No.54902922

It’s not binance though, it’s gate io some backwater exchange
Plus from what I’ve read you have to pay insane fees and wait forever to buy onchain.

>> No.54903014

nice ty sir

>> No.54903969

did the whole market turn red (except ordi) while I was asleep or is brc-20.io just a terrible price tracker?

>> No.54906440

>I have 1.8 ETH to invest
Stack ORE before it pumps