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54841016 No.54841016 [Reply] [Original]

unexpectedly, without notice

>> No.54841027

don't do it.

>> No.54841037

good for you and good luck

>> No.54841038

this is insane, i had the exact same plan

>> No.54841041

good luck.

>> No.54841058

so you already quit?

>> No.54841070

Ghost them
That is even funnier

>> No.54841072

I did this in 2019. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

>> No.54841111

lets do it. RIP to the labor force participation rate

>> No.54841121

checked, anon bless you seriously. i'm with you

>> No.54841125

very very cringe

>> No.54841138


>> No.54841164

Checked. Also what did kek mean by this?

>> No.54841174
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we are a team. quads confirm our quit pact.

>> No.54841214
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you will do nothing and be happy.

>> No.54841314


>> No.54841358

Do it OP. Be free. I'm rooting for you.

>> No.54841372

Cringe, they'll just replace you with a mexican

>> No.54841423
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That's what they tell me. Pajeets and AI. Do it then. I call your bluff

>> No.54841460

checked but labor force participation rate is irrelevant, you're only included in those statistics for 6 months, if you still aren't employed after that you're no longer counted

>> No.54841488
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Checked and respected

>> No.54841548
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I want to do this as well, but i have no idea what job to get next. What in the fuck do I do afterwards?

>> No.54841596

sounds like you're not ready for this club

>> No.54841619

one of the best feelings in the world. I wish I could quit a job every single day

>> No.54841620

nice. me i will not go to my penis inspection. will see how my manager react. it s time to fight the system fren. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/03/google-employees-complain-about-ceo-sundar-pichais-pay-raise.html

>> No.54841636

Quads of basedness

>> No.54841648

get an advance on your next wage packet and then ghost them for at least another month (let them fire you)

>> No.54841662
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I love making like ten grand in pure cash and then taking a year off to do mushrooms and read books. Every zoomer is doing this.

>> No.54841716
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>> No.54841730
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what i like is paying my taxes in time to help our gov to function properly

>> No.54841789

fuck who told the zoomers about crypto? they're supposed to be the new working class for us.

>> No.54841806

no pussy no work amirite bros

>> No.54841843

Lmao you dumb fuckers raised us to be just like you, selfish and with limited foresight. What did you expect?

>> No.54842082

bad idea

>> No.54842083

I feel like you're not considering how this will effect the morale of the rest of the team. Let's link up at the end of the week and if you still want to quit thats something we can have HR work out. You're a valued member of this family and we're confident we can come to a solution that is amicable for all of us

>> No.54842438

don't. deflation will not happen, hiring is slowing, and job loyalty is being rewarded

>> No.54842499

Two years ahead pussies
Why did you not quit during the coof

>> No.54842505

Based. 2 weeks notices should go the way of the dodo.

>> No.54842519

My job quit me unexpectedly and without notice 2 weeks ago

>> No.54842520

Based quads, I’ve been meeting for 6 months, it’s great!

>> No.54842555

That means inflation keeps going up which would make working even more retarded where deflation could create an environment where spending calories for units of account that can buy more calorie conserving stuff a rational goal.

>> No.54842573

How do I stop letting my coworkers live in my head rent free? I think about my job all the time when I'm not on the clock, worry about coworkers being angry at me or not respecting me etc. Really pathetic loser shit but I cant stop myself from doing it and you guys are the smartest board I know of so if anyone would have answers it would be you guys

>> No.54842577

Based. I hope you have a plan.

>> No.54842641

Occupy your mind with drugs, alcohol and/or hobbies instead of being a dumbass?

>> No.54842830


In the end, do you even like them? If so, why bother caring what they think?

>> No.54842832
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>> No.54842853


>> No.54844584

>Ghost them
>That is even funnier
apparently my friend did this to walmart and got paid an extra couple week because no one was sure if he was working or not.

>> No.54844623

Checked and inspirational. I'm going to get my passport renewed and follow soon.

>> No.54845189

Why don't we have substitute workers? Like if someone doesn't show up you don't have to go through the process of hiring someone new you just call up a substitute.

>> No.54845211

wow, someone get this guy on the line with the president

>> No.54845221

Nice. A man who has never quit a job isn't really a man at all. I hand in one month's notice though, because I'm white. I have quit three job, on principle, and I'd do it again.

>> No.54845239

I'll help here. Your coworkers are often angry, and definitely don't respect you. Nothing you can do. Just think of them as some sort of sub-species, and forget about it.

