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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54851220 No.54851220 [Reply] [Original]

They still think $100,000 is a lot of money

>> No.54851229

Trust me if you got more than 100k in assets with no debt normies see you as a god.

>> No.54851230

get lost frog fag corpo astroturfer

>> No.54851231

my net worth is -18,000 bucks

>> No.54851281

The average 30 year old has a negative net worth (all from depreciating assets).

>> No.54851316
File: 51 KB, 651x1024, 1681112012711370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board never fails to make me laugh
The median retirement savings from 55-64 is $134,000

If you have 500k by 30 you are better off than most people double your fucking age

holy shit the people in this board are so disconnected from reality it's unreal

>> No.54851439

and holy fuck, i gave my above statistic too much credit, it's even worse than that

It's actually more around $80.000 - $100,000

>> No.54851454

I could sell my business for 500k but I'd rather just keep growing it

>> No.54851565

99% of wagies live paycheck after paycheck and are heavily in debts.

>> No.54851662

But these people have equity in hyper-inflated, million-dollar homes they bought for $50k in the 80s.

>> No.54851858
File: 891 KB, 1170x1798, 167938329242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why the fuck am I still a virgin at 32 with 6 million in net worth?
Inflation is so bad not even $1M is worth shit anymore, especially to women, much less $100K.

>> No.54851863

because you are gay, simple as

>> No.54851913

If you haven't gotten laid by the time you're 22 and still in university, then just accept it's never going to happen.

>> No.54852206
File: 165 KB, 1080x1105, 4F85EAC8-D95B-4C00-A181-7673E42DCAA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being connected to “reality” won’t make me grind any harder. This averages bullshit is just meant to sow complacency and sloth.

I am only happy when I ready my potential. I don’t care how normies live their lives.

>> No.54852266

I live in a 3rd world country where 100k can get you a lot of things, so I guess it just depends on where you are, so using every resource you can get is the smartest thing to do, I guess in my case is learning through nwc

>> No.54852289

Third worlders shouldn't be allowed to get into finance, cope and serve as cheap labor

>> No.54852303

Have you met the ceos of biggest tech companies? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.54852315

Chancla or chappal?

>> No.54852319

How is that our problem?

>> No.54852325

Based cheap countries lmao

>> No.54852330


>> No.54852345

>gets sold a tech company at the top

>> No.54852377

True, most of my co-workers are in debt, and they always believe that they are one raise away from leaving that debt... but as soon as they finally get their dream raise, they end up financing a better car or some shit like that and end up in the same situation as before.

>> No.54852390

Those 5 companies are only things propping up the entire market. How the fuck isn't that your problem?

>> No.54852549

you haven't had any real connections to any area in life thus no serious expenses, thus you're a virgin. it's not hard to save up that much money living like that leeching off your parents and not doing a single memorable thing in your life

>> No.54852707

True. Since COVID happened, we've had massive money printing and inflation. You unironically need 8 figures minimum to make it, and that's just for a middle class lifestyle. You need 9 figures to live in luxury.

>> No.54853279

Everyone here is just straight up lying, larping, and gambling a few hundred to a few thousand dollars at a time on silly ass shitcoins or outright meme coins.

>> No.54853300

Zoomers are going to be seriously burnt out by the time they're 30 and likely extremely resentful of the society after they learn that you actually cannot "grind" your way anywhere. Should be entertaining to watch.

>> No.54853644

That’s completely incorrect. I’ve gone from $52k at 22 to $350k at 28. You just have to make smart decisions and have solid skills. Hard work takes care of the rest. The reality is most “grindset” zoomers are just flippers, scalpers, and dropshippers—they’re the ones who are getting heemed.

>> No.54853928

I have 300k at 23 how have you not roped yet?

>> No.54854010

I had sex at 28 (and she wasn't even fat)
that said people who think $1M is nothing are never getting laid

>> No.54854042

>The median retirement savings from 55-64 is $134,000
Yeh they have physical assets they bought for 50k and are worth 3 million now. We have magical internet coins.

>> No.54854049

1 mil is nothing 28 yr old virgin

>> No.54854172

every year, yes
while the person sitting on 400k can very well come back down to 30k, now or 6 months later when they suddenly decide to redeploy their cash

>> No.54854570

Most people don't even have $2,000 in the bank, so from that perspective $100,000 is enough to pay off all your debts and buy some luxury car moneysink, you can be the star of your apartment complex on $100K.

>> No.54855021

Similar situation here. I'm 22 and only have 50k saved. Making 80k a year now but it's not gonna make it. Wtf do I invest in, ETFs aren't good enough

>> No.54855097

Because you’re a social failure

>> No.54855961

Obvious joke aside, I think letting yourself get demoralized because someone’s doing better than you is the dumbest thing about today’s generation

>> No.54856026
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I'll be impressed once I see some receipts for comped sushi.

>> No.54856045

500k outside of retirement accounts is great if you're not dumb enough to be tied to the city.

>> No.54856121

>incels don't realize 30 year old men with $500k in the bank, stable jobs, loving wife, two kids, house, fixed rate affordable mortgage and growing wealth monthly is a solid accomplishment
kys right fucking now you parent's basement dwelling crypto flipping incel failures

>> No.54856854

It's because of their parents, they are the ones who give them jobs or money, they don't get it on their own, instead we kill ourselves to have just a little bit of that amount, even I have to work 2 jobs to have something like PLEB and pay my rent

>> No.54856879

>Have normie friend that makes $60k/year at government job and lives at home and has never paid for rent or tuition
>He's saved $30k in 10 years

>> No.54857984

He’s still ahead of 90% of people.

Virgins on /biz/ who insist 1 billion dollars “isn’t even enough to make a woman love you” are either trolling or they disconnected from reality a long time ago.

>> No.54858025

I told my coworkers that I had 15 million dollars in alt coins and they thought I was rich kek. Imagine their reaction if I told them I had 50 million in BTC lol

>> No.54858082
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If I could make 500,000k I would literally retire to some third world shithole and live like a king.
Ive never even seen 10k before.

>> No.54858098

he's retarded