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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54849791 No.54849791 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, lets bo real, is it even possible to make consistent money with shitcoins/crypto? I dont mean holding bags and hoping one of them moons, but rather being able to make consistently 4-5k a month.

Is this possible without being an insider? Do I need to join telegram groups?

>> No.54849842

It's more like you make 35k one month then nothing for a couple months, but yeah you can average out to 4-5k a month if you have enough to safely risk. You have to do a lot of trend following and pay attention to what's getting hype on Twitter, recognize real hype vs. shill hype, and buy early. Easier or harder depending on the state of the market, in a full bull market it's easy usually.

>> No.54849883 [DELETED] 

I've made good money off the meme tokens here lately desu, including Pepe and 4Chan. Almost (!) feels like 2018 /biz/ again. What a breath of fresh air, seems like the board was full of retards last year.
Two meme tokens I've been seeing shilled a lot today are Billy and Lambo. Make of that what you will.

>> No.54849886

Crypto twitter is your friend. Not the faggots here

>> No.54849937

I have never used twitter before. Its the only platform I always avoided.

Do I just use #crypto or how does that work exactly?

>> No.54849946 [DELETED] 
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Let me guess, you retard don't own any $NPC huh? DYOR if you wanna get rich

>> No.54849963

Here is the only place I know, and it's pretty comfy :)

>> No.54849964

yeah its possible especially the past few weeks, but you need a decent amount of money to start. if you dont have like 15k (ideally more) its better to just wagemax until you do imo. and it takes experience to make and keep gains as well. and yes it helps to join telegram groups/discords and have a twitter account for following people who post good content and for joining twitter spaces to listen to market discussions about trending shit. If you dont have a decent amount of money i would just dca eth/btc while wagemaxing instead of trying to buy anything more complicated

>> No.54850011
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looks like the tire of my $Lambo

>> No.54850044 [DELETED] 

I'd say joining TG groups helps to see the overall vibe of the projects. You can easily spot coins that will do 2-3x and just P&D them. As example there's a new spam of /biz/coin which launched 6 hours ago. Comfy holding obvious bags at 20k mcap rn and dumping at 100k mcap, ez money. Rinse and repeat and you can easily make 4k/month.

>> No.54850074 [DELETED] 

CT faggots will mercilessly dump on you. Private teegees is where it's at, gotta grind and become an insidoor or get lucky.
Peeps who had eca for $4chan shilled me $lambo, do what you want with that alpha. they're all connected, just gotta follow the right people and be in the right places and you'll hit sendoors constantly.

>> No.54850618

It's polluted by tranny mods and pajeets that rugpull you after a few hours.

>> No.54850673

start tracking wallets, anon
4CHAN and LAMBO were meant to pump as soon as I realized who bought in early

>> No.54851596

got any addresses to share?

>> No.54851682

Yeah go with small % bets on new micro caps and take profit on the way up

>> No.54851730

4chan won't pump, the name is literally associated with chuds

>> No.54852948

When the music plays you need to dance

>> No.54853291

For me I guess depends on consistency definition. I made 100k after tax off 1k initial, but then I’ve got rugged out of about 25k of that since… taxes make it harder because you’re only keeping half what you make.

>> No.54853504

This. This place is curated by the faggot janitors so only the coins they like have a spot in the sun.

>> No.54853565
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>muh chuds

>> No.54853592
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Well, I had a 3x when NEZUKO just released and now they're dipping, so I sold in time
I'm buying again because they're pumping back

>> No.54853636

cyberyen (cy)

that is all

>> No.54853734

telegram groups are helpful. I just slurped $gollum at 20k mcap and it's up to $54k now. locked liquidity, 0/0 taxes, renounced contract. looking like it'll pump a decent bit. check it out on dextools, buy a bag and join the telegram.

>> No.54853749

Do you get much spam texts or calls after joinging random telegram groups? Don't like the idea of my phone number being out there in some of these groups

>> No.54853773

This is why I’m thinking of buying sminem’s memecoin
Plus its an official biz meme, not a ripoff of a biz meme like the pepe team

>> No.54853781

Can people see my phone number on telegram? I didn’t know that. That sucks if true

>> No.54853819

There are privacy settings that let you hide your number. That was a big concern for me before joining groups too, but you can set it to 'nobody' and you are golden.

>> No.54855527

Bro you are in 4chan and you don’t about privacy? Big OOF!