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54842588 No.54842588 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54842602


>> No.54842617
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Checked. It'll never happen. Sergey is handy with the steel, if you know what I mean. But Kemal might be worthy of inheriting the flannel.

>> No.54842645

He is of the Vril, just look at his eyes. It’s not going to happen

>> No.54842652

Do you bros think that crazy Twitter guy will actually try to off him? I'm legitimately concerned, that guy is clearly unhinged. I'm all for him kidnapping Serg and forcing the price up or whatever but assassination would be bad for us.

>> No.54842705
File: 358 KB, 902x510, Screen Shot 2023-05-04 at 11.20.58 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks there's only one of them

>> No.54842714

Chainlinkgod is the full incel terrorist but I think its all a meme. He did post pics of his new gun in the discord the other day but I'm sure he's only joshing

>> No.54842723

Hes talking about that retarded twink that sold Link early and posts fud on Twitter every single day now because he is seething. No worry we have already found his identity and reported him to the authorities.

>> No.54842735

>found his identity
There's a 99% chance it's some incel using that guy's name and image to try and dredge up a personal army. I don't think collared shirt nightclub bros have any comprehension of Chainlnk.

>> No.54842740

Jerome powell

>> No.54842748

sure ya did cuckold

>> No.54842805
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>> No.54842834

>cuckolds don't like being called cuckolds
not my problem, cuckold

>> No.54842841

They'd simply send out another fat guy in a blue flannel and no one would be the wiser.

>> No.54842881

Do you do it for free or for pay? Either response is hilarious.

>> No.54843028

>that retarded twink
I know who Chainlinkgod is

>> No.54843043

no idea why you cuckolds still trust chainlinkgod when he was supposed to say nigger at shartcon 1 but he never did. thank god for some based anon who did say nigger at shartcon but come the fuck on man chainlinkgod never said nigger not once not even when his mommy wasnt looking

>> No.54843050

As long as someone says nigger it still counts

>> No.54843080

no fucking way cuckold it does not count. chainshitgod was supposed to say nigger live at smartcon AS ADVERTISED. he never fucking did not once fuck you and your cuckold shit

>> No.54843090

not a chance, dude is a manlet, seemed middle class, probably had strict, neurotic parents. he is a screaming toddler not an actual threat.

I am way more concerned about sergey getting 3 doses of the vaccine.

>> No.54843327

If he gets assassinated ill have that francisco guy dissolving in a barrel of acid before the month is out

>> No.54843478

you should hope that he's being honest, otherwise you'll end up dealing with people like
which you'll probably have to deal with even if sergey isn't killed and links inevitable singularity happens

>> No.54843480

>Forbes mentions and backs Chainlink (ticker: LINK)

>Sirgay gets assassinated


>> No.54843486


>> No.54844103
File: 396 KB, 500x457, sergeyGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart contract oracles can be thought of as the "secret sauce" of the blockchain world - much like the special sauce that makes a Big Mac so delicious. Just as the sauce adds flavor and complexity to the burger, smart contract oracles add real-world data and information to the blockchain, making it more robust and versatile.

Just as a burger is made up of several key components - the bun, the patty, the ketchup, and other toppings - a smart contract is made up of several pieces of code and data that work together seamlessly. And just as McDonald's has perfected the art of making burgers at scale, smart contract oracles are designed to work reliably and efficiently on a massive scale, providing accurate data to blockchain applications around the world.