>> No.54845262

I quit a job I did for a little over 10 years. One if the best decisions I ever made in my life. I'm doing completely different work in which I had minor experience in and already make more money. Fuck corporations, avoid working for them at all costs

>> No.54845269

meant to say I quit the 10 year job about a month ago

>> No.54845302

in my experience if you look up your co-workers social media, particularly twitter and anywhere else they will post their opinions on current events like Ukraine war, COVID, politics etc. You will instantaneously lose all respect for them and stop caring what they think about things. But I do work at a university so it's almost like cheating

>> No.54847542

I quit my job and started a 1-person company as a software dev so it will also decrease employment stats. Good, let these printing motherfuckers rot.

>> No.54847562

Sit on your fat ass eating pizza and playing skyrim

>> No.54847590
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>coworkers being extra annoying today
>go ahead and spend some time freshening up the resume

>> No.54847861

Just when I was thinking of getting a job again I see these quads

>> No.54848519

huhhhhh maybe.... we should do it

>> No.54848586

Who cares what they think? Even if they like you

>> No.54848632
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>> No.54848652

I did it too.
Then I went job hunting and they all returned negative. I did excellent interviews and am overqualified. They still returned negative.

Now I have no income and my finances are fucking bleeding out rapidly.


>> No.54848666
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guys, how do I make 10$ per day online? any advice?

>> No.54848671

That sounds awful, my coworkers stop existing the moment I end my turn

>> No.54848712

If you work at something like walmart, just shoplift items until you get caught and fired.

>> No.54848730
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I thought of quitting and moving to a Turkey but they gave me a management position with twice the money instead.

>> No.54850374
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I did it too.
Then I went to a coding bootcamp and it turned out quite good. I did excellent, but not overqualified. A company accepted my application.

Now I have a junior position and my finances are stable again.


>> No.54850401

Esp if they're black or Indian or Asian (sub-species)

>> No.54850402
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The economy was better then. New jobs were everywhere. Recruiters were calling and emailing constantly. Not now.

>> No.54850428

How is it living in a turkey?
Are you Muslim? Should I convert?

>> No.54850438

this guy fucks

>> No.54850568
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>boomers and gen x make a fortune off of internet boom
>millenials be wealth inequality, multiple recessions, pandemics, housing crisis's, inflation, the second we leave highschool
>millenials trapped in wage slave hell
>millenials get crypto, finally!.jpg
>zoomers figure out crypto too early
>can't even get served a medium rare steak cuz the next generation is too rich to work
>no more wage slaves unless we resort to child labor

>> No.54851260

Do it. May the 4th be with you.
You know what they are and why you should. Poisoning your mind. You can do it and trust in yourself and me. I love you so very much and I am so sorry

>> No.54851289

how old are you, how long at said job?

>> No.54851296

Why tho

>> No.54851321

Are you 500k pepe anon?

>> No.54851337

I done that, nearly 10 years ago now. I used to work for BT Openreach, in the UK, installing peoples telephone/broadband services. I was treated like a mug, so one summer day I just walked into my boss's office, handed in my van kets, laptop, etc and said I quit..
It was the best thing I ever done!!
I can now work the hours that suit me, charge what I like, and probaly earn double what I was on. Go for it, work for yourself, if you don't someone is skimming your worth! Dan, 48 this year.

>> No.54851403
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Doing God's work son, nice job!

>> No.54851405

stake 350-400 ATOM and cash out 1 ATOM a day in rewards

>> No.54851994

what a shit thread
discord NEET shills working overtime
work faggots stop being lazy spoiled entitled fucks
only niggers and kikes leech

>> No.54852088

Very happy for you anon! I did the same in March.
>boomer says no promo this year
>okay, goodbye

>> No.54852102

Are you me?

>> No.54852122

>you guys are the smartest board I know
God help you

>> No.54852155

back into the wild

>> No.54852187

Hmm checked

>> No.54852225

Pro Tip, buy Kekistan and you will never have to work again.


>> No.54852919

....those digits, fuck sakes. guess i'll join the zoomer revolution. almost sent out some resumes today. this better be fucking worth it.

>> No.54852992

>things that never happened

>> No.54853066


>> No.54855082

I cannot get a job no matter what I do. Even police rejected me

>> No.54855603

Find a job before quitting. You look better to potential employers if you apply while working at your current job. Then you get to skip the income drought too

>> No.54855615

that really isn't true
looking to jump ship doesn't look good either, and no matter how tactful the response to "so why are you leaving" is they know you're just a mercenary and will do the same to them

>> No.54855662

It looks mature to stick around even when you want to leave. It also shows that you're hireable and gives you some leverage in wage negotiations.

