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54847767 No.54847767 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you bought BTC?
How much?
What price?

>> No.54847779

I don't know what BTC is.
Data-mining thread.

>> No.54847815

All of It On monday 11 o clock.

>> No.54847857

Never bought any, never will. Only buy alts.

>> No.54848250


>> No.54849639

2019, 4.5k

>> No.54849702

Where's the best place to buy BTC

>> No.54849815

garage or yard sales

>> No.54849861

n/a, 0, 0. buying our own $biz instead.

>> No.54849869

data leech thread
your mothers cunt, today

>> No.54850411
File: 271 KB, 400x533, 423423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to get my first whole BTC after this bull, currently sitting on AVAX, LINK & XMR.
I'll just stick to DCA after I add Bitcoin to my port.

>> No.54850489
File: 27 KB, 400x400, -_sjwkFZ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I bought AVAX at $6

>> No.54851971

wish I had come across that coin so early as you did

>> No.54852215

2012 100k BTC

>> No.54852378

When I graduated from college my buddies threw a big party with a roasted pig. I remember getting shit faced drunk and running down the street to a poker game I reg'd at. 50c/$1 NLH. I sat down, drunk as a skunk, ran the table for a half an hour, made a couple hundred dollars, and went back to celebrate some more. Your picture of 'pigs' on fire reminded me of this nice time in my life.

>> No.54852573

>When was the last time you bought BTC?
>How much?
0.8 btc
>What price?

>> No.54852640
File: 172 KB, 678x960, mitsu-art-1-nezukodl-v1-01-wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last day: 3 days ago
>How much? Around 2k
>What price? Before the 200% pump
Oh wait that was NEZUKO my bad

>> No.54852908
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$10 and sell it in $150, maybe I will slurp some avaxxies again soon

>> No.54852913

Buy a bit at the end of every month.
Shitcoiners get the rope.

>> No.54852970

February 2024, 30 BTC, $10k each

>> No.54852991
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>> No.54853114

Bought $1600 worth today, usually do $500 every two weeks but ledger was doing no fees today so

>> No.54853136

Strike unironically, Swan second best. I mean technically the *best* is Bisq or robosats but meh

>> No.54853778

APR 28TH, market price, whatever it is.
The last time I bought 1 whole BTC, I actually bought 2 whole BTC, they were 12k each.
I also bought 50 eth that day.
i cashed out half my link at 20.

>> No.54853853

Bought 20 BTC in 2016. Haven’t sold yet.

>> No.54853983
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Got a 3x with DEXT and bought 10 BTC with that when it was $16k (bought the dip)
Now I duped my money again and reinvested on DEXT, got another 2x kek

>> No.54856082
File: 217 KB, 1000x1143, 17CB426D-D8E8-4000-B4E4-E57462255679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never messed with BTC. I feel safer with DeFi. My bags are with AVAX and I haven't changed my mind until now.

>> No.54857126

1 single thanks to a lot of savings and a gift from my parents, I don't remember the year but after 2 weeks I sold because I regretted it, now I regret it again but I'm being smarter, I use things like 0x0 to have a passive income, sell and then come back with btc

>> No.54857244
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im looking to buy but it wont go down

>> No.54858872

$80000, in 2 weeks.

>> No.54859514

they're people who maintain the social order, whereas pigs like you are worthless pieces of trash
the guy is probably disfigured for life by a bunch of trashy french people who have yet to work and live on government handouts

>> No.54859690

You newfag go and dyor and stop been blind folwer BTC is the future ofvl everyone here

>> No.54859707

945 days ago
Every last penny I had
Suck my dick from the back, data mining bot.

>> No.54859722

>feels safer with defi
>buys shitcoin
Anon... I...

>> No.54859773
File: 9 KB, 233x217, yiaeha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This look really cool anon am still hope it doesn't drop, but web3payments services are making bicthes so wet , especially through the staking opportunity with metastaking which I believe my yields are accumulating & adding up real good.

>> No.54859775

DCA is for normalfag. I recall buying BTC around $18, and as an oldfag trader, I'm using darkpool-style trading to ensure my approach wasn't replicated or counter-traded owing to zk-sharks innovation.

>> No.54859776

i boughted at 7k in 2020. it feels good knowing that the price will never ever go below that level again. it's literally impossible. I don't even have to look at the chart i don't even pay attention i just have solace in knowing that it will never go below my average cost for the entire future of the universe. i never have to re enter the labor force because the price of bitcoin is never going below $7,000 united states dollars

>> No.54859967
File: 11 KB, 224x224, tdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that is true will get my bag fill just hope it doesn't make me cry when it drop lol, but web3payments is making got me so freaky horny with juicy experience as as i Just booked a flight with alternate airlines using that to pay and the transaction was lightning fast and got a 1.5% cashback staking it.

>> No.54860007
File: 491 KB, 480x250, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon asks about buying BTC
>MFW been in so long I only sell BTC

>> No.54860018 [DELETED] 

I bought at $500 still doesn't make me feel better about my portfolio dropping half a million just because I'm still way up.

>> No.54860114

You're making a lot of assumptions there bucko. Don't forget that police were the first ones to drag you out of your home, or place of worship when you wouldn't take the vaxx and wanted to gather during covid. Kindly wake the fuck up and realize the world isn't as black and white as you want it to be for your childlike perspective.

>> No.54860172
File: 10 KB, 225x225, igf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like it make more sense buying it when it still low soon it will hit above 28k, I'm stacking up my pussy bag with BTC and looking at what web3payments with it new tokenomics features it looks so juicy kek.

>> No.54860276

sometime in 2012. forgot the exact price, was somewhere between 6-7.

>> No.54860287

never bought btc

>> No.54863690

data mining thread lol

>> No.54863718

Police are fucking faggots kill yourself