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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5486046 No.5486046 [Reply] [Original]

It's about time that /biz/ gets flags added to it.

>> No.5486062

We will use proxies.

>> No.5486083

Are you that ashamed to be a pajeet?

>> No.5486116

did anyone else notice that the quality of internet websites went to shit the moment indians had access to cheap phones and internet?
i cant be the only one seeing this topkek

>> No.5486149

Pajeet is the standard meme, but I have a feeling Turks are just as bad

>> No.5486165

>can't use toilet

>> No.5486167

Caught a Canadian shilling chancoin on /pol/. Pretty sure he's the guy behind bazinga shilling too. Same way of typing

>> No.5486168

why you hate us so much sirs? we all want to make some money here.life is hard in India

>> No.5486179

Can you list of all the pajeet coin being shilled here?

>> No.5486237

I can't name them all but I can tell you some red flags to watch out for

>OP makes a thread telling you to buy a coin but doesn't respond to any questions

>the coin randomly gets shilled in other threads

Two signs of an absolute shitcoin.

>> No.5486243


Add to the list

>> No.5486310

Fuck off literal pajeet

>> No.5486316

India is actually ranked #25 globally in terms of IQ. That's not terrible.

>> No.5486355


and yet its inhabitants shit on the street?

>> No.5486375

yoy know the ceo of google and microsoft are indians?

>> No.5486420

That explains a lot. Google hasn't done much except make a great search engine a long time ago and Windows gets worse every year.

I like how your stupid ass actually thought that argument would make Indians look good.

>> No.5486437

No good sir, pls no, its racist
pls buy link, dear

>> No.5486438

This. MODS wake up

>> No.5486457

Indo aryan CEO’s and doctors vs Dravidian street shitters
There is no country more racially aware than India, and no country to use as a more perfect example to show that culture truly is downstream from race

>> No.5486577

Mods are pajeets

>> No.5486582

I don't think it's strictly because they're extra stupid or anything. It has more to do with their culture and general attitudes towards life. Basically they're gross. They're ugly because they'll fuck anything, they smell bad, their food stinks, they bathe in rivers full of rotting carcasses and they shit on streets.

Sorry pajeets. If it makes you feel any better, I think your women can be really hot.

>> No.5486584

wouldn't you be?

leafs are honorary pajeets

>> No.5486641

(2x4)Chan has flags already - I reckon we move there.

>> No.5486757

Few things I forgot to mention:

>Some of them actually wipe their asses with their hands
>They bless their children by rolling them around cow dung
>They have lots of traditional practices involving drinking/using human urine
>Rat temples where they freely walk around on floors literally swarming with rats

Plenty of much dumber countries out there that aren't nearly as disgusting.

>> No.5486787

i vote for flags on /biz/

>> No.5487067

Thanks bought k

>> No.5487141

yeah 0.000000000000000000000000000001 of the Indian population

>terrible society
>high average IQ
pick one

>> No.5487142

Do you wanna talk more paagal trash talk kutta? We are majority on this board ,we got the paise you can only dream of
stick it somewhere else or go somewhere else crazy dog

>> No.5487262
File: 55 KB, 590x350, Drinking-cow-urine-india-health-746379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone make a meme out of this one?

>> No.5487294

Considering humans are retarded anyway that is nothing to rave about

>> No.5487315


>> No.5487321

You know the CEO of most Fortune 500 companies are white?

>> No.5487323

> Pajeets that moved to burguerstan for a Mcjob
> Nothing changes

>> No.5487955


>> No.5488011

> google hasn't done anything but a search engine
> literally an entire personal and professional platform of google services available that do basic email/doc ... to scientific computation, elastic, elastic infrastructure and ....
how does it feel to be this retarded?

>> No.5488056
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>> No.5488091

But south Indians are doing better than north indians

>> No.5488195


>> No.5488443

found the pajeet

>> No.5488503
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>> No.5489229

If you won't give us flags mods, range ban pls.

>> No.5490236
File: 238 KB, 591x447, 1489355678706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say topkek, but something tells me you aren't really laughing. I myself am extremely saddened by that fact. I hate (HATE) having to share the internet with those pathetic slimeypoo-covered fucks. I read your post in an ironic tone.

MODS. How about this? You don't show anybody's flag UNLESS they are from India. That means the board won't just degenerate into /int/ or /pol/ tier posting (not that it's bad but it's not /biz/).
What, you reckon that's discriminatory? Well fuck it, it is - Even if people complained, no one would care. PC feminazis don't give a shit about Pajeets because they will never be a single bit attracted to them. Notice lefties never defend Pajeets? Who would? I mean it's a country where far more of the population has access to smartphones than they do toilets, which means they can literally afford it but don't consider it a priority. Why the ACTUAL FUCK would we want subhumans like that posting alongside us? C'mon mods, please!

>> No.5490314
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>> No.5490339
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>> No.5490343

I 100% agree. This needs to happen ASAP.

>> No.5490425
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>> No.5490514


>> No.5490766

Go look at the replies to McAfees tweets. So many pajeets

>> No.5490776

/pol/ 2.0 when??? we need another sly exodus

>> No.5491158
File: 27 KB, 680x510, 6234536737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look for threads with scantily clad or naked women as OP, you can be 100% sure that's a streetshitter posting the thread.