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54873885 No.54873885 [Reply] [Original]

I don't need a full time job and haven't worked for anyone else as a wagie in a few years now (since the pandemic). I have several income streams and don't really need ideas to make more money, as I've got that covered and have decent savings.
Does /biz/ have any hobbies or maybe even side gigs? I'll probably do a homestead once RE prices come down more after another year or two, but that won't be for a while because that just means buying land, not getting things set up. Currently, it feels like I just get high and scroll youtube shorts all day and I'm getting tired of it.
Give me something to do that doesn't just rob me of dopamine, /biz/.

>> No.54873943

Haunt this board and attack the crypto industry in a moment of weakness for wronging me

>> No.54874093
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i will dress like a woman

>> No.54874215

Some people when they got too much free time get into ultra endurance sports

>> No.54874547

I have all the time in the world and I do next to nothing.

>> No.54875082

Yeah me too, anon. It sort of sucks.
I work out every day and also read every day, along with a few other things that are pretty wholesome must-haves now. I even do some mild cardio, mostly walking. But running is not my jam.

>> No.54875212

Get up in the morning with the sunrise and walk the whole day. Sometimes in the city sometimes in nature. If the situation is right listen to what other people want to say.
Then, after you have wandered around for weeks or even months and met a lot of people and heard a lot of stories and problems, settle down where you feel the most comfortable and socialize with up to 12 people.

>> No.54875248

I would go to the gym a lot more often and really get into fitness. Currently I only work out on my days off. I just don’t have to discipline or desire to work out after 9 hours of working.

>> No.54875349

>I just don’t have to discipline or desire to work out after 9 hours of working.
When I still worked six days per week, I would do 100 pushups and 90 Hindu Squats every day (half before work and half after). I wasn't in great shape, but I was never really small or anything. So I don't really blame you. I now slowly work out through the day and finish it off with a 2 mile walk while I listen to an audiobook. It's pretty comfy, but it would be nice to have more to do.
That doesn't sound too bad, but I'm not really that social. I may still do the second line though, just without the walking everywhere and talking to people so much parts.

>> No.54875841

Learn to play an instrument
Start woodworking
Go hiking

>> No.54875932

The last one sounds fun and when I get closer to more nature and with some property, I'll be doign that for sure. I'm not musically-inclined and doing wood-stuff doesn't seem that stimulating to me.

>> No.54875980
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reading and watching downloaded content for free
and softdrugs ofcourse, but those are easy dopamine

>> No.54875999

I would go swimming every morning and go to the gym to lift every single day. I would also start back playing video games. Both of those are things I loved when I was younger and just can't really do the way I want to anymore.

>> No.54876006

>It sort of sucks
I actually enjoy my relaxed lifestyle

>> No.54876008

Get a pilot license or something cool like that.

>> No.54876040
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already doing it

>> No.54876067

The same for me but replace gaming and drugs with sex and MMA/boxing. I estimate 6-12 months after the next halving.

>> No.54876077

>my hobby is sex

>> No.54876098

It isn't now but I plan on making it so. I'm gonna dump my gf and stay single while rotating through 2 or 3 women per year.

>> No.54876106

>but those are easy dopamine
I think I have enough of that as it is, anon. In fact, that's probably my issue. I already do everything besides programming on your list.

>> No.54876127

The issue is the dopmaine sink though. I don't want to feel constantly depleted, like I should be doing something, but unable to figure out what it is.
My issue isn't motivation though. It's a little more not knowing what all my options are. I guess I'm also picky about what I do with my time.

>> No.54876128

It is your life. You're going to need to find what you enjoy and you will have to then go to it. I love surfing. But the motivation to stay home, warm and cosy is strong too.
Your life is literally what you make it.
You choose to stay home or you choose to go engage in a hobby. You choose to go research something or you choose YouTube shorts. You need to be clear minded enough to know what you are doing, is what you want to be doing. If not maybe time to change up lifestyles.
Find some hobbies and get into them as autistically as you did what ever go you rich.
Gardening is cool, almost spiritual. Watching shit grow. Caring for plants. Seeing life unfold before you.

>> No.54876140

Gardening is definitely one thing I'll be doing once my of my plans fall into action. But the big thing is I'm not really sure what hobbies I should try. I'm also sort of introverted, so social hobbies aren't things I'll really consider (which is basically only what people suggest if you ask them this question).

