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54845321 No.54845321 [Reply] [Original]

should i give up on office work? i've been working in offices for the past 5 years and i'm genuinely too retarded to do this kind of work. first i did data entry for 2 years and i got fired for consistently processing invoices incorrectly. then i was unemployed for 1 year. then I was employed in a call centre for 2 years and the job was mostly simple but i wanted to kill myself and i consistently missed follow up calls or 'accidentally' terminated calls when i got extremely confused. and now i've been a credit analyst for one month and my colleagues have to keep explaining shit to me 100 times over because i keep forgetting what they say even when i write things down. whenever i have to look at a payslip to verify income t's like it's written in another language. i also have to make and answer phone calls at this job as well and despite working in a call centre for two years i still suffer extreme anxiety when i have to answer a call. also my eyes always hurt because i have to stare at computers every day. i have horrible migraines because i'm overthinking. there's constant learning modules i have to do. every two days i have a meeting with my manager about KPIs. my colleagues work at breakneck speed and meanwhile i move at the pace of a sloth. i go in early, skip lunch, stay late, and then go home a drop dead on my bed and i still underperform i'm also extremely awkward around all my colleagues because i don't have time to do anything with my life so i have nothing to say to anyone.

i don't know what to do bros. i need a job but i'm just so incompetent. i hate my life. are there any jobs for retards like me that will pay a livable wage and that won't make my mother ashamed of me?

>> No.54845352

Do the bare minimum.
If they get bitchy, say you're trans.
Job security forever.

>> No.54845414

Just get a job in a Warehouse or on a fork truck. One life, don't waste it stressed. Thank me later.

>> No.54845428

Unironically this, office work is the type of work where you take your sweet ass time for the whole 8 hours. Found that out way too late for what I’m doing now, but once I did it became a total 180 in terms of slogginess. You’ll learn that very few people actually give a fuck, they just do whatever they got going on then pass it off to the next guy. I had to hear the other day someone bitching about some big time controller or whatever cutting and signing a check over $30,000 to where the fucking state had to return it because even those morons knew something wasn’t right there. Went through multiple people even. My advice, use the time you waste there and shekels acquired to get a better skill for something kind of worth a shit. Gotta keep your head straight lest you find yourself like the poor sap who has been in the same shitty low tier position for over a decade in the same company.

>> No.54845430

Chances are you’re putting undue stress on yourself due to your own anxiety about the job, but modern office work really is that inhuman.

The short answer is yes. You should do something else if you can. We all should.

>> No.54847100

Same. I'm got a job at a defense contractor and everyone is telling me it's a poor move because it's slow and not as exciting. All I can think of is hearing these people painfully shitting their guts out from stress, sweating with humped backs as they're skipping lunch, and crying in the hallway from the work they have to do. Yeah, I'm so sad to leave this life behind me bro,.