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File: 13 KB, 299x275, 1676876225590865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54854594 No.54854594 [Reply] [Original]

I missed out on pepe because I told myself I wouldn't buy another meme coin

>> No.54854702


Cant blame yourself any person with a small amount of intelligence would do the same.

You realize now that usually people that gets rich from this are people that aren't very intelligent and just get lucky

>> No.54854775 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 692x486, 1235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get into BUTT coin early, looks like a promising new meme coin with some real potential. It's poking fun at the anti-crypto reddit fudders at r/buttcoin

>> No.54854790


>> No.54854802

Buy wojak before it breaks 100m

>> No.54854807

MEV mafia scam

>> No.54854924

Don't be tempted into gambling anon. That's a slipperly slope. The shortcuts are tempting but they burn most who try.

>> No.54854952 [DELETED] 


Jump on to the new Elon associated bandwagon

>> No.54854964

How many pepe shitcoins have there been? And you reckon you would've invested in this one?

>> No.54854979

Not really, you can always take out the money if the shitcoin runs dry after a month. As long as you have the funds and stay attentive there's really nothing to lose from investing in shitcoin

>> No.54854988

It made it onto Coinspot (Australia's normie exchange) which I thought was a firm top signal but it's up another 90% since. Shitcoin bullrun is back on I guess

>> No.54855004

Theres tons of other shitcoins being released evey second anon. Jump on one and hope it pulls a pepe

>> No.54855014
File: 83 KB, 530x780, aclzqn7fqjvz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always avoided meme coins, but this seems like the one. I just can't justify the gas fees to fomo into this nonsense.

>> No.54855048

Checked but isn't Coinspot just like FTX? How do you know they buy and sell your coins and not just play pretend with the frontend UI?

>> No.54855274

I missed out on Pepe because I thought low cap coins like NWC could've been the solution to my financial problems. Turns out that clown world is still in full effect these days.

>> No.54855289

>he didn't get the memo when Elon pumped DOGE for the 2nd goddamn time
You fags can be so retarded sometimes it's just funny

>> No.54855844

How many more will you miss before you start thinking like a retard?

>> No.54855860

You could have also bought at the top like most of the retards on this board and now had bags worth of a worthless, useless shitcoin.

>> No.54855861

You're still early to 4CHAN

>> No.54856123
File: 76 KB, 668x688, 1664923453274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's that bad, or is it? I'm kind of excited about it because of how cheap it can be, I even bought a fat NEZUKO bag to try my financial luck
in a month I will be able to see my wealth or my organs being detached from my body to pay for what I have lost

>> No.54856160

You could've easily been rugged, gamble with money you can afford to lose

>> No.54856340
File: 153 KB, 506x414, Chud Coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed PEPE and WOJAK? CHUD has come to save the day for you virgins.

Billions must buy CHUD

>> No.54856341

Nobody has made any life changing money(ie from 5 to 600k) on this anyway

>> No.54856390

buy wojak or you really might kill yourself when it moons right behind pepe

>> No.54856431

Only a dumb dunning kruger nigger ignores meme coins. They aren't going anywhere, retard maxi. Problem is you're a biased emotional bitch rather than someone capable of being objective (100 IQ and up).

>> No.54857327
File: 69 KB, 923x713, 2410db9ea42ddef17b1b9170f3368ef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme season only started and one of the biggest memes hasn't pumped yet at all. But I won't tell you which one

>> No.54857620

You now know that there will be another one in two years time or next year that will pump in 2025 bullrun.

>> No.54857637

Stop falling for these scams. Nobody makes it except the first ones in the ponzi scheme.

>> No.54857693
File: 650 KB, 894x714, fkp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK PEPE. There is still a chance.

>> No.54857705

Same unironically. I got burned from DBI (MORNING MARINES. CHECK THE CHART) and was seeing very similar talking points in all the pepe/wojak threads
>cex soon
>normalfag appeal
>le funny meme
>we are early
Etc over and over

>> No.54857725

You missed out on gains but made the right educated and calculated decision imo. It's like moaning about not buying lotto tickets because you missed out on the jackpot. The fact there's a chance of a moon, doesn't make it smart money to buy into literal dogshit. Nor would it be financially smart to load up on lotto tickets every week. Same deal.

>> No.54858473

You sound like the emotional one fren. I used to be into memecoins but 99% of them go nowhere and any intelligent person would quickly lose interest after buying a few that fail to even reach a 1M market cap before dying, only an impulsive idiot who doesn’t value their time or money would keep pulling that slot machine lever. Of course when you get a rare one like Pepe that breaches a 9 figure market cap and has momentum it makes sense to buy in and catch some gains, but by then it’s far too late to make huge gains. I actually think the smartest play in a situation like this is to short the coin on the way down, I don’t know how high Pepe will go but when it starts dumping it will be fast and furious, less than 100 holders have 50% of the supply.

