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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54868491 No.54868491 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently learning Hindi and Indian workplace customs so I can secure work once India overtakes everyone else. What else can I do?

>> No.54868497

show bobs and vagine

>> No.54868499

Wait for the inevitable war between India and china. They wipe each other out, the rest of the world wins.

>> No.54868514

The Indian century of fake degrees and fake doctors fucking cool

>> No.54868517

you're not going to secure any work when they take over because they hire their friends and family first and they have a lot of family to get through before you're hired

>> No.54868546

Lol. India isn't doing shit. Of the 1.4 billion the country has shit out, two have done anything noteworthy (Anand and Pichai).
The vast majority of Indians (read: 99.99%) are really fucking stupid. They learn everything by rote because their 80 IQ brains are are incapable of understanding abstract ideas. This is why they're shit programmers and bad at teaching. I'd say they're good at stealing work but Jews outclass them in that field tenfold.

>> No.54868559
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>> No.54868680

What happens when there are only scammer classes left and everyone productive is gone?

>> No.54868689

thats when you flee the collapsing west with all the money you scammed and live like a king in third world country

>> No.54868692
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buy JEET

>> No.54868861

Short toilets and basic sanitation.

>> No.54868880

I would rather be rule by jews.

>> No.54868939

>i am a indian girl so I like this

>> No.54868973

GM ser, you will manisha my 1 feet pinis

>> No.54869004
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>How did I prepare for the Indian century?
Pajeets went from scamming boomers to scamming entire countries.

>> No.54869019

Lol what are you talking about ? They are extremely smart, in tech and are very business savvy people.

US won't survive without them.

>> No.54869052

Posts hands.

>> No.54869254

How did the US and Europe survive and thrive prior to all that Indian talent?

>> No.54869277

Become low trust. That's literally all you have to do. The scamming, lying and nepotism all flow from there.

>> No.54869319

User has poo in field yet?

Please to be learning field etiquette as well as this, two times.

>> No.54870204

You will not get a job unless you know someone.

>> No.54870213

>They learn everything by rote.
And how do you learn?
Do you know how many Indians are getting stem degrees compared to pigskins?

>> No.54870219

1B INR = 12.5M USD.

I don't think Russians have more than 4-5B in their account. This is shitty ccp propaganda.

>> No.54870224

Build up your own shitty country before you can take over anything.

>> No.54870347

Its easier to just migrate and take over others countries as africans and indians discovered.

>> No.54870391

>extremely smart
show hands,Sanjesh

>> No.54870450

No one worthwhile speaks Hindi in India.

>> No.54870483

So many seething mutts ITT.

>> No.54870992

Indian workplace customs?
Like saying yes to the boss repeatedly until he makes a mistake and you can take advantage of his downfall while all time doing the needful?

>> No.54871034
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Learn chinese since 1/3 of the population is chinese. Also investing in PAPA to build up generation wealth isn't that much of a big deal too

>> No.54871100

Hiring Poos is a geopolitical move.
So far the modicum of contenders to USA are :
-Islamic countries, which are not a commercial power, and not a military power
-China, which is commercial power, but not a military power (the US are not a military power, just like any commercial society (the whole humanist propaganda is that military conflicts will never be serious because of deep commercial ties between countries run by oligarchs))
-India which is not a commercial power, nor a military power. The US leftists like Bill Clinton in the 90s turned china as their new cheap commercial partner, it was all rose tinted worldview, but then by the time of the leftist Obama and even more so with TRUMP, they realized the Chinese spied on them (and by the way China made the oil price rise a lot which created the recession in 2008 (coupled with the leftist view that mortgages should be cheap so backed up by bureaucrats ie housing credits are now riskfree credits, ie bankers sell that like candy lol and get fat fees as the middleman)), so the big idea by the merchants is now to replace china with india, ie getting the indian bureaucrats to by the enormous US debt and in exchange US merchants put a few Poos in top CEO positions and recruit lots of poos working over internet from their shithole. Bonus points is that the US can leverage the deep historical conflict between India and China, in order to fuck with China a bit more. Of course it can back fire, and US oligarchs fuck up all the time, especially on international affairs. US diplomats are really mediocre.

>> No.54871138

>Greedy USA corporations benefit greatly from outsourcing cheap Indian labor

>> No.54871166

For me, its failing fast. Rote memorization is easy and simple if you dont care about actually learning and especially learning why something works or doesnt. STEM degrees are also increasing irrelevant; you can learn the same material for free and faster now with the internet these days.

>> No.54871176

Overtake on what? Toilet count?

>> No.54871212
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>he doesnt know
Sanjay and Co. surpassed Chang in population this year.

>> No.54871223
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>> No.54871228

You're thinking way to ahead op
Maybe in 20 years

>> No.54871231
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Village will will be a super power by 2026

>> No.54871259

Brown people just eat hot chip and lie.

>> No.54871267

USA peak, no indians
USA bottom, lots of indians

Something doesn't add up.

>> No.54871275

Why do they all have beerguts.

>> No.54871276

The Indians are here because of the jews.

>> No.54871284

>poos poos poos
The poos are already aligned with China in BRICS which is why this 'strategy' is already a failure.

>> No.54871394
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Too many shawarma Big Macs and air drops from JEET

>> No.54871708

>How did I prepare for the Indian century?
short toilet paper

>> No.54871975

You learn properly by thinking about ideas, implementing them, resolving any contingencies, and then asking further questions. It's a cyclic process.
>Do you know how many Indians are getting stem degrees compared to pigskins?
Many, and employers are now realizing that STEM degrees hardly mean shit. In five years you'll need a STEM-related PhD to get a programming job.

>> No.54872975

India will never be a superpower, China and India started out as poor countries meanwhile China has taken a significant amount of their people from poverty to middle class meanwhile in India the majority are still in poverty. People are literally shitting on the streets, infrastructure is non existent and the job market is reliant on scamming the westerners and cheap tech support

>> No.54874250
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>How did I prepare for the Indian century?
Buy a gas mask.

>> No.54874389

Just don't bathe and practice wobbling your head side to side after anyone says anything. You can do it.

>> No.54876246

Why is IMWF so hot bros? It looks so natural, like the ancient Ayrans conquering pagan european whores.

>> No.54876344
File: 126 KB, 565x612, 1B20FAD8-6A11-496C-8D40-9107B0C27367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They learn everything by rote because their 80 IQ brains are are incapable of understanding abstract ideas. This is why they're shit programmers and bad at teaching.
You have never written a line of code in your life.

>> No.54876372

imwf porn doesn’t even exist

>> No.54876486

>Islamic countries not a commercial power
What is the GCC? What is OPEC?
>China not a military power
If China isn't a military power, then who is? You're such an unbelievably stupid fucking faggot, even by this site's standard.

>> No.54876516

There definitely is. I'd post some but I don't want to get banned.

>> No.54876573

Meant for >>54876372