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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54865957 No.54865957 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that $10 million is not a lot of money?

>> No.54865971

This thread again

>> No.54865972

jes. Go back to the
>5f 9 demoralization bullshit
you glow larpers are annoying

>> No.54866010

when do you realize that 100 million is not a lot of money?

>> No.54866023

Holy shit just now

>> No.54866120

depends what you're talking about, net worth? it means you're well off, savings? you're fucking loaded. either way it is a lot of money.

>> No.54866141

10 mil is a lot
1mil is not

>> No.54866153

I need 100k to be able to live the rest of my life doing anything I want (because I don't want to be some playboy or fame chaser)

>> No.54866167

My stupid normie coworker put his stimmy into Doge, then flipped it into ETH and made 70k. He was bragging about this to me and looked me in the eye and said "Man, you know what? A million dollars doesn't even seem like that much money anymore". He then started shilling SAFEMOON to me. I hope he lost everything

>> No.54866382

$10 million is not a lot because 50% of it gets cut in taxes
so $20 mill is the way to go

>> No.54866460

When I made 50 million last bullrun and realized that wasn’t a lot. Anything under one billion net worth is pleb/incel tier

>> No.54866660

Explain what you would do with more than 10M that you can't do with 10M.

>> No.54866699

I made 15 million off pepe and still feel like a poorfag
I can barely afford a home in any nice neighborhoods

>> No.54866759

> stuck in 9 figure hell

>> No.54867549

Where the fuck do you live? Dubai?

>> No.54867557

I think 10M is a lot of money.

>> No.54867565

Pretty sure you can buy a lot of guns, boats and other vehicles with that much money and then flip it into more. A lot of third world shitholes with resources that could use a new warlord

>> No.54867636

ITT: Troll the poorfags.

>> No.54867659

You could probably atleast be able to order delivery 3 times a week for a year but ya after that it's gone

>> No.54867695
File: 8 KB, 209x241, 1680146585524748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need about $14m estimated to complete my underground lair. I figure another $10m for living expenses for 30 years of living afterwards although I might only make 15 more years if I peace out at a high point. Really I just don't want to outlive my savings and dignity. The same struggle we all have.

>> No.54868131

I was an innocent kid and then I heard how much my dad spent on gas, then I got older and did the math and then FUUUUCKKKKK, ofc I'm trying to be financially independent with 0x0 but still thinking about all the expenses of the month still depresses me a lot, I miss the time when I didn't care about money

>> No.54868179
File: 343 KB, 1280x952, 1280px-Un_bar_aux_Folies-Bergère_d'E._Manet_(Fondation_Vuitton,_Paris)_(33539037428).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is life so fucking expensive, bros

>> No.54868709

In 2 years the us will implode
Just take your money and leave retard

>> No.54868772

$10 million is the bare minimum now