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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54842930 No.54842930 [Reply] [Original]

These are the reasons why I do /biz/ - Business and Finance.

>> No.54842942

For me it's a small cabin/house far away from non-whites, preferably next to a farm where I can source fresh organic produce every day.

>> No.54842944

these are the reasons you do it for other people not for yourself. it's fine but just be honest.

>> No.54842977

brokie trying to flex.

>> No.54843069

go back to /fa/ you /fa/ggot.
I'm here to make enough money that I don't have to worry about that shit and I can go Ted-mode and be a positive benefactor in a small mountain outpost town.

>> No.54843105

I've never met anyone worth a damn that would give a single drop of shit about any of that and I have people in my contacts with last names every single person who will post in this thread would recognize. You're a clown and all of that is your clown equipment lol.

>> No.54843162
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>four door autotragic bmw
NPC tier taste OP

>> No.54843263

Based and broccolihead pilled fr fr no cap.

>> No.54843292
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>> No.54843296

why is this board filled with retard bitter thirdworlders now

>> No.54843318

because your "reasons to make it" are gay, also your taste in car sucks. It's not even the e92. Your taste in everything is basic bitch tier and you are probably 17

>> No.54843339

This is image is funny already but I’m trying to appreciate the difference between the big boy-tier and pink zyzz-tier which is currently too subtle for me. Any watch fags care to explain?

>> No.54843364

one thinks he's sophisticated and mature but is trying too hard, the style trending towards dressier watches. the other thinks he's extremely masculine and cool but is trying too hard, the style trending towards sportier watches.

but really its just for a laugh, some watch banter

>> No.54843379

so the big boy is trying to be mature. and the pink guy is trying to be manly. but both are trying too hard. basically

>> No.54843382

effay is an extremely autistic board

>> No.54843403

This post strikes me as extremely brown.

>> No.54843419

You strike me as brown AND a faggot

>> No.54843423

it feels like if your reason to get is rich for anything other than making a neonazi farm, you'll get made fun of on /biz/

>> No.54843472

>tag hauer
Why so many poor people here?

>> No.54843503
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>> No.54843522

>(((tag))) heuer

>> No.54843530

It's a /wt/ meme from when we still had threads of /g/
/wt/ on /fa/ is gay as fuck

>> No.54843537

this has to be bait

>> No.54843599

fucking kek

>> No.54843696

Im banned but phoneposting to say your based, ine day i will have an evo9 but left hand drjve are so hqrd to come by

>> No.54843717
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you will never shift as quickly and as accurately as a DCT or even a good modern automatic can.

>> No.54843786

Who cares, I want to enjoy actually driving my car just shaving .25 seconds off a lap time or launch or whatever. There's nothing exciting to me about just pressing the gas down, even if the car is fast it lacks sovl

>> No.54843824

it's so thrilling to go as fast as possible and chase even more speed! i get the appeal of manual but it is just slow

>> No.54843837

For me, it's wearing track pants and hoodies with a gold ring, gold watch and Louis Vuitton wallet.

>> No.54843843
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t. know nothing
The cars are basically impossible to find in good shape considering the "typical" owner profile and rust does a number on these them. I'd say it's a tough pick between the 9 and the 6.5 TME as my favorite gens. I rarely even see Xs around anymore even though Subaru STIs are everywhere

>> No.54843889

Sure but how often can you actually drive flat out on the street or the highway? Maybe if you live in a rural area or have a dedicated track car you can get more out of a car like that. I also enjoy tuner cars more than straight out the box performance machines, so the mechanical simplicity of a manual vs an automatic appeals to me with respect of upgrading things (manual = big chunky gears, cheap, no computers vs the opposite on a DCT or TCA). But I understand not everyone is stupid enough to overboost their shit to the point their transmission becomes a point of mechanical failure. It just makes me sad you can barely even buy new manuals anymore. I really like the new brz a lot, I want to buy that as my next car and keep it as a testbed for when stuff like turbo and supercharger kits come out for it

>> No.54843892

he knows

>> No.54843900

Only good post in this thread

>> No.54843925

Validation from other people is a personal need almost everyone has and few can admit you niggermonkey

>> No.54843932
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>Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio
>Grand Seiko
>Creed Erolfa

>> No.54843946

>Cheap looking rice rocket that only visually appeals to someone who got mentally stuck in middle school when Tokyo drift came out

>> No.54843988

I unironically use Paris Hilton fragrance for men and I've gotten more compliments from that than anything else I have

>> No.54844019

Based materialistic bizanon makes incels seethe once again. The sole purpose of existing in nowadays society is to show that you have ascended financially over the unwashed masses. This signals your industriousness and tenacity, therefore your genes are superior. This in turn directly translates into attractiveness.
tldr conspicuous consumption for men is a brute force approach to getting women

>> No.54844121

Some anon on 4chan redpilled me on DEXT two years ago and I got all of that this year bc I staked, coin pumped a 5x and now I have $560k to use in whatever shit I want

>> No.54844146

>no gunz
Yep I’m thinking cringe.

Mega fucking based.

>> No.54844331

>broke zoomer virgin that just discovered biz like 2 years ago probably
Go back to fortnite faggot lamao

>> No.54844474

>I've gotten more compliments from that than anything else I have
Because its a dupe of something normie popular

>> No.54844542

I like men's perfume but my girl prefers my natural scent, what do?

>> No.54844592

>Ford Mondeo
>lynx africa
>umbro tracksuit
Restrain your women, I've arrived

>> No.54844610

Coincides with the meme coin pump and dumps. Only turd worlders would salivate over and old nail evo.

>> No.54844631

Tag and hugo are fine
BUT you can get Patek P (the name makes it better) and a hand-made italian suit

>> No.54844847

nice bait faggot,you're never fooling me and even if i'm wrong then you're still a paki shitstain

>> No.54844878
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>the name makes it better
No you brainless dolt, pateks are hand made (despite quality dropping over the years as their production ramped up)
(((Tag))) got caught out rebranding a fucking seiko and tried to pass it off as in house movement

>> No.54844923

>boss for suits

>> No.54844956
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Right car, zoomer tier model.

>> No.54845047

no ur just a faggot
no real men has that need

>> No.54845063
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No house, no land in that pic. Checks out.

>> No.54845065

so you want to look like the generic 'wall street hustle man'

>> No.54845082
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This is what peak performance looks like. Picrel.

>> No.54845136

jeez, get a rolex at least, not that its not shit but tag.. come on

>> No.54845155

Imagine sneaking behind and violating his hairy jew buttpussy

>> No.54845168

Hugo Boss was a nazi.