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File: 640 KB, 1218x1680, us-federal-government-spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54872682 No.54872682 [Reply] [Original]

How much of a problem is this, and how can it realistically be solved within the constraints of politics?

>> No.54872685
File: 266 KB, 1134x1694, us-federal-government-spending-details.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54872732

Make another post faggot maybe somebody on this dead board astroturfed by reddit fags will reply

>> No.54872745

Politics doesn't have many restraints. But the solution definitely lies outside "electoral" politics.

>> No.54873116
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>> No.54873123

Oh you are from reddit. Got it. Go back reddit frog fag

>> No.54873134

Well for starters the 800 trillion a year we spend on the military could probably be cut down to like a third. There is no electoral path for this to happen though

>> No.54873144

800 billion*

>> No.54873173

Never gonna happen.
They are going to cut social security and still increase the military budget.>>54873144

>> No.54873179
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The US will have to choose some combination of spending cuts, increased taxes and high inflation. Isn't one of the politically easiest choices to trim military spending?

The problem though I think is that the parts of the military that will be the first on the chopping block are the nonpork parts, because those are a pure public good without any particular constituency

>> No.54873276
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>> No.54873287

You zoomers are truely the new boomers. We are lucky there are literally non of you. Young genx and old millennials fucked up your socialisation. If we get lucky as a society the few of you will die in a pointless war

>> No.54873295

Oh I agree. The military industrial complex is completely entrenched and defense contractors (boeing, lockheed martin etc) command so much lobbying power that the government would rather crash the entire economy than turn of the contract gibs machine

>> No.54873303

inflating it away probably

>> No.54873313

Yet that is apparently not politically acceptable, hence the interest rate hikes

>> No.54873414

they wanna keep it as subtle as possible

prices are already up 20-30% on most things since 2020, once those taxes flow through it'll be in a better state