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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54856700 No.54856700 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54856720

eat a bullet

>> No.54856727

Ive noticed fast food lines are a lot shorter lately

>> No.54857086


People not being able to afford goyslop is a reletavely recent phenomenon actually.
I remember a boomer telling that the 70s inflation was the worst his health because all he could afford was McDonalds
Somethings different about today. Probably McDonalds workers feel more entitled these days/

In any case, home made burgers are so much better if you know how to cook. My burgers taste exactly like a McDonalds quater pounder, to the point you wouldnt know the differents on a blindfold test.

Except one thing, mine is double the size, 1/4 of the fat content, and a 3rd of the current price.

>> No.54857105
File: 22 KB, 400x337, IMG_2155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2010 was peak western civilization

>> No.54857164

i paid $15 for a medium double western bacon combo today that shit was like $9 four years ago. what the hell is going on

>> No.54857223

dont support the goyslop


>> No.54857426

If you can’t afford just a burger, no fries or coke, then you are truly broke.

>> No.54857532

hard times create strong men

>> No.54857571

>My burgers taste exactly like a McDonalds quater pounder
that's a weird flex to say that it tastes like shit
my wife does beef patties with fresh grinder beef and it doesn't taste like ShitDonald luckily

>> No.54857669
File: 346 KB, 1015x1577, Big Tuna Teaches You About 'Goyslop'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mcdonalds thread
Daily reminder if someone tells you fast food is goyslop they are lazy as shit

>> No.54857711 [DELETED] 

Facts don't care about your feelings, minimum wage was higher in the 70s so it can't be that. Plus most McDonald's use ordering machines now cutting down on workers.

>> No.54857752

Get the fuck out of bed.

>> No.54857811

>My burgers taste exactly like a McDonalds quater pounder, to the point you wouldnt know the differents on a blindfold test.
Yikes, you have my sincere condolences.

>> No.54857838

Fast food isn't cheap, you are paying for the convenience of someone else preparing it for you.

>> No.54858129

>can't afford low quality goyslop prepared by 17 year old minorities (they're the majority now)

>> No.54858703

>western civilization
amerimutt detected

>> No.54858751
File: 174 KB, 1187x1419, tiny big mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are almost completely deserted where i live. It's just too fucking expensive.
Please someone, post the chart showing
>1 hour min. wage in 1963 = 8.5 big mac
>1 hour min. wage in 2023 = not even one big mac
And that's not even counting the big mac was downsized TWICE since the 60s, so now it weights half of what it used to.
So basically you could eat 20x more goyslop for the same work output back in the 60s.

As a poorfag i simply can't afford it. The mac double x4'd in price since 2005 at my local mcdo, it's just impossible for me to justify spending that much for cold goyslop prepared by literal baboons.

>> No.54858860

thats a good thing, retard
i have not touched the slop since 2020, feels verrry good
sorry, thats capitalism!

>> No.54858865


>> No.54858870

Thank a Liberal today. Biden ruined the economy. Gas was $1.45 under Trump

>> No.54858936

Wouldn't have changed anything and you know it.

>> No.54860905


Ive had thousands of burgers in my life time
the mcdonalds quarter pounder is perfection when in comes to simplicity in flavor. It scores 100% in the "basic burger" category. Youre not supposed to compare it to burgers that include a bunch of other tasty goods.

but its tiny, way over priced and overly unnecessarily caloric.

>> No.54861030

really enjoying seeing the lower/working/lower middle/middle class all suffer the consequences of their mentally retarded voting patterns.

>> No.54861037

Don’t buy that trash anyways

>> No.54861186

>Amerimutt detected
Stop pretending the third world matters. It doesn't, hasn't, and never will.

The issue is not the minimum wage, but the shareholders. McDicks is on the chain for dividends to its shareholders that increase every year from the height of their profitability and continue increasing on and on forever. After WuFlu, they would have had to make drastic cuts in labor, management, food quality, store quality, everything - to keep paying Shareholders a dividend that goes up and up while the profitability of the company goes down relative to pre-COVID years. Hence the problem.

>> No.54861258

1910 was peak western civilization

>> No.54861413
File: 40 KB, 730x671, dwadawdawdwad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace slow food

>> No.54861459

>americans crying about burges
lol. anyways.

I use the McDonalds! (tm) app and I get 2 iced coffees and 2 mc griddles for 6.70. the price at face value always goes up but if you are savvy enough you will always find a good deal.

>> No.54861471

I got the app and get the 2 quarter pounders BOGO comes out to about $5.87 and then take half the bread off each. Pretty good deal imo

>> No.54861515


>> No.54861548

Unironically good.

>> No.54861618

>Somethings different about today. Probably McDonalds workers feel more entitled these days
It's hilarious that you assume any extra profit is going to the workers and not the CEOs reporting record profits, lmao. Fast food joints in other countries pay their workers more and their food is the same price, or sometimes even cheaper.

>> No.54861640

This, right before Jagex removed free trade and the wilderness from Runescape

>> No.54861680

>The issue is not the minimum wage, but the shareholders.
This. And this is the case for almost every major company in existence; they started a business model based on infinite growth in a world with finite resources, and started to min-max everything with no allowance for fluctuation. They've realized they can't take any more cuts from workers' wages because they're already struggling to find people to work those shit jobs, so instead they just raise prices and tell you it's "inflation".

>> No.54861683

post it

>> No.54861729

fuck, they were $1 each a mere 8 years ago

McDonald's re-introduced full-size Big Macs a few years ago, they called it the Grand Mac. Nobody bought it so they took it off the menu and now we only have small Big Macs again.

I too love the quarter pounder, especially if you add an extra meat patty, extra pickles, extra onions, and tomato slices. Their spicy chicken sandwich is good too. Big Mac is okay. Everything else is not worth it.

just use an instant pot, there's no reason to cook anything in a crockpot when digital pressure cookers exist

>2 iced coffees + 2 McGriddles
>76 grams of sugar
gonna give yourself diabeetus

>> No.54861738
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tfw won a McDonald's gold card so get one meal Maccy D completely free every week

desu I hope prices increase more because it makes my mcd gold card worth more

>> No.54861809

The only advantage fast food had over other eating places was its affordability. Now that that's gone you'd expect it to decline but I guess people got addicted to their corn syrup and additives