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54852383 No.54852383 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking about ending it lately. I'm 23 and just tired. Eternal sleep sounds like bliss.

>> No.54852411

if you gonna ACK send me all your crypto before you croak

>> No.54852420

Wait until you are 25 and the. Decide

>> No.54852431


>> No.54852436

I'm a neet dude. All I do is rot. I see no purpose to life. Live to die. It amazes me how most of the world hasn't succumbed to despair.

>> No.54852439

Yep, better start living your life now before its too late. 23 is nothing. Wait until you get to mid-30s, no girlfriend and balding. That's my life rn and while I have a networth close to 5 mil, it won't change my baldness. Have sex in you 20s before its over completely

>> No.54852467

Imagine having 5 mil and being a sobby bitch like this. Bro, go to southeast Asia and slay poon or something.

>> No.54852479

Holy shit you can literally buy hair fuck off

>> No.54852519

Youth and time are the two most valuable resources.
Billionaires would literally give away 99.99% of their wealth just to be able to be 20 again. Rich people go broke by going through endless surgeries and treatments to try to look just a bit younger and in most cases fail at that. Youth and time is everything.

>> No.54852533

why fuck malnourished jungle gooks and ladyboys when you can fuck phat mutts in south america

>> No.54852632

I'm 37 and tired. Just keep going bro. If you can at least help others a little in life it's not a wasted life. Trust that God has a plan for you.

>> No.54852711

Hey man if you are truly serious here, no one knows if death is the end or not. Find something to believe in but also learn to accept that the end might be just lights off the end.

Also talk to a therapist in case you have depression that is playing into it.

>> No.54852720

Nigger you're just gonna get reborn, and the chance is that you will endup being a poor nigger or chink. Be happy you're in a first world country and try your best.

>> No.54852740

100% true.

>> No.54852821
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I like to think of it this way: There's people that enjoy existence and they all enjoy it for different reasons, if im not enjoying it right now then i must change my environment until it does. Eternal sleep is not a solution for me because i see the potential even if i've never realistically been happy. The world has to be much more than this.
Currently holding a suicide stack of PEEPO tho, if i don't make it with this im bombing my country's parliament

>> No.54852876


>> No.54852905

stop being such a massive pussy. success isn’t permanent and failure isn’t final so stop using this bot farm as a blog and do something about it

>> No.54852999
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Tried before and you really do regret it once the realization that you are about to die hits.
The feeling is hard to explain. It's the worst feeling of dread you can possible feel. Like a cold dark disgusting feeling and thoughts of decay. When the darkness overcame me I have never felt so much fear in my life and I know for a fact I never will until my final moments. Billions of years of evolution and programming will kick in to activate every primitive gear in your body to induce that unmatched fear.

Honestly, coming back from that changed my life for the better. Stop taking life to fucking seriously and admire the little things. Go camping, go on a night run or bike ride, go to a café and just read a book, go join a hobby group, join the gym, learn recipes and cook, do whatever - just stop caring so much about women or a fucking unrealistic career or financial goals or if you are balding or if you failed college or blah blah blah.

>> No.54853028

Checked. Basically this
OP just stop your miserably slow slide into nothingness and do something drastic in your life. Just pick something and do it. Could be anything, travel, exercise, read 100 books

>> No.54853075
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26 and it doesn't get better. Even with a degree I might get 1200 net per month here. In US or NZ people of my profession get 60-100k per year. Crypto is my only hope before I totally give up

>> No.54853127

“He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.”

>> No.54853142
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Eternal silence is great, that's why you have to earn it by suffering on this planet for 80 years first.

Taking the quick and easy way out at 23 makes you an absolute faggot that doesn't deserve eternal bliss.

>> No.54853401
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no, it isn't

>> No.54853440

I went to work remote rarely get internet

One day I checked my shares and I've lost half my life savings because I held bank shares

This generation never be able to afford house or kids, even when I thought I was getting somewhere now my savings are fucked

>> No.54853482
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>> No.54853531

Create goals for yourself. Some of mine that I accomplished are:
>buy top bluechip nft
>travel around japan
>have japanese femdom sit on my face while jerking me off
>go out weekly to get fancy dinner/drinks by myself followed by massage with hj at local massage parlor
Find things that bring you joy or that you think will bring you joy and work towards making it happen.