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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54856821 No.54856821 [Reply] [Original]

sui is going to 5$, and then 18$.

>> No.54857424

Why does no one know this. This shit might be the next SOL

>> No.54857445

why though

>> No.54857574

it goes down to 1 dollar, then 50 cents, crabs at 70 for 1 year, then does a bullrun to 250$

>> No.54857607


I believe this.

Kinda want it to go under a dollar before I commit. Fucking .10 to 1.26 in like 2 days????

>> No.54857643

Why is it a good buy?

>> No.54857654

you couldn't buy more than $150 for $0.1.

>> No.54857663


Whaat? Like a limit?

>> No.54857765

yes. They did it instead of airdropping to everyone like arbitrum did. There was an allowlist for community and those who qualified (like contributors, people who were early in discord and so on) were allowed to buy only $150 at a symbolic sum of $0.03-0.1. They didn't need an actual retail tokensale, they're sitting at like $500m investor money and would be fine without it. This was done purely to reward early testers and distribute the supply to as many people as possible.

>> No.54857789

Shit. Must be nice, though.

Think it'll retrace a bit?

>> No.54857826

Where can I buy this

>> No.54857828

Layer 1, it is it's own coin. Made from a facebook project that are scrapped. Backed by people that are actual programmers

>> No.54857833

Today u can buy it on binance

>> No.54857840
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Alright. Just bought 500 bucks worth. Let's see how it goes.

>> No.54857850

idk. I bought at $1.2 at launch and planning to hold mid-long term. Just compare it to aptos as it's the main competitor and pretty much the same people behind it from ex facebook's crypto department.

Aptos is currently at $1.8b marketcap ($3b+ ATH), sui is at $600m+. So I would expect sui to catch up at least. I think sui is better than aptos and it's ecosystem is growing rapidly, lot's of shit being built on sui right now so in the next crypto pump season, I would expect it to overshoot Aptos ATH, so could be like $5-$10B circulating MC) which should be x7-10 from here. Also taking into consideration that it's a new coin that just came out, and these usually pump the hardest in alt season instead of coins from the last cycle that have already been pump and dumped.

The only thing I don't like is how diluted the total supply is, but I doubt that would be a problem for now. Imo as more supply is added over the years into circulation that would just dump/crab the price to adjust, similar to hedera's permacrab which happened because of that exactly.

>> No.54857859


Roger. 1k in then. Fuck it. Goodbye LTC.

>> No.54857904

Next tuesday is my payday. I will follow with the same amount as yours

>> No.54857911

Good luck mateys.

>> No.54857917
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Salute, same with you soldier.

My litecoin wasn't doing diddly dick anyway, I'll hang onto my 65k doge and 5k ADA, the rest will be in pepe and sui for now.

>> No.54857970

It's freaky how SUI just isn't moving. Not up nor down. And all the orders are like 50, 100, 44...

>> No.54858000

u too lad

>> No.54858085

We should make /sui/ general.

>> No.54858114


After such a bullish start? It seems as though it's already consolidating

>> No.54859280

Kucoin is offering you a $50000 prize to trade sui.
it caused a pump.

>> No.54859302

id avoid sui like the plauge desu, the nft projects anyway. all of them are dogshit except maybe slimez. just like aptos only no good pumps just rugs right away

>> No.54859336

Sui is a crypto that uses Asynchronous Transaction network and is very fast.

>> No.54859546

Pajeet 101: spot the $

>> No.54861406

it's even better than most people think, 300k TPS achieved during testnet, literally the latest and greatest in DAG based smart contract tec, it can handle more transaction that mastercard/visa, lots of big backers in both academia and VC

here's a talk from dahlia malkhi from chainlink who previously worked with the team building Sui and it's pretty clear that this is the direction blockchain tech is heading towards, some big breakthroughs with DAG tech, SUI will be huge imo


more reading about Mysten Labs the creaters of SUI and the move language

>> No.54861536

I'll consider buying at $0.70

>> No.54862624


>> No.54862746

>almost 700m market cap
so why would I buy this?
it looks like we're all late already

>> No.54862769

Yea but do you really think normies will read your texts when most fags only have attention span of a carrot?

>> No.54862787
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> 700M

>> No.54862849
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Looks like a discount Cardano project. Also

>700 million market cap