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54855863 No.54855863 [Reply] [Original]

why are jews satanic

>> No.54855898

NB4 this thread is filled with various racist and anti Semitic images veiled as "humor." I want to extend a warning to any susceptible young viewers who haven't fallen down the alt-right pipeline yet.

Please leave this website they are trying to radicalize you be pretending their hatred is just silly memes and jokes.

But this hated has real life effects on vulnerable communities (i.e. BIPOC and LGBTQ2SIA+ folx), so please seek help to deradicalize and learn to stop the hate.

Together we can prevent another Buffalo

>> No.54855919
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not my problem

>> No.54855933
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They're not. They call everyone who oppose them "satanic". So if you oppose the jews or oppose their god (Yahweh), then you are satanic/Satan.

>> No.54856252

Because they are inherently mathematical. If you don’t know what I mean, I’m not going to go into further detail.

>> No.54856297

lmao kys satanic kike

>> No.54856352

We are just better at you in the game of life and survival of the fittest. Cry harder

>> No.54856385

This is so true. The hate needs to stop right here, right now.

>> No.54856737

you arent jewish, youre a pasty white cuckold

>> No.54856764
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why do jews only have like 5 phenotypes

>> No.54856783
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>> No.54856811

You guys don't actually hate Jews, right? I mean you can hate a specific Jew but making these sweeping generalizations is ridiculous. About half the Jews I've met are good-willed and honest.

>> No.54856830

children of satan, synagogue of satan.

>> No.54856851

there is no such thing as a good jew because they keep silent and let the "bad jews" do whatever they want.

the ones that do speak out are arrested and silenced by Mossad.
80% of Israel supports Zionism.
they support florigen entities like ADL that tries to tell Americans what to do.

>> No.54856877

take your meds, dickhead.

>> No.54856878

They are taught to be very paranoid of the goyim from every adult figure and story they hear (Jacob v Esau) in their lives growing up. I certainly won't deny they've been targeted by many groups in the past, but I also wish they could be honest with themselves for once and admit that it's not a one-way street either and that they also love to antagonize.
Even when they find great success in countries like the US and France that readily accepted and defend them they still sabotage their only allies out of paranoid self-fulfilling prophecies.

>> No.54856932


>> No.54856936

There's literally nothing wrong with being a Jew

>> No.54856970

post nose with time stamp

>> No.54857156

The Talmud is the word of the devil, and kikes drink human blood