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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 741x450, under 400k subhuman finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54855117 No.54855117 [Reply] [Original]

You're making over $400k/year, right?

>> No.54855132

I have a shot at it later this year, but for a normie wagie that's usually coming from the value of vesting equity.

>> No.54855147


he's not wrong, that's why non-minority birth rate/fertility rate is down.

>> No.54855148

I work at gamestop so no. Where can I apply for one of these $400k+/year jobs I've been hearing about?

>> No.54855180

I've made less than 400k total from my entire 7 years working.

>> No.54855307

he pays 200k in taxes yearly. a real man MAKES or GROWS his family 400k WORTH of goods

>> No.54855465

real men are born into generational wealth
wym "none minorities" are poorer and have kids quick as chickens lay eggs

>> No.54855642

No but I'm not a husband or father either and instead a balding incel who masturbates while listening to his neighbors fuck

>> No.54855654

>wym "none minorities"

civilized races of caucasian and asians. minorities can't into family planning, or simple wealth creation,

>> No.54855685
File: 127 KB, 655x605, worship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sole measure of worth is money

>> No.54855874

What a retarded image. Atheism is the lack of belief in a God. To move the goalposts this far and say that anyone that has an idol or an organization to look up to isn't an atheist is nonsense. Are children that look up to their father suddenly religious?

>> No.54855903

missing the point
everyone worships something because everyone does something
if you don't worship independent of action, your actions become your worship
without core motivation, people wouldn't do anything at all

>> No.54856002

I'm not a husband, not a father and humans are just more intelligent monkeys. So I don't care.

>> No.54856025

I’m $50k away from that, no larp. But also I’m transgender so the question is irrelevant

>> No.54856039

independent action and free will are memes people value conformity to a group above all else

>> No.54856054

Yes, 500k/yr is the new middle class.

If you are over 35 and not making mid six figures in the USA you are an abject failure.

>> No.54856059

Rite Aid is looking for a new CEO. Apply for the job.

>> No.54856079

Brown people:
>have their little happy families
>got almost nothing but still able to find joy in their simple lives
>work and hustle long hours at basic jobs to provide their family and kids with happiness
>do fun activities with friends
Le civilized asian/white/jews/Grant Cardone
>make 400k a year, have 3 houses, 4 cars, but never actually find satisfaction or meaning
>smash thousands of beautiful women but never find love (nor ever have an end product of reproduction)
>tryhard and obsess over any little trick to get ahead, but ultimately resort to legal scamming or taking advantage of people instead of actual productivity

>> No.54856101

Its only embarrassing if you're a White man. Imagine failing at life on easy mode. Lol wouldn't be me

>> No.54856109

this is a nuclear-grade cope

>> No.54856130

You can't breed lol.
You have no culture.
Your women hate you. They prefer happy, free flowing, athletic, and social men not someone that is autistic about money
Eat shit and die off you filthy abomination of a creature. This planet itself hates you ;)

>> No.54856144

The worldviews expressed on this board are so outrageously ridiculous. Christ this place sucks.

>> No.54856157

this is a nuclear-grade seethe

>> No.54856175

I'm not the one dying off and failing lol.
Tik tok little man.
Your money won't be saving you.
That's not even taking God's wrath into account for your afterlife.

>> No.54856182

Not even surgeons make that lmao
Anyways not being retired = constant state of embarrassment

>> No.54856202

>non whites
>wealth creation and family planning
is today opposite day?
>have their happy little families and children from an abused mother with 4 different baby daddies living at they grand ma ma's

>> No.54856314

As opposed to the average western white whore with 40 different guys fucking her? But she can't pick any because most *just* make around 100k and drive a cheap sports car instead of a Porsche. Oopsie.

>> No.54856388

Only if you live in the 4th world which isn't most people
3rd world browns are probably getting bombed every other week but mostly this
If it wasnt true why would you feel the need to reply and prove yourself