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548746 No.548746 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I didn't buy bitcoin

>> No.548800

>Wednesday, February 9, 2011

that feel

>> No.548823

ayy lmao, I bought 2 in October, then resold one for $50 profit. I got way too little patience for this shit.

>> No.548834
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holy fuck

>> No.548838
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>mfw bought 7.5 BTC on November 3rd at around $325 a coin
>just bought 2.5 more this morning before kaboom

lol PND threads are disappearing

>> No.548844

did you sell for the retracement? that's a hell of a gain for just today, I don't know if I would have.

>> No.548845

>tfw I bought PND
>tfw starting to realise its a scam

>> No.548850

hint: all cryptos are a scam

>> No.548854

hint: the dollar is a scam

>> No.548859

The dollar is backed by treasury securities which are backed by taxing authority which are backed by the economy. Try again.

>> No.548862


>> No.548863
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you fucked up

>> No.548864

do you suck your boyfriend's dick too or just the goverment's?

>> No.548865

>thinking I'm going to click on some random youtube guy
Just the government's. At least its dick is massive unlike Satoshi Nakamoto's.

>> No.548868

I'm sure the government has nothing to do with a global currency

>> No.548870
File: 1.48 MB, 1800x1200, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Err... of course it does. (pic related: a global currency)

>> No.548878

We 1 million by Christmas?

>> No.548880

>Just the government's. At least its dick is massive unlike Satoshi Nakamoto's.
oh right, I forgot Satoshi was 16.3 trillion in debt, what a stupid motherfucker

>> No.548888

>16.3 trillion
>implying that's a lot
The U.S. has well over $200 trillion in assets.

>> No.548902


You cannot seriously be arguing the solvency of the US government...

>> No.548903

What are you implying here?

>> No.548917

>implying bitcoins can be cashed out
>implying bitcoins aren't a one way scam.

>> No.548941
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I'm in long. Personally want to thank PND for showing me how good BTC really was. What an ironic twist.

>tfw I bought BTC partially to buy PND

>> No.548976


>hit sell
>transfer money back to my account

Yeah so hard lel

>> No.548983

so it's time to buy bitcoins?

kek i lose the boat

>> No.548984

uh-oh, here comes the crash

>> No.548994
File: 60 KB, 445x668, us military and the petrodollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>which are backed by taxing authority which are backed by the economy

Which is backed by the most powerful military force in human history.

In comparison cryptocurrencies are monopoly money.

>> No.549006

>implying this isn't a pump-n-dump

>> No.549102


>> No.549138

>implying the bitcoin ETF isn't going to be listed on real exchanges soon

>> No.549147
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>tfw i didn't want to buy 2000+ bitcoin and try to buy drugs online

i'd be a fucking millionaire. right now.

>> No.549157

>implying anyone takes the bitcoin etf seriously
If you read the prospectus, it's one of the most ridiculous ideas ever. It's basically the equivalent of a guy throwing cash into a locked box and telling you he might lose the key.

>> No.549172
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>me and buddy were going to buy BTC @3$ each to purchase pot on silkroad
>planned have had about 5 leftover BTC just for heys
>we find a local dealer at the last minute
>never end up buying the BTC

>> No.549951

itt: people who made $100-300 on btc

invest your money in something real for the long-haul