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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54845979 No.54845979 [Reply] [Original]

I was a crypto millionaire in 2017/18
how are you guys doing

>> No.54846003

I made $15/hr in 2016 and changed careers to make $120k/year now. Unfortunately, I had two kids along the way and bought a house so between lack of liquidity and other more pressing priorities, I missed the golden bull run in stocks AND crypto.
If only id picked the right career in my 20's.

>> No.54846149

>crypto millionaire
>now only $29 left

what happened to all your money?

>> No.54846784

You know how crypto goes up like 1000% in a matter of hours? The opposite happens too. There's also rug pulls, failed projects etc. There's a reason why people refer to crypto as VOLATILE

>> No.54848700

drugs, hoes, gambling, a car and some other bullshit

>> No.54848752

The $ goes before the number you stupid nigger, no wonder you have nothing left.

>> No.54850287

should have just bought bitcoin
there is no second best

>> No.54850306

at least you cashed out and didn't hold it back down to nothing.
if you managed to do it then it's just as easy today to run it up on shitcoins.

>> No.54850314

Just the usual 'not selling' retard that lost millions.
Kys already OP we know you want to.

>> No.54850327

you're full of shit

>> No.54850367

>I have dollar 29 !
retarded amerimutts

>> No.54850441

I'm 41 and have $180 to my name. I had half a million in crypto in 2017/108. Oh and my truck just broke down.

>> No.54850471

Your lack of money management and being as casual about your losses leads me to believe you come from an upper middle class bg. If you’re inheriting money/real estate from your boomers it sounds like you’ll be fine. Glad you enjoyed it

>> No.54850478

what do you do now?

>> No.54850902

I'm 34. I lost my job a few months ago because I refused to do another stupid fucking covid test at my company. They stopped doing all covid tests the week after they fired me. People still working there told me they can't afford to lose anyone else. Fuck em. My wife and I started our own lawn care and cleaning business and we're actually doing pretty good. Slowly building up some good clients.

>> No.54851554
File: 8 KB, 255x253, 16793432943204321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even worse than you, I am in my 30s with 8 figures and I am still a virgin.
If women don't want me with all this money, they will never want me.
Why the fuck did I have to be born a short man?!
God is such a cruel asshole.

>> No.54851723

take those 29$ for another spin in the shitcoin casino
BlueChip, Billy and Lambo are somwhat fresh and undervalued at the moment
Man up

>> No.54851772

30 year old kissless virgin here.
I've never had a gf or been on a date in my entire life.
I literally don't know how to talk to women.
But, I made seven figures off of crypto and bought a new house and car.
So, I guess I have that going for me.

>> No.54851810

>being this irresponsible with money in your late 30s
if nonlarp honestly just kys, faggot