>> No.54858550
File: 139 KB, 721x720, IMG_4721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i buy these shit coins? I can’t just use my credit card I’m assuming? I only use normies exchanges

>> No.54858562


>> No.54858604

Pretty much just hold any top coin into next year and keep accumulating from here. It's about the journey, its never going to be easy

>> No.54858621

This. Called the shib top on the day because I got a sell signal from my plumber. "buy shib now!!!"

>> No.54858640

same here

almost 2 years of BSC and Polygon rugs made me super cynical

then comes the most obvious meme coin ever and I decide to stay out because it looked too easy

>> No.54858645

Holy shit what a newfag. Don't move your money out of cexs

>> No.54858766

It has insane fees anyways
>$49 in fees for $16 of pepe
I need to a 10x to make profit

>> No.54858771

the fee isn't the problem, the fucking slippage is the problem
1% slippage minimum if youre lucky + $50 fee. shit fucking sucks.

>> No.54858798

The same people saying they 'missed out' on a shitcoin are the same ones who cry about having to pay gas for their $16 worth of tokens.
You will NEVER make it.
Never change /biz/.
Oh yeah, pepe is still up 30% this past hour but keep going on about missing out

>> No.54858962

>be broke
>saw pepe at 40m
>exchange $250 eth
>decide to buy some upcoming meme coins instead last minute as Pepe was too high for $250 anyway
>get rugged on other coins
>pepe 20x in the meantime

Thanks for playing

>> No.54858971 [DELETED] 
File: 956 KB, 1438x1399, 6a43a9e4aaf0465caf19364b3d45f03e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54858982

Buy AIDoge. Its on presale right now

>> No.54858988
File: 457 KB, 220x220, 1610507413945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard kek, I got into POND cuz I thought it was a memecoin, we're clearly not the same

>> No.54858999

Kek, imagine

>> No.54859005

That's such a kek of a reason to get into garbage

>> No.54859007

How about no?

>> No.54859011

Yeah don't even try it, or else you'll die poor

>> No.54859015

Fish memecoins never took off unfortunately

>> No.54859034

>up 50% in 1h
>just listed on binance
>still an 8x to reach shibs mktcap
Yeah, you fags sure "missed" this one

>> No.54859332
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x1546, Danson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought some friend

>> No.54859400

Problem isn't meme coins. The problem is the huge amount that exist makes it difficult to find the right one. You literally have to be willing to lose over and over and over again until you get lucky by finding the right one. Not everyone has that kind of liquidity or time to watch trending news about meme coins.

>> No.54859482

Not really, this isn't the first Pepe coin that was created. It's lottery.

>> No.54859609
File: 7 KB, 250x206, 1683011483615388s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a few of bucks off of that, and it's wonderful to be savvy in this business, newfag. It was just a matter of time until Jeets succumbed to memes. My attention has switched to the layer 1 privacy project that offers privacy to Ethereum.

>> No.54860197

Kucoin just listed it so you can just go that route

>> No.54861365

Thanks a lot fren. Just saw this. Grabbed a bag. I got a bag of LUNC last year for beer money. Bought a nice steak dinner worth of PEPE this time.

>> No.54861506
File: 146 KB, 629x735, 1682628927406138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are jannies deleting these threads? Do we need a PEPE general?

>> No.54861527

at least you're not the dev who sold while ot was still a #300 coin

>> No.54861542

I was researching shitcoins and saw this weeks ago and laughed and said it’s prob gonna make some retards rich...fuck all logic with this market lol

>> No.54861583
File: 2.63 MB, 720x1080, 1683301069569.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 60 millions PEPE right after Kucoin listed it. What are the potential gains from here ? Will I be able to afford pic related ?

>> No.54861650

Is there enough fucking liquidity to sell PEPE? I know someone who has $1 million worth of PEPE.

>> No.54861742

you will never be a woman, regardless of how much this pumps

>> No.54861789

I'm a based Chud, wtf are you talking about. I just want to know when to take profits.

>> No.54861812

you're gambling on everything nowadays whether you like it or not, we are all cucks for holding le 'god tech' coins (fucking horseshit) while others simply yoloed into PEPE

>> No.54861821

There's a ton of liquidity right now. It's pumping absurdly hard. Just look at the volumes on coinmarketcap