>> No.54876162


>> No.54876168
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I'm demoralized
Post abs Dr wrestler

>> No.54876185

I think it's pretty personal. What ever you choose you will suck at. Just enjoy the process of learning something new. Even the realisation that I can still learn things is enough to get me stoked sometimes.
I know lots of people who play golf solo, driving range solo, love that game. It's not for me (or maybe when I'm 60). I surf alone all the time. You could go to local poker games alone. There really is endless options. Just need to get yourself keen anon.

>> No.54876277

>it's the dopmaine sink
Probably my first step was to drop deterministic thoughts like that. Having all the time in the world means taking responsibility of whatever we decide to do with it, including wasting it away. There's no more 'if only's. We got time, we can make anything happen, or not. It's hard to accept that we're actually not gonna do any of those things we said we were going to do 'if only we had more time' because we don't have infinite energy.
Working is easy because we sit on our asses for 8 hours doing some trivial task or two and get paid for wasting our lives away and then complain about how we don't have time to do the things that we love.
When we're given the actual chance to do it, we find that it's actually much harder than it seems and most of the times it's impossible:
I always said that if I had enough time and money I'd dedicate my life to music. I've had enough time and money for more than 20 years now (39yo atm) and I haven't produced a single recording or music gig. I've made all sorts of discoveries about myself and my relationship with music, which is one of the things that I love most and none of them are similar in any way to what I had pictured it would be like 'if I had time'.
So yeah, that moment when we thought we had finally made it was just the beginning of our real journey, so take it easy on yourself because it's a quest in which you can become your best friend or your own worst enemy.

>> No.54876301

>so take it easy on yourself because it's a quest in which you can become your best friend or your own worst enemy
Wise anon

>> No.54876399

The lyrics of this song hit me pretty hard at some point but helped me understand


>> No.54876419
File: 92 KB, 500x688, Heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where'd wrestler man go? Did he get pinned by a sweaty dude in spandex?

>> No.54876686

do whatever I loved to do, in my case draw. learn some new skills, play vidya, travel

>> No.54876832

Well I did enjoy what you've said and I'm over a decade younger, so I definitely do still have the time. Despite that, I don't think I'm being hard on myself at all. I'm realizing that I'm just sitting around way too much and I don't like the loop of constantly picking up my phone to mindlessly scroll something or just doom scrolling yt shorts all day like I said. Otherwise, this does obviously seem like generally good advice.

>> No.54877292

23yo here, working to get into your situation.

I hate my work, and often day dream about what I'd like to do if I had free time:

- I'd train alot more BJJ
- I'd expand my side hustle
- I'd learn an instrument
- I'd learn languages such as German, Greek, Italian, Latin
- I'd maybe read more.

>> No.54877380

Are you really that assblasted about a guy on 4chan calling you a loser

>> No.54877809

>I'd expand my side hustle
What would your side hustle be?
>I'd maybe read more.
I've tried reading two or three books at a time and I always end up reverting back to one within a week or two.

>> No.54879164

Yes and they are all fucking gorilla retards. Know a ultra marathon guy, 35 years. Both knees fucked to the point that he can't run anymore. even hiking is difficult,but hey he can boast that he could Run really far.dipshit.

>> No.54879180

Not really I just hoped there was at least 1 other anon that doesn't spend his days larping on an origami craftsmen board. He is a former WWE wrestler and I wanted to see if it was Rick Flair

>> No.54879189

>hiking is for retards
Wanna see my knees? Post your bmi

>> No.54879710

Not sure I dont understand you or you got no reading comprehension. I personally love hiking. My BMI is 23

>> No.54880020

grow food

>> No.54880189

Sup anon, I’m 35yo and ran into this problem about four years ago so not far from you. This might sound crazy, but you first want to see how much excess money you actually have and whether that constitutes the traveler life. If you can, I would spend at least a few months of the year exploring a part of the world you find interesting. I was super fat as a kid so, like you, the first thing I did was read and get in shape, good choices. After that though I got bored and decided I could afford a month or two in other countries a year so I started doing that with the goal of just finding good food and trying to learn a little bit of the language while I was there. Turns out I struck gold and met my now wife on one of these trips and I just had my first son. Now the trips were great and all but the real lot of gold is the kid. Once I had him I realized that having lots of kids fixed all my problems so we’re working on number two now with a another one or two after that. Now I’m sure you’re wondering is my wife a third worlder and the answer is yes and no. She’s American but her parents are from Spain and china respectively, I outkicked my coverage very much but you’ll surprise yourself too when you leave the matrix of the us it’s not so demoralizing anywhere else. My son is as white as me btw lol, just a bit of med looks mixed in

>> No.54880289

do a 2 week tech fast. the mind is a muscle. regain the strength to imagine. execute off your imaginations that you resonate with. this cannot be achieved to the extent that it should propel your life if you are just consoooming content all day.

>> No.54881346

>I think I have enough of that as it is, anon. In fact, that's probably my issue. I already do everything besides programming on your list.
that is your issue. you need to starve your brain of easy entertainment for awhile. i haven't gamed in over two weeks and i'm just now seeing how much of a waste of time it was without wanting to play more

>> No.54881661

>have kids
I'd love to. Unfortunately, I seem to be on the spectrum though. While I'll still give it a whirl, this is more or less apart of my five year plan, so not really apart of my list of things to address right now. Frankly, if I'm suffering from a low baseline of dopamine, it's probably not a good idea to pursue a relationship at the moment. So I think fixing this problem is prerequisite.
It's funny you mention that because one of the first things on my list is a dopamine fast, which probably includes resetting my tolerance to several things, not just doomscrolling yt shorts for five hours per day. However, there are several things I have to do first. One of them is breaching a minimum threshold of monthly income (expected in the next few months - hence the list, the lack of need for resources, etc.) and another is moving. The glaring problem here is I have to use screens to make and access my money in all fashions besides one (manual labor, which I'd probably do for free at this point).
Two weeks seems like a little more than necessary. I'd been thinking a week. Was I wrong?

>> No.54882851

Cooking is one of the things I do regularly, at least a couple times per week. Growing things is definitely on my list. Do you suggest anything in particular that I should grow? I figure if I end up in Idaho or Nebraska (solid-looking states supposedly filled with beautiful women), I can just buy some farm land once all the poorfags get rekt in RE and just rent the land to farmers if I don't feel like doing anything with it at least.

>> No.54883425

Can I ask what your streams of income are? I have a good job and would like to develop more sources of income but I'm pretty lost on what to do.

>> No.54883502

i've been on child bonding leave for 7 weeks and I have another 5 to go. i've used my spare time to buy a house and help take care of the young one. buying a house and moving is like a full time job

>> No.54883925

did you come up with that story on the spot or did you think about it beforehand?

>> No.54883942

sprouts/microgreens and mushrooms take the least equipment and have the fastest turnaround time.

>> No.54884494

>Two weeks seems like a little more than necessary. I'd been thinking a week. Was I wrong?
it depends on if you're doing that type of dopamine fast where you do nothing but journal and read or whatever, which I think most people could only do for a week, or just abstain from the worst shit you're addicted to like gaming or doomscrolling, which you should do for an entire month to fully break the addiction (per anna lembke)

>> No.54884583

I do a form of marketing and I get commissions on sales while also getting paid a monthly retainer. I've also begun investing money in a business I work with, which should garner decent but sporadic results. I also have crypto investments (sorry not naming anything in this thread) and do infrequent work with a friend like I already mentioned, but that's not really a source of income. I've also unironically considered just getting a job to curb the boredom (which I did briefly two years ago, but it didn't last long).
>I'm pretty lost on what to do.
I'd just start fucking around with AutoGPT and when you find some way to exploit it such that it makes basically anything easier on someone, then you'll want to find a way to market that task. It's not that hard to do if you just go on Upwork and advertise "lead gen services" or some cliche shit like that.
I've only briefly looked into this, but decided it didn't seem worth it. What's the catch? I've considered sitting random plants in a window sill (which don't take much work) and trying to find buyers for them as a fun hobby/side hustle.
>just abstain for a month
First off, a month is almost certainly overkill, but I wouldn't be surprised if she knew way more about this than me. In light of that, my issue isn't so much not having motivation, it's not having something good to replace those tasks with. Ideally, the hobby would be something that could promote delayed gratification while also not being so arduous that I don't keep it up or exhausting (socially or otherwise) that I don't find excuses to just do something that requires less work/focus.
I can easily find things to replace doomscrolling with. The problem is that most of them aren't gratifying enough and only rarely demand some kind of discipline.

>> No.54884959

>The problem is that most of them aren't gratifying enough and only rarely demand some kind of discipline.
there aren't any activities out there that demand discipline aside from keeping a job when you need it to live or provide for your family. you either get rid of the dopamine sinks and get the benefit of increased intrinsic desire to pursue something or you languish