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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54846460 No.54846460 [Reply] [Original]

>inflation rampant
>everything overvalued
>banks collapsing
>real estate collapsing
>job market collapsing
>consumer spending collasping
>politicians, bankers and newz media all lying saying everything is fine
There won't be a bull run following the fed pivot this time will there?

>> No.54846487

Let me tell you what will happen, in order;
Fed pauses (we are here)
Fed pivots
Unemployment skyrockets
Stock market crashes

You know how I know this?
Because it goes like this every single time

>> No.54846559

The bull run happens, but there will be no assets to put it back into. Can’t take out your GME to buy canned Spam.

>> No.54846642

>history will repeat itself again because uh, BECAUSE IT WILL
Its not called the great reset for nothing. There is no more free money to throw out. The can has been kicked down the road to where it ends.

>> No.54846664
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>inflation rampant
wrong, disinflation is already happening
>everything overvalued
>real estate collapsing
wrong, housing market is already showing sign of recovery
>job market collapsing
wrong, look at the ADP Nonfarm Employment Change. forecast was 150k and actual was 300k. unemployment is at a record low.
>consumer spending collasping
>politicians, bankers and newz media all lying saying everything is fine
Everything IS fine. The financial tools of the Fed are working, you just dont want to see it. You want a crash to happen, you're in denial.
god I wish they would just declare spreading fake news a felony.

>> No.54846671

Yes this is the end of a long term debt cycle exactly like the one that happened in the 1930s, however in the short term it will play out like this except there won't be any recovery for at least 5 years, just a painful series of defaults and overall deleveraging of the economy

>> No.54846708

>consumer spending collasping
It's not, that's the problem, idiots are willing to pay the extra costs, making companies even greedier, further driving up inflation.

>> No.54846738

Minorities and single mothers easentially

>> No.54846750


>> No.54846819

>I wish they would just declare spreading fake news a felony.
Spreading news is government sanctioned and encouraged in America brainlet. That's how we ended up with talking heads saying everything is fine.
>inflation rampant
Wrong. Everything costs more every time consumers go to buy something. Its been like that for years and nothing has changed besides the lies coming from the government.
>real estate collapsing
Only if you listen to talking heads would you think this is true. Every major market has real estate down. Buyers are leaving the market. Commercial real estate is plummeting at record levels. REITs are blocking investors from withdrawing while the funds default on loans.
>job market collapsing
The stats you are relying on are known to be lies. Most jobs created are burger flipping bullshit and gig economy garbage. Real middle class jobs are shrinking. Tech sector is laying off massively. Auto industry is literally paying workers to quit.
>Everything IS fine.
You are either a kool aid drinking mouth breather or paid shill. Everything is NOT FUCKING FINE.
>consumer spending collasping
We are at the tip of that iceberg. Brace for impact.

>> No.54846829

>Spreading news
Spreading *fake news

>> No.54846838
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sounds based let it burn
closing on my house sale on the 10th
just started a new recession resistant job

>> No.54846887

It's amazing that anyone thinks it's ever going to get better. Gen Alpha is 30% white.

>> No.54846962

pic related is how much the USA has to pay on interest adjusted for inflation, it's literally never been worse. And as you can see interest rate pivot always coincides with market dump.

>> No.54846976

The last time we experienced a similar global economy was the late 70's. The only thing that saved us was globalization, which was previously untapped. All resources have fun out now, there is no trick up our sleeves or rabbit in the hat to pull it. We are tapped out and we are in for at least a lost decade.

>> No.54846982
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Forgot image

>> No.54847007


>> No.54847520
File: 93 KB, 1226x632, PAPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it will my dude. My bags are fucking sure of it

>> No.54849793

It will be much worse than the 30ies.
Our societies aren't ethnically and culturally coherent any more.
There will be fascism or civil war, with fascism as the far better option unironically.

>> No.54849817

Check my ID! KEK, OBEY!

>> No.54849837

>There won't be a bull run following the fed pivot this time will there?
We need to expand the monetary base.
Only a new round of QE or that trillion-dollar coin can save us

>> No.54851448

so where the fuck is the crash and recession?S&P 500 back to 2021 levels, BTC at 30k