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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54848729 No.54848729 [Reply] [Original]

>Unemployment rate 70%
>w-well at least we got rid of inflation

>> No.54849676

when you see a retarded post, keep in mind that there is a good chance that it's an AI.

Don't feel agitated to correct someone on the internet. It's not worth your time.

>> No.54849691

There is no way shape or form that the USA EVER gets to 70% unemployment. Literal bobo cope that their 'crash' isn't happening.

>> No.54851167
File: 1.98 MB, 304x387, what_the_shit?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, jp thread

>> No.54851183

jpow has actually done a pretty good job at appeasing everyone tbqh

>> No.54851192

That's why he'll never fix the economy, he'll keep doing pussy half-fixes that just kick the can down the road.

>> No.54851345

What in the actual fuck could fix the situation this country is in right now?

Motherfuckers like you act like there is some magical quick fix solution to this problem. There isn't.

>> No.54851739

crash the market, take away physical cash and coins, implement usdc, implement negative interest rates so people cant stuff cash into their mattress

>> No.54852827

do people really believe these larps still? I've been hearing various goldbugs and lolbergs say this since Obama and it's wearing thin

>> No.54852837

Jpow is so based.

>> No.54852986
File: 1.24 MB, 255x231, 1536861908_efsCl1c - Imgur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill every nigger and jew, send every spic back to mexico, create an effective anti-icbm defense before anybody else, nuke everything east of the atlantic and west of the pacific, every population center except ones in Australia should be reduced ashes. Annex Canada, annex Mexico and make them be grateful they weren't exterminated so they will build more shit for us cheap. Annex South America into a high-powered tourism continent with everything from parks to child prostitutes. White, rural farming communities alongside picket fence gated communities placed near moderate commerce and advanced manufacturing like microchips that's too complex for spics, and research/development zones.

>> No.54853098

They were right then and they are right now. You just have no patience.

>> No.54853132
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