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File: 90 KB, 1300x1300, 68986806-no-id-card-sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54849238 No.54849238 [Reply] [Original]

where can I buy eth without having to verify my identity?

>> No.54849260

your mothers cunt

>> No.54849304

I would probably get lost if I tried looking there

>> No.54849559

>without having to verify my identity?
you mean without kyc or also without credit card?

>> No.54849752

anyway. forget eth. get btc, without verification, kyc and stuff only way is f2f. check bitcointalk

>> No.54850118

I sell you, how much do you want to buy? I have only a couple millions

>> No.54850122

It's hard. There used to be sites like LocalBitcoins and LocalCryptos that allowed you to leave buy/sell listings with different payment methods like cash/bank transfer etc. but now they're all killed. There's a hole in the market for a "Schelling point" marketplace website like this just to match f2f local buyers and sellers. Best bet is meeting people through local crypto events or a local internet group/used goods marketplace. It doesn't matter what crypto you buy because KYC-less crypto->crypto exchanges exist, the point is to turn your fiat to any crypto and then swap it to whatever you want.

>> No.54850139

bitcointalk. Though chances that anybody on there is selling shitcoins is 0

>> No.54850154

mind your shits like real men

>> No.54850247

Well that's a fucking mess. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=53.0 Try to find a local seller through 600 pages of that. Bonus points if you're not from 'merica.

>> No.54850397

the best there is for now, online. other options are of course as you say local crypto organizations and meetups, but also here, chances that any shitcoins will be traded, including eth, very low

>> No.54850445

by selling goods and services for ETH. try drugs, people love drugs.

>> No.54850473

You could always mine it like any decentralized blockchain...oh wait

>> No.54850479

>buying illegal goods
>through OhFAcK compliant validators
never read something more retarded on this board. are you mainly using twitter by chance

>> No.54850485
File: 51 KB, 600x800, 1682965228211088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where can I buy eth
You've already fumbled the bag OP. Reconsider your life choices.

>> No.54850516

Like I said, it won't matter if you get btc, eth, stables, or fucking doge because you can exchange them to other crypto in KYC-less exchanges like kucoin or whatever.

>> No.54850537

the question remains why would you even get scams like eth with its mev bullshit or doge, let alone stables. There is a reason why non of the zoomer copy cats ever took off

>> No.54850591

Why bring Bitcoin maximalism to this conversation? If there no option to get your coin directly, what's the problem of holding some stables/relatively safe crypto for an hour or two before swapping to your coin of choice on kucoin? M-muh PoS is bad m-m-muh MEV. Listen to yourself.

>> No.54850607
File: 135 KB, 1365x815, 2023-05-04T20:52:39+02:00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fud is stale, most validators don't give a shit about OFAC anymore and even at it's highest enforcement it still took less than a minute to get into a block, which all "compliant" nodes happily accepted into the chain, as the protocol demands. there is no compliance.

>> No.54850634

What makes it centralized?

>> No.54850687

I know where this is going. Is it possible to fuck with ETH after it became PoS, yes.
Is it probable? No, cause not only would you need a fortune but it would immediately be seized

>> No.54850711

Rbx skipshift. Non-kyc p2p on/off ramp.

>> No.54850743
File: 182 KB, 1267x1172, stable shitcoin+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next you try to tell us that they are stable
Beside btc non of the alts managed to get anywhere beyond moonboi mercenary capital raping or just being straight scams

>> No.54850808


>> No.54850821

>15 year chart
Now look at the DXY on 5 minute chart. The stables are not going to fuck you up in the time it takes to send them to kucoin after the f2f trade.

>> No.54850940
File: 297 KB, 3182x1135, 45 minutes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very stable..

>> No.54851004

That chart is from November to today. It takes you 6 months to send some stables to kucoin?

>> No.54851086

>hey just buy this corpo shitcoin "backed" by dollar ious in fractional reserve banking
Why are you even in crypto fool?

>> No.54851308
File: 78 KB, 600x526, 1636221734603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP rn

>> No.54851598
File: 11 KB, 220x212, 17985154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not.

>> No.54851688

fuck off glow frog

>> No.54851731 [DELETED] 

These lads apparently but I have not DYOR yet on it. Just came across it myself, worth a look.

>> No.54851768

Have you used it?

>> No.54851788

Buy Monero on localmonero then swap for ETH using sideshift or trocador or any of the other atomic swaps.
Also KYS, you're all so useless. No respect for the working man.

>> No.54851872

If you're ok with a 5% ish fee and going to a mall or some similar place with surveillance cameras, a crypto atm can be an option

>> No.54851877

they do require kyc iirc

>> No.54851933

This, no issues so far.

>> No.54852382

Go take your meds ranjeesh and stop larping on biz. fucking kek.

>> No.54854218

It must hurt at some level being this based. rKPen24T got literally owned

>> No.54854224

unironically wear a mask

>> No.54854277

Wyre doesn't do full KYC for amounts <500 USD