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54875684 No.54875684 [Reply] [Original]

Should I study Economics/Finance if I'm too smart for the Arts/Humanities but too dumb for STEM?

>> No.54875696

>meme edgelord thread
Go back

>> No.54876171

takes one to know one

>> No.54876195

I did econ and statistics as majors in undergrad, I made $100k WFH and they paid for my data science masters.

I didn't wanna work as hard as my STEM major friends.

>> No.54876542

accounting and law are the only useful subjects

>> No.54876666

I'm not sure if it's about "smart" vs "dumb" but Economics/Finance courses are literally just way less work compared to CS/math courses of supposedly "equal level". And by way less work I mean a basic finance course is literally about 1/5 of the amount of work in hours vs a basic CS or math course, not exaggerating btw lmao. Looking back I personally don't think the extra work is even close to worth it and if I had to do university again I'd do Finance as my major and just do CS as minor lmao.

t. CS major, finance and math minor

>> No.54876916

Yeah, "too dumb/lazy for STEM but too smart for meme degrees" is textbook business major. I did accounting and it worked out pretty well. If you're actually good with your money, you'll still outdo the comp sci majors who will blow it all on doordash and shitcoins, especially if you're entrepreneurial.

>> No.54876937

Might could be an actuary b

>> No.54877022

kys tranny

>> No.54877076

What is your job?

>> No.54877204

How the actual fuck did you insinuate this person was a tranny from such a benign comment like that? Are you actually schizophrenic?

>> No.54877280

Similar question, should I keep working my low income allied health job (140k kangaroo doll hairs with minimal growth opportunities) while trying to invest in [stagnant economy] or go to med school/intern paying 60k and having minimal income for 6-8 years total but then start on I would assume future equivalent of 300-500k?
I would consider finance but idk if that would really be as reliable a route in 3-4 years time to start a career.

>> No.54877304

The only thing that sucks ass about stem is the f$#ing math and it's on purpose.
Can't you take that class online and just cheat?

>> No.54877328

>too dumb for STEM

There are a bunch of retards in STEM literally the field is riddled with dunning kruger fucks.I have more respect for a history major or philosophy major that knows their shit than a gassed up LMAOcivilengineer.

>> No.54877351

>History major
More like propaganda major
What happened between 1850 and 1920 huh
Have negative respect for them

>> No.54877391

>What happened between 1850 and 1920 huh
Late 19th century is low-key a very comfy time in American history. I love the gilded-age. Also McKinley was a GOAT president and Roosevelt was a proto-soiboy.

>> No.54877456

>Have a negative respect for them

Agreed today's curriculum is absolute horseshit and unfortunately tranny shit has poisoned ever facet of public ed uni. But imagine an actual well-read college student sadly most undergrads go through 4 years of uni without reading a single book.

t. physics MS who didnt read a single literature book in both undergrad and grad school

>> No.54877466

Comfy time post civil war right

>> No.54877492

sparknotes was already a thing even 10+ years ago, i doubt most college undergrads this century have bothered to read a single book.

>> No.54877520

tfw me
not smart enough for STEM either but finance was a breeze and actually kind of fun

>> No.54877523

I personally really regret my economics degree and subsequent career but I feel I’ve fared worse than most. I had terrible grades and made some bad decisions back in 2019 and 2020 that I never quite recovered from. Now that I’m 30 it’s probably too late to recover.