>> No.54856042

Good luck!

>> No.54856549
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I did this and they got mad at me for some reason.
If they give you shit, just say
>oh, you would have given me two weeks if you were to fire me, right?

>> No.54856726

I do that all the time so what

>> No.54857273

Checked and godspeed

>> No.54857488
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>> No.54857910

>no matter what I do
Have you tried getting unpaid experience and a good education? Probably not

>> No.54857955

You sound too much like me.
The pay is shit, the coworkers retarded, but at least the job is easy.

>> No.54858745
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>I hand in one month's notice though, because I'm white
More like a wagecuck lmao

>> No.54858836


>> No.54859458

He’s right though, if your in a position that actually has a decent salary, they get anxious if you hop around. They rather hire some fat incompetent restated that’ll stick around for years and make fuck all for all the abuse they’ll throw at them.

>> No.54859581

I don't really get the hype around shrooms

>> No.54859675

Look back to your past.
Where did this mindset come from?
Did your parent's cause your lack of self esteem?

You need to revisit and imagine a better past to change your mindset.
The key is to become your own parent and your own source of self esteem and happiness.

Your parents may not have given you unconditional love because they too never received it.
You should give yourself unconditional love.

Toxic parents by Susan Forward may help.
There is a chapter about parents not giving love.

Another way of doing it is to look at this video:
Imagine you were in the shoes of this Australian party guy.
Would you be able to say what he said to that reporter and millions of viewers?

Meditate on why you can't and look for your inner child. It wants your unconditional love.
If it knows that you will keep loving it no matter what happens it will be full of confidence and you will stop caring about what others think.

>> No.54859740

>pure cash
It’s the best kind, I know bro

>> No.54859890

have you tried them? It's hard to describe if you haven't.

>> No.54860025

i'm at year 5 working in a corporation I hate with a seething passion.
Got 30k in my pocket, a nice apartment and no car (don't need it)

Taking the step is scary. What do you do now? How did you get there and what did it take?

>> No.54860061
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>left my job thinking i could easily get better cause i kept getting contacted for interviews
>6 months and dozens of interviews later, no job, no more gibs

>> No.54860126

checked in ID also

>> No.54860471 [DELETED] 

this, I went on a '''''''voluntary leave of absence''''''' for 2 years during the coof and the government paid me to play path of exile all day. then when the 2 years ended I quit officially and got a better job. you retards missed your chance.

>> No.54861531

I always felt it was bullshit how you're supposed to give "two weeks notice" but your employer doesn't have to extend the same offer. Do you boo.

>> No.54861568
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Why not announce you are now permanently working from home (unexpectedly, without notice)? They will have to either fire you on the spot, or let you stay for some time until they replace you, or suck it up and let you continue working?
>it requires physical presence
Kek then just quit, no one cares.
It rewires your brain and makes you a completely different person. That is why it works well against traumas. But obviously it can backfire and make you insane.
Based middle management psycho.

>> No.54864473

Companies are like women anon.
All of them want you but as soon as you quit your job nobody invites you anymore.
Always look for a new job while you still work. Somehow quitting your job and than looking for a new job makes you unattractive.

>> No.54864484

>Why not announce you are now permanently working from home (unexpectedly, without notice)? They will have to either fire you on the spot, or let you stay for some time until they replace you, or suck it up and let you continue working?
This is the best way to do it especially for the lulz
>it requires physical presence
That would just make it funnier, possibly

>> No.54864518

>Somehow quitting your job and than looking for a new job makes you unattractive.
Yeah I wonder why an employer would look at it as a negative that you unexpectedly quit your job without notice.

>> No.54864555

This, and it's largely due to recruiter and HR being >80% women

>> No.54864563

>without notice
No even when you tell your old employer that you will quit in 2 week nobody wants you. HR gets hard when they can take away people from a different company. At least here in Germany it is waaaaayyy harder to find a new job if you quit before you look for a new job. If you still have a job you usually find a new job in 1-2 weeks. Shit is weird.

>> No.54864613
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I got fired last year for refusing the jab so I'm never giving my labor to this disgusting, pozzed society ever again

>> No.54864784

You should ghost them, then in about 6 months, mail them a written notice of your intention to quit in two